* Copyright (C) 2017 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
* The NSError domain of errors surfaced by the Twitter SDK.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRErrorDomain;
* Error codes surfaced by the Twitter SDK.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TWTRErrorCode) {
* Unknown error.
TWTRErrorCodeUnknown = -1,
* Authentication has not been set up yet. You must call -[TWTRTwitter logInWithCompletion:] or -[TWTRTwitter logInGuestWithCompletion:]
TWTRErrorCodeNoAuthentication = 0,
* Twitter has not been initialized yet. Call +[Fabric with:@[TwitterKit]] or -[TWTRTwitter startWithConsumerKey:consumerSecret:].
TWTRErrorCodeNotInitialized = 1,
* User has declined to grant permission to information such as their email address.
TWTRErrorCodeUserDeclinedPermission = 2,
* User has granted permission to their email address but no address is associated with their account.
TWTRErrorCodeUserHasNoEmailAddress = 3,
* A resource has been requested by ID, but that ID was not found.
TWTRErrorCodeInvalidResourceID = 4,
* A request has been issued for an invalid URL.
TWTRErrorCodeInvalidURL = 5,
* Type mismatch in parsing JSON from the Twitter API.
TWTRErrorCodeMismatchedJSONType = 6,
* Fail to save to keychain.
TWTRErrorCodeKeychainSerializationFailure = 7,
* Fail to save to disk.
TWTRErrorCodeDiskSerializationError = 8,
* Error authenticating with the webview.
TWTRErrorCodeWebViewError = 9,
* A required parameter is missing.
TWTRErrorCodeMissingParameter = 10
* The NSError domain of errors surfaced by the Twitter SDK during the login operation.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const TWTRLogInErrorDomain;
* Error codes surfaced by the Twitter SDK with the `TWTRLogInErrorDomain` error domain.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TWTRLogInErrorCode) {
* Unknown error.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeUnknown = -1,
* User denied login.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeDenied = 0,
* User canceled login.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeCancelled = 1,
* No Twitter account found.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeNoAccounts = 2,
* Reverse auth with linked account failed.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeReverseAuthFailed = 3,
* Refreshing session tokens failed.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeCannotRefreshSession = 4,
* No such session or session is not tracked
* in the associated session store.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeSessionNotFound = 5,
* The login request failed.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeFailed = 6,
* The system account credentials are no longer valid and the
* user will need to update their credentials in the Settings app.
TWTRLogInErrorCodeSystemAccountCredentialsInvalid = 7,
* There was no Twitter iOS app installed to attemp
* the Mobile SSO flow.
TWTRLoginErrorNoTwitterApp = 8,