// GADRequestError.h
// Google Mobile Ads SDK
// Copyright 2011 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAdsDefines.h>
/// Google AdMob Ads error domain.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *_Nonnull const GADErrorDomain;
/// NSError codes for GAD error domain.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GADErrorCode) {
/// The ad request is invalid. The localizedFailureReason error description will have more
/// details. Typically this is because the ad did not have the ad unit ID or root view
/// controller set.
GADErrorInvalidRequest = 0,
/// The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned.
GADErrorNoFill = 1,
/// There was an error loading data from the network.
GADErrorNetworkError = 2,
/// The ad server experienced a failure processing the request.
GADErrorServerError = 3,
/// The current device's OS is below the minimum required version.
GADErrorOSVersionTooLow = 4,
/// The request was unable to be loaded before being timed out.
GADErrorTimeout = 5,
/// The mediation response was invalid.
GADErrorMediationDataError = 7,
/// Error finding or creating a mediation ad network adapter.
GADErrorMediationAdapterError = 8,
/// Attempting to pass an invalid ad size to an adapter.
GADErrorMediationInvalidAdSize = 10,
/// Internal error.
GADErrorInternalError = 11,
/// Invalid argument error.
GADErrorInvalidArgument = 12,
/// Received invalid response.
GADErrorReceivedInvalidResponse = 13,
/// A mediation ad network adapter received an ad request, but did not fill. The adapter's error
/// is included as an underlyingError.
GADErrorMediationNoFill = 9,
/// Will not send request because the ad object has already been used.
GADErrorAdAlreadyUsed = 19,
/// Will not send request because the application identifier is missing.
GADErrorApplicationIdentifierMissing = 20,