// TWTRTimelineDataSource.h
// TwitterKit
// Copyright (c) 2015 Twitter. All rights reserved.
#import "TWTRTimelineType.h"
@class TWTRAPIClient;
@class TWTRTimelineCursor;
@class TWTRTimelineFilter;
@class TWTRTweet;
typedef void (^TWTRLoadTimelineCompletion)(NSArray<TWTRTweet *> *_Nullable tweets, TWTRTimelineCursor *_Nullable cursor, NSError *_Nullable error);
* Responsible for building network parameters for requesting a timeline of Tweets.
* Implementations of this protocol don't need to be thread-safe. All the methods will be invoked on the main thread.
@protocol TWTRTimelineDataSource <NSObject>
* Load Tweets before a given position. For time-based timelines this generally
* corresponds to Tweets older than a position.
* @param position (optional) The position or Tweet ID before the page
* of Tweets to be loaded.
* @param completion (required) Invoked with the Tweets and the cursor in case of success, or nil
* and an error in case of error. This must be called on the main thread.
- (void)loadPreviousTweetsBeforePosition:(nullable NSString *)position completion:(TWTRLoadTimelineCompletion)completion;
* The type of the timeline that this data source represents.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) TWTRTimelineType timelineType;
* An object with a set of filters to hide certain tweets.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) TWTRTimelineFilter *timelineFilter;
* The API client to use with this data source.
* You will, likely, not need to alter this value unless you are implementing your
* own timeline view controller.
@property (nonatomic) TWTRAPIClient *APIClient;