2023-06-14 38d19ae714f3121992309179fa32c75815c96667
commit | author | age
10792d 1 "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP";
38d19a 2 "aihelp_yes"="OK";
10792d 3 "aihelp_no"="Cancel";
L 4 "aihelp_view_details"="View Details";
38d19a 5 "aihelp_chat_hint"="Please enter here";
L 6 "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oops; no such info found";
7 "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Describe your question";
10792d 8 "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Getting your answers…";
L 9 "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Suggestions";
38d19a 10 "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Great";
L 11 "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Bad";
10792d 12 "aihelp_rate_request"="Please rate our service";
L 13 "aihelp_rate_finished"="Thanks for rating us.";
38d19a 14 "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Would you like to rate the App?";
L 15 "aihelp_rate_button"="Rate now";
16 "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Other suggestions (optional)";
17 "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Tell us how we can do better";
18 "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Thank you for your feedback.";
19 "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="No FAQs found.";
20 "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oops! Something went wrong with the network.";
21 "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Poor network connection";
22 "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Could you send us the diagnostics of your network status? It'll help us improve your network connection.";
23 "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Your connection is stable";
24 "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Please check your network connection and network access permissions";
25 "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="File too large. %dM max.";
26 "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out. Failed to upload.";
27 "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Format not supported. You may upload mp4; png; jpg or jpeg files.";
28 "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Network checking is in progress. If you exit now; the checking will be interrupted.";
29 "aihelp_permission_denied"="We need to access your storage to upload images for you.";
30 "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Please enable access to Settings > Permissions > Storage before uploading images.";
10792d 31 "aihelp_permission_settings"="Settings";
38d19a 32 "aihelp_network_checking"="Checking your connection...";
L 33 "aihelp_ticket_closed"="The current ticket has been closed.";
10792d 34 "aihelp_yesterday"="Yesterday";
L 35 "aihelp_sunday"="Sunday";
36 "aihelp_monday"="Monday";
37 "aihelp_tuesday"="Tuesday";
38 "aihelp_wednesday"="Wednesday";
39 "aihelp_thursday"="Thursday";
40 "aihelp_friday"="Friday";
41 "aihelp_saturday"="Saturday";
38d19a 42 "aihelp_resolution_request"="Has your problem been solved?";
L 43 "aihelp_resolution_yes"="Yes";
44 "aihelp_resolution_no"="No";
45 "aihelp_enter_content"="Please enter here";
46 "aihelp_select_option"="Please choose";
47 "aihelp_select_date"="Select a date";
48 "aihelp_fill_in"="Fill in";
49 "aihelp_is_Answer_helpful"="Are these answers helpful?";
50 "aihelp_new_conversation"="New chat";
51 "aihelp_enter_email_address"="Enter your email";
52 "aihelp_enter_number"="Enter numbers";
53 "aihelp_upload_attachment"="Upload attachment";
54 "aihelp_faq_helpful"="Helpful";
55 "aihelp_faq_unhelpful"="Not helpful";
56 "aihelp_form_hint"="Fill out the form to have our customer service team get back to you";
10792d 57 "aihelp_send"="Send";
38d19a 58 "aihelp_albums"="Albums";
L 59 "aihelp_file"="File";
60 "aihelp_save_seccessfully"="Successfully saved";
61 "aihelp_save_failed"="Failed to save";
62 "aihelp_select_photo"="Select photo";
63 "aihelp_select"="Select";
64 "aihelp_image_format_unsupport"="This image format is not supported";
65 "aihelp_video_format_unsupport"="The video format is not supported";
66 "aihelp_click_copy"="Click to copy";
67 "aihelp_open_browser"="Open in your browser to download";