2018-06-21 2cfb267ecc1bea8bc564466a1620535018dce77c
commit | author | age
655e66 1 /*
H 2  * Copyright (C) 2017 Twitter, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /**
19  This header is private to the Twitter Core SDK and not exposed for public SDK consumption
20  */
a0a843 21
H 22 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
24 #pragma mark Twitter API
655e66 25 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRTwitterDomain;
a0a843 26
H 27 #pragma mark - Authentication
655e66 28 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthDirectoryLegacyName;
H 29 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthDirectoryName;
31 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRSDKRedirectHost;
a0a843 32
H 33 #pragma mark - Paths
655e66 34 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRTwitterRequestTokenPath;
H 35 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRTwitterAuthorizePath;
36 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRTwitterAccessTokenPath;
37 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAppAuthTokenPath;
38 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRGuestAuthTokenPath;
a0a843 39
H 40 #pragma mark - OAuth strings
655e66 41 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthOAuthTokenKey;
H 42 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthOAuthSecretKey;
43 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthTokenKey;
44 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRGuestAuthOAuthTokenKey;
45 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthUserIDKey;
46 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthScreenNameKey;
47 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthVerifierKey;
48 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthDeniedKey;
49 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthAppKey;
50 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthCallbackConfirmKey;
51 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthAppOAuthCallbackKey;
52 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthTokenTypeKey;
53 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthTokenKey;
54 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthSecretKey;
55 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthUsernameKey;
56 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthTokenSeparator;
a0a843 57
H 58 #pragma mark - HTTP Headers
655e66 59 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRAuthorizationHeaderField;
H 60 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRGuestTokenHeaderField;
a0a843 61
H 62 #pragma mark - Resources
655e66 63 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRLoginButtonImageLocation;
a0a843 64
H 65 #pragma mark - Errors
655e66 66 FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRMissingAccessTokenMsg;
a0a843 67
655e66 68 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TWTRAuthType) { TWTRAuthTypeApp = 1, TWTRAuthTypeGuest = 2, TWTRAuthTypeUser = 3 };