// GADDebugOptionsViewController.h
// Google Mobile Ads SDK
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class GADDebugOptionsViewController;
/// Delegate for the GADDebugOptionsViewController.
@protocol GADDebugOptionsViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
/// Called when the debug options flow is finished.
- (void)debugOptionsViewControllerDidDismiss:(nonnull GADDebugOptionsViewController *)controller;
/// Displays debug options to the user.
@interface GADDebugOptionsViewController : UIViewController
/// Creates and returns a GADDebugOptionsViewController object initialized with the ad unit ID.
/// @param adUnitID An ad unit ID for the Google Ad Manager account that is being configured with
/// debug options.
+ (nonnull instancetype)debugOptionsViewControllerWithAdUnitID:(nonnull NSString *)adUnitID;
/// Delegate for the debug options view controller.
@property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) IBOutlet id<GADDebugOptionsViewControllerDelegate> delegate;