// GADVideoControllerDelegate.h
// Google Mobile Ads SDK
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <GoogleMobileAds/GADVideoController.h>
/// The GADVideoControllerDelegate protocol defines methods that are called by the video controller
/// object in response to the video events that occurred throughout the lifetime of the video
/// rendered by an ad.
@protocol GADVideoControllerDelegate <NSObject>
/// Tells the delegate that the video controller has began or resumed playing a video.
- (void)videoControllerDidPlayVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController;
/// Tells the delegate that the video controller has paused video.
- (void)videoControllerDidPauseVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController;
/// Tells the delegate that the video controller's video playback has ended.
- (void)videoControllerDidEndVideoPlayback:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController;
/// Tells the delegate that the video controller has muted video.
- (void)videoControllerDidMuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController;
/// Tells the delegate that the video controller has unmuted video.
- (void)videoControllerDidUnmuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController;