* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// This is an unfortunate hack for Swift Package Manager support.
// SPM does not allow us to conditionally exclude Swift files for compilation by platform.
// So to support tvOS with SPM we need to use runtime availability checks in the Swift files.
// This means that even though the code in `LoginManager.swift` will never be run for tvOS
// targets, it still needs to be able to compile. Hence we need to declare it here.
// The way to fix this is to remove extensions of ObjC types in Swift.
@interface LoginManagerLoginResult : NSObject
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) FBSDKAccessToken *token;
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) FBSDKAuthenticationToken *authenticationToken;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isCancelled;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet<NSString *> *grantedPermissions;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet<NSString *> *declinedPermissions;
@class FBSDKAccessToken;
@class FBSDKAuthenticationToken;
Describes the result of a login attempt.
@interface FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
the access token.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) FBSDKAccessToken *token;
the authentication token.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) FBSDKAuthenticationToken *authenticationToken;
whether the login was cancelled by the user.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isCancelled;
the set of permissions granted by the user in the associated request.
inspect the token's permissions set for a complete list.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet<NSString *> *grantedPermissions;
the set of permissions declined by the user in the associated request.
inspect the token's permissions set for a complete list.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet<NSString *> *declinedPermissions;
Initializes a new instance.
@param token the access token
@param authenticationToken the authentication token
@param isCancelled whether the login was cancelled by the user
@param grantedPermissions the set of granted permissions
@param declinedPermissions the set of declined permissions
- (instancetype)initWithToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)token
authenticationToken:(nullable FBSDKAuthenticationToken *)authenticationToken
grantedPermissions:(NSSet<NSString *> *)grantedPermissions
declinedPermissions:(NSSet<NSString *> *)declinedPermissions