// TWTRGuestSession.h
// TwitterKit
// Copyright (c) 2015 Twitter. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <TwitterCore/TWTRAuthSession.h>
@class TWTRGuestSession;
* Completion block called when guest login succeeds or fails.
* @param guestSession A `TWTRGuestSession` containing the OAuth tokens or nil.
* @param error Error that will be non nil if the authentication request failed.
typedef void (^TWTRGuestLogInCompletion)(TWTRGuestSession *_Nullable guestSession, NSError *_Nullable error);
* `TWTRGuestSession` represents a guest session authenticated with the Twitter API. See `TWTRSession` for user sessions.
@interface TWTRGuestSession : NSObject <TWTRBaseSession>
* The bearer access token for guest auth.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *accessToken;
* The guest access token.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *guestToken;
* This property can be used to make a best guess about whether the token will
* still be valid or not.
* Guest tokens expire after a short time interval but
* the actual interval is not specified. This property will return YES if a sufficient
* amount of time has passed indicating that the token is probably no longer valid.
* In most situations you should make a request with the token and see if the API
* accepts the token or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL probablyNeedsRefreshing;
* Returns an `TWTRGuestSession` object initialized by copying the values from the dictionary or nil if the dictionary is missing.
* @param sessionDictionary (required) The dictionary received after successfull authentication from Twitter guest-only authentication.
- (instancetype)initWithSessionDictionary:(NSDictionary *)sessionDictionary;
* Returns a `TWTRGuestSession` object
* @param accessToken the access token
* @param guestToken the guest access token
- (instancetype)initWithAccessToken:(NSString *)accessToken guestToken:(nullable NSString *)guestToken;
* Unavailable. Use `-initWithSessionDictionary:` instead.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;