// TWTROAuthSigning.h
// Copyright (c) 2015 Twitter. All rights reserved.
#import <TwitterCore/TWTRCoreOAuthSigning.h>
@class TWTRAuthConfig;
@class TWTRSession;
* This class provides tools to generate OAuth signatures.
@interface TWTROAuthSigning : NSObject <TWTRCoreOAuthSigning>
* @name Initialization
* Instantiate a `TWTROAuthSigning` object with the parameters it needs to generate the OAuth signatures.
* @param authConfig (required) Encapsulates credentials required to authenticate a Twitter application.
* @param authSession (required) Encapsulated credentials associated with a user session.
* @return An initialized `TWTROAuthSigning` object or nil if any of the parameters are missing.
* @note If you want to generate OAuth Echo headers to verify Digits' credentials, see `DGTOAuthSigning`.
* @see TWTRAuthConfig
* @see TWTRSession
- (instancetype)initWithAuthConfig:(TWTRAuthConfig *)authConfig authSession:(TWTRSession *)authSession NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* Unavailable. Use `-initWithAuthConfig:authSession:` instead.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;