82 files added
85 files deleted
4 files modified
3 files renamed
| | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAAiHelpImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.4' |
| | | s.version = '3.9.7' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAAfImpl framework in testing environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Hank" => "hank.zhang@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | |
| | | s.frameworks = "WebKit" |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/*.framework' |
| | | s.libraries = 'sqlite3' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/*.xib','res/Localization/*/*.strings'] |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','res/AIHelpSupportSDK.bundle','res/*.xib','res/Localization/*/*.strings'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl' |
New file |
| | |
| | | # |
| | | # Be sure to run `pod spec lint WAAiHelpImpl.podspec' to ensure this is a |
| | | # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. |
| | | # |
| | | # To learn more about Podspec attributes see http://docs.cocoapods.org/specification.html |
| | | # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/ |
| | | # |
| | | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAAiHelpImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.9.7' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAAfImpl framework in testing environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Hank" => "hank.zhang@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | | s.homepage = 'http://repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/summary/WAAiHelpImpl.git' |
| | | s.source = { :git => "http://admin@repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/r/WAAiHelpImpl.git" , :tag => s.version} |
| | | s.platform = :ios |
| | | s.ios.deployment_target = "7.0" |
| | | s.frameworks = "WebKit" |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/*.framework' |
| | | s.libraries = 'sqlite3' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','res/AIHelpSupportSDK.bundle','res/*.xib','res/Localization/*/*.strings'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl' |
| | | end |
| | |
| | | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| | | <config> |
| | | <version val="AIHELP3.8.4"/> |
| | | <version val="AIHELP3.9.7"/> |
| | | <comps> |
| | | <!-- 公共模块 --> |
| | | <comp module="CORE" plaf="AIHELP" mandatory="YES" value="WAAIhelpCore" desc="公共模块"/> |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // AIHelpSDKConfig |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by AIHelp. |
| | | // Copyright © 2020 aihelp.net. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(int,AIHelpTokenPlatform) { /* PushTokenPlatform enum*/ |
| | | AIHelpTokenPlatformAPNS = 1, // Apple APNS |
| | | AIHelpTokenPlatformFirebase = 2, // firebase-FCM |
| | | AIHelpTokenPlatformJpush = 3, // Jpush |
| | | AIHelpTokenPlatformGeTui = 4, // GeTui |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(int,AIHelpConversationIntent) { /* ConversationIntent enum */ |
| | | AIHelpConversationIntentBotSupport = 1, // ShowBot |
| | | AIHelpConversationIntentHumanSupport = 2, // ShowHumanSupport |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(int,AIHelpFAQShowConversationMoment) { /* ConversationMoment enum, show ContactUs moment */ |
| | | AIHelpFAQShowConversationMomentNever = 1, // Never show |
| | | AIHelpFAQShowConversationMomentAlways = 2, // Always show |
| | | AIHelpFAQShowConversationMomentAfterMarkingUnhelpful = 3, // Show after unhelpful with Faq detail |
| | | AIHelpFAQShowConversationMomentOnlyInAnswerPage = 4, // only in answer page show |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(int,AIHelpPublishCountryOrRegion) { |
| | | AIHelpCN = 1, |
| | | AIHelpIN |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ECServiceUserConfig |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpUserConfig : NSObject |
| | | - (id) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpUserConfigBuilder : NSObject |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *userId; // default is unique deviceId |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *userName; // default is "anonymous" |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *serverId; // default is nil |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong)NSArray *userTags; // If you assign this field with existing tags from aihelp admin dashboard, the tickets created by current user will take these tags by default. |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong)NSDictionary *customData; // Set custom meta data you want to see in the aihelp admin dashboard. |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign)BOOL isSyncCrmInfo; // If you set this to true, when you update current user's information, the sdk will sync user's information to you crm database. |
| | | @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *pushToken; |
| | | @property(nonatomic,assign)AIHelpTokenPlatform pushPlatform; |
| | | - (AIHelpUserConfig *)build; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ECServiceConversationConfig |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpConversationConfig : NSObject |
| | | - (id) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpConversationConfigBuilder : NSObject |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign)AIHelpConversationIntent conversationIntent; // show elva bot page or show conversation page |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign)BOOL alwaysShowHumanSupportButtonInBotPage; // default is NO.if you set ture,user can always see the contact us button |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *welcomeMessage; // default is http://aihelp.net/dashboard setting. you can show different welcome msg by different users with this param, It has a higher priority. |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *storyNode; // set specific story node for specific scene. With this api call, you can show different stories in different scenes. the story node's User Say content you configured in aihelp admin dashboard.(http://aihelp.net/dashboard) |
| | | - (AIHelpConversationConfig *)build; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ECServiceFAQConfig |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpFAQConfig : NSObject |
| | | - (id) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpFAQConfigBuilder : NSObject |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign)AIHelpFAQShowConversationMoment showConversationMoment; // see enum -> ElvaFAQShowConversationMoment |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong)AIHelpConversationConfig *conversationConfig; // see config -> ECServiceConversationConfig |
| | | - (AIHelpFAQConfig *)build; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ECServiceOperationConfig |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpOperationConfig : NSObject |
| | | - (id) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpOperationConfigBuilder : NSObject |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign)int selectIndex; // default is elva tab. If you set a negative index, or index larger than the total tab counts, the selected tab will still be elva. |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy)NSString *conversationTitle; // default is "HELP", you can change the operation conversation bot title |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong)AIHelpConversationConfig *conversationConfig; // see config -> ECServiceConversationConfig |
| | | - (AIHelpOperationConfig *)build; |
| | | @end |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // AIHelpSupportSDK |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by AIHelp. |
| | | // Copyright © 2020 aihelp.net. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | #import <AIHelpSupportSDK/AIHelpSDKConfig.h> |
| | | #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> |
| | | |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportInitCallBack)(void); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportMessageCallBack)(const int unreadCount); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportPingCallBack)(const NSString * log); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportIsSpecificFormCallBack)(void); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportOpenSDKCallBack)(void); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportCloseSDKCallBack)(void); |
| | | typedef void (*AISupportOperationUnReadCallBack)(const bool hasUnreadArticles); |
| | | |
| | | @interface AIHelpSupportSDK : NSObject |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Initialize AIHelp sdk |
| | | * |
| | | * When initializing AIHelp you must pass these three tokens. You initialize AIHelp by adding the following lines in the implementation file for your app delegate, ideally at the top of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions |
| | | * @param apiKey This is your developer API Key |
| | | * @param domainName This is your domain name without any http:// or forward slashes |
| | | * @param appId This is the unique ID assigned to your app |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)initWithApiKey:(NSString *)apiKey domainName:(NSString *)domainName appId:(NSString *)appId; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Initialize AIHelp sdk |
| | | * |
| | | * When initializing AIHelp you must pass these three tokens. You initialize AIHelp by adding the following lines in the implementation file for your app delegate, ideally at the top of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions |
| | | * @param apiKey This is your developer API Key |
| | | * @param domainName This is your domain name without any http:// or forward slashes |
| | | * @param appId This is the unique ID assigned to your app |
| | | * @param language This is your expected init language |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)initWithApiKey:(NSString *)apiKey domainName:(NSString *)domainName appId:(NSString *)appId language:(NSString *)language; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp conversation screen, which is Elva bot by default. |
| | | * |
| | | * If you want to change your conversation intent or custom your welcome message, please check next method for more information. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showConversation; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp conversation screen, with Optional Arguments. |
| | | * |
| | | * User CAN NOT get in touch with customer service in Bot page, unless there is an unfinished ticket or they submit a form from elva bot. |
| | | * However, You could configure your default conversation intent with AIHelpConversationConfig. |
| | | * For instance, You can show different welcome msg for different customer, make your customer service always online for your VIPs, even skipping BOT conversation and show customer service by default for them. |
| | | * check AIHelpConversationConfig for more information. |
| | | * @param conversationConfig configure different conversation actions |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showConversation:(AIHelpConversationConfig *)conversationConfig; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with only the faqs, which is root section by default. |
| | | * |
| | | * To show the AIHelp screen with only the faq sections with search with optional arguments, you can use this api. |
| | | * If you want to pass some options to configure your faqs display, check next method for more information. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showAllFAQSections; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with only the faqs, with Optional Arguments. |
| | | * |
| | | * User can get in touch with your customer service via FAQs, you can configure this with ECServiceFAQConfig, Such as the EXACT moment user can see the CONTACT US button. |
| | | * Besides, as you can get conversation via FAQs, you can configure your conversation configs wiith AIHelpConversationConfig. |
| | | * @param config the configs which contains custom configurations for faqs & supports |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showAllFAQSections:(AIHelpFAQConfig *)config; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with faqs from a particular section. |
| | | * |
| | | * This api takes on the default options, if you want to pass some options to configure your faqs display, check next method for more information. |
| | | * @param sectionId the publish id associated with the faq section which is shown in the FAQ page on the admin side.(https://aihelp.net/dashboard/#/FAQ) |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showFAQSection:(NSString *)sectionId; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with faqs from a particular section, with Optional Arguments. |
| | | * |
| | | * User can get in touch with your customer service via FAQs, you can configure this with ECServiceFAQConfig,Such as the EXACT moment user can see the CONTACT US button. |
| | | * Besides, as you can get conversation via FAQs, you can configure your conversation configs wiith AIHelpConversationConfig. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param sectionId the publish id associated with the faq section which is shown in the FAQ page on the admin side.(https://aihelp.net/dashboard/#/FAQ) |
| | | * @param config the configs which contains custom configurations for faqs & supports |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showFAQSection:(NSString *)sectionId config:(AIHelpFAQConfig *)config; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with a single faq. |
| | | * |
| | | * This api takes on the default options, if you want to pass some options to configure your faq display, check next method for more information. |
| | | * @param faqId the publish id associated with the faq which is shown when you expand a single FAQ.(https://aihelp.net/dashboard/#/FAQ) |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showSingleFAQ:(NSString *)faqId; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp screen with a single faq, with Optional Arguments. |
| | | * |
| | | * User can get in touch with your customer service via FAQs, you can configure this with ECServiceFAQConfig. |
| | | * Such as the EXACT moment user can see the CONTACT US button, Besides, as you can get conversation via FAQs, you can configure your conversation configs wiith AIHelpConversationConfig. |
| | | * @param faqId the publish id associated with the faq which is shown when you expand a single FAQ.(https://aihelp.net/dashboard/#/FAQ) |
| | | * @param config the configs which contains custom configurations for faqs & supports |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showSingleFAQ:(NSString *)faqId config:(AIHelpFAQConfig *)config; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp operation screen. |
| | | * |
| | | * This api takes on the default options, which selects Elva Bot by default. |
| | | * If you want to change the operation default selection or elva bot title, please check next method for more information. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showOperation; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Show the AIHelp operation screen, with Optional Arguments. |
| | | * |
| | | * You can change your default selection or elva bot title by passing in ECServiceOperationConfig. |
| | | * Besides, as you can get conversation via FAQs, you can configure your conversation configs wiith AIHelpConversationConfig. |
| | | * @param config the configs which contains custom configurations for operations & supports |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)showOperation:(AIHelpOperationConfig *)config; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Update a user's profile via UserConfig. |
| | | * |
| | | * Please check ECServiceUserConfigfor more detail information. |
| | | * @param config configs which contains all information about a user. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)updateUserInfo:(AIHelpUserConfig *)config; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Clear the values set to a user, reset the userId to deviceId, userName to 'anonymous'. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)resetUserInfo; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Change the SDK language. By default, the device's prefered language is used. |
| | | * |
| | | * The call will fail in the following cases : |
| | | * 1. If a AIHelp session is already active at the time of invocation |
| | | * 2. Language code is incorrect |
| | | * 3. Corresponding localization file is not found |
| | | * @param sdkLanguage the string representing the language code. For example, use 'fr' for French. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)updateSDKLanguage:(NSString*)sdkLanguage; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Set log path for uploading. |
| | | * |
| | | * In order to serve your customers well, you can upload customer-related-logs when tickets are created or |
| | | * specific forms are submitted. |
| | | * @param path the absolute path of log, which will be uploaded when needed |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setUploadLogPath:(NSString*)path; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * set the pushToken and platform to enable push notifications. |
| | | * |
| | | * To enable push notifications in the Helpshift iOS SDK, set the Push Notifications’ deviceToken using this method inside your application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken application delegate. |
| | | * NOTE: You must get the specific push sdk in your App BEFORE this invocation. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param pushToken the pushToken received from the push notification servers. |
| | | * @param pushPlatform the specific push platform, please check ElvaTokenPlatform for more information. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setPushToken:(NSString*)pushToken pushPlatform:(AIHelpTokenPlatform)pushPlatform; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Get current AIHelp SDK version |
| | | * @return AIHelp SDK version |
| | | */ |
| | | + (NSString*)getSDKVersion; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Whether AIHelp session is visible to users |
| | | * @return whether sdk is active |
| | | */ |
| | | + (BOOL)isAIHelpShowing; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Whether to print logs. |
| | | * |
| | | * It only works in Debug mode |
| | | * @param enable YES/NO |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)enableLogging:(BOOL)enable; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * The preferred screen orientation sdk would like to run in. |
| | | * |
| | | * NOTE: The SDK direction must be included in the program direction Settings, otherwise the setting will fail |
| | | * @param interfaceOrientationMask please refer to the UIInterfaceOrientationMask API |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask:(UIInterfaceOrientationMask)interfaceOrientationMask; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Set up host address for network check with result callback. |
| | | * |
| | | * With this api, you can get the network check result passing back to you. |
| | | * @param address host address for network checking, without schemes such 'https://' or 'http://'. |
| | | * For example, you can pass in 'www.google.com' or just 'google.com', no schemes are needed. |
| | | * @param callback network check result callback, you can get the check result via this callback |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setNetworkCheckHostAddress:(NSString*)address callback:(AISupportPingCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Register callback for the process of AIHelp's initialization. |
| | | * |
| | | * After you register this callback, SDK will let you know if the init work is done. |
| | | * You can call this method either before or after the init method. |
| | | * @param callback callback for AIHelp initialization |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setOnInitializedCallback:(AISupportInitCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * start in-app unread message count polling |
| | | * |
| | | * This is a schedule work, get unread message count every five minutes. |
| | | * If you want to stop a started polling, just pass null to the listener parameters. |
| | | * @param callback callback for unread message polling |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)startUnreadMessageCountPolling:(AISupportMessageCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Set the SDK display mode |
| | | * |
| | | * Default following system |
| | | * @param mode |
| | | 0: follow the system |
| | | 1: light mode |
| | | 2: dark mode |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)setSDKAppearanceMode:(int)mode; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * AIHelp provide additional support for some country or regions. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param countryOrRegion ISO country code, please check https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search to learn more. |
| | | */ |
| | | + (void)additionalSupportFor:(AIHelpPublishCountryOrRegion)countryOrRegion; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)showUrl:(NSString *)url; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setKeyWindow:(UIWindow *)keyWin; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setOnAIHelpSessionOpenCallback:(AISupportOpenSDKCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setOnAIHelpSessionCloseCallback:(AISupportCloseSDKCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setOnSpecificFormSubmittedCallback:(AISupportIsSpecificFormCallBack)callBack; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setOnOperationUnreadChangedCallback:(AISupportOperationUnReadCallBack)callback; |
| | | |
| | | + (void)setSDKEdgeInsetsWithTop:(float)top bottom:(float)bottom enable:(BOOL)enable; |
| | | + (void)setSDKEdgeColorWithRed:(float)red green:(float)green blue:(float)blue alpha:(float)alpha; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | @end |
New file |
| | |
| | | framework module AIHelpSupportSDK { |
| | | umbrella header "AIHelpSupportSDK.h" |
| | | |
| | | export * |
| | | module * { export * } |
| | | } |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="تحديد"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="إلغاء"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="أدخل رسالتك"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="عفوًا ، لم يتم العثور على بيانات ذات صلة."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="صف مشكلتك"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="الحصول على إجاباتك …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="اقتراحات"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="أعجبني"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="لم يعجبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="يرجى تقييم خدمتنا."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="شكرا لتصنيفنا."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="أحب هذا التطبيق وصنفه؟"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="أحرز هدفا"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="أي ملاحظات أخرى (اختياري)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="يرجى إدخال ملاحظاتك"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="شكرا لملاحظاتك."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="لم يتم العثور على أسئلة شائعة."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="عفوًا ، يبدو أن هناك مشكلة في الشبكة"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="اتصال الشبكة ضعيف"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="يُرجى التأكيد على إرسال شروط الشبكة إلينا ، مما سيساعدنا على تحسين جودة اتصالك بالشبكة."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="بعد التحقق ، شبكتك على ما يرام"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="يرجى التحقق من اتصال الشبكة."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="يتجاوز حجم الملف الحد ، يرجى تحميل الملف أصغر من %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="ملفات غير مدعومة. حاليا ، فقط mp4 ، png ، jpg ، jpeg متاح عند التحميل."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="فحص الشبكة قيد التقدم. إذا خرجت الآن ، فستتم مقاطعة عملية التحقق."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Η μεταφόρτωση εικόνας απαιτεί άδεια πρόσβασης στον αποθηκευτικό χώρο."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="يرجى تمكين الإعدادات> الأذونات> التخزين لاستخدام وظيفة تحميل الصورة."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="الإعدادات"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="تم إغلاق تذكرة شكوى العملاء الحالية."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="فحص الشبكة قيد التقدم"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="انظر التفاصيل"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="في الامس"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="الأحد"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="الإثنين"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="الثلاثاء"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="الأربعاء"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="الخميس"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="يوم الجمعة"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="يوم السبت"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="فشل الحصول على البيانات"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="يرسل"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="নির্ধারণ"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="বাতিল করুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="আপনার বার্তা লিখুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="ওফস, কোনও সম্পর্কিত ডেটা পাওয়া যায় নি।"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="আপনার সমস্যা বর্ণনা করুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="আপনার উত্তরগুলি পাওয়া হচ্ছে …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="পরামর্শ"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="পছন্দ হয়েছে"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="এটি অপছন্দ করে"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="আমাদের পরিষেবা রেট করুন।"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="আমাদের রেটিং করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="এই অ্যাপ্লিকেশন পছন্দ, এটি রেট?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="স্কোর"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="অন্য কোনও প্রতিক্রিয়া (alচ্ছিক)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া ইনপুট করুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="প্রতিক্রিয়ার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="কোন FAQ পাওয়া যায় নি।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="ওহো! কিছু ভুল হয়েছে"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="দরিদ্র নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগ"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="আমাদের নেটওয়ার্ক শর্তাদি প্রেরণ নিশ্চিত করুন, যা আমাদের আপনার নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগের মান উন্নত করতে সহায়তা করবে।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="চেক করার পরে, আপনার নেটওয়ার্ক ঠিক আছে"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="আপনার নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগ পরীক্ষা করুন।"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ফাইলের আকার সীমা ছাড়িয়ে গেছে, দয়া করে ফাইলটি %dM এম এর চেয়ে ছোট আপলোড করুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="অসমর্থিত ফাইল। বর্তমানে আপলোড করার সময় কেবল এমপি 4, পিএনজি, জেপিজি, জেপিগ পাওয়া যায়।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="নেটওয়ার্ক চেকিং চলছে। আপনি যদি এখনই প্রস্থান করেন তবে চেকিং বাধাগ্রস্ত হবে।"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="আপলোড চিত্রের ফাংশনটি ব্যবহার করতে দয়া করে সেটিংস> অনুমতি> স্টোরেজ সক্ষম করুন।"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Upload image requires permission of accessing storage."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="সেটিংস"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="নেটওয়ার্ক চেক চলছে"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="বর্তমান গ্রাহকের অভিযোগের টিকিট বন্ধ রয়েছে।"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="বিস্তারিত দেখুন"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="গতকাল"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="রবিবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="সোমবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="মঙ্গলবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="বুধবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="বৃহস্পতিবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="শুক্রবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="শনিবার"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="ডেটা অর্জন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="পাঠান"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="určit"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="zrušení"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Zadejte svou zprávu"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Jejda, nebyly nalezeny žádné relevantní údaje."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Popište svůj problém"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Získání vašich odpovědí …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Návrhy"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Libilo se mi to"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Nelíbilo se mu to"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Ohodnoťte prosím naše služby."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Díky za hodnocení."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Líbí se vám tato aplikace?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Hodnotit"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Jakákoli jiná zpětná vazba (volitelné)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Zadejte svůj názor"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Děkujeme za zpětnou vazbu."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nebyly nalezeny žádné časté dotazy."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Jejda! Něco se pokazilo"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Špatné připojení k síti"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Potvrďte, že nám pošlete podmínky sítě, což nám pomůže zlepšit kvalitu vašeho síťového připojení."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Po kontrole je vaše síť v pořádku"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Zkontrolujte připojení k síti."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Velikost souboru přesahuje limit, nahrajte prosím soubor menší než %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Nepodporované soubory. V současné době jsou při nahrávání k dispozici pouze mp4, png, jpg, jpeg."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Probíhá kontrola sítě. Pokud nyní ukončíte, bude kontrola přerušena."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Nahrávání obrázku vyžaduje povolení přístupu k úložišti."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Povolte nastavení > Povolení > Skladování pro použití funkce nahraného obrázku."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Nastavení"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Probíhá kontrola sítě"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Aktuální jízdenka na stížnost zákazníka byla uzavřena."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="zobrazit podrobnosti"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Včera"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Neděle"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="pondělí"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="úterý"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="středa"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Čtvrtek"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="pátek"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="sobota"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Sběr dat se nezdařil"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="poslat"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="bestimmen"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="stornieren"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Gib deine Nachricht ein"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Hoppla, es wurden keine relevanten Daten gefunden."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Erhalten Sie Ihre Antworten …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Vorschläge"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Mochte es"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Hat mir nicht gefallen"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Bitte bewerten Sie unseren Service."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Vielen Dank für die Bewertung."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Lieben Sie diese App und bewerten Sie sie?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Bewertung"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Sonstiges Feedback (optional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Bitte geben Sie Ihr Feedback ein"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Danke für die Rückmeldung."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Keine FAQs gefunden."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Hoppla! Etwas ist schief gelaufen"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Schlechte Netzwerkverbindung"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie uns die Netzwerkbedingungen senden, damit wir die Qualität Ihrer Netzwerkverbindung verbessern können."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Nach der Überprüfung ist Ihr Netzwerk in Ordnung"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Die Dateigröße überschreitet den Grenzwert. Bitte laden Sie die Datei hoch, die kleiner als %dM ist."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Nicht unterstützte Dateien. Derzeit sind beim Hochladen nur mp4, png, jpg, jpeg verfügbar."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Die Netzwerkprüfung wird durchgeführt. Wenn Sie jetzt beenden, wird die Überprüfung unterbrochen."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Le téléchargement de l\'image nécessite l\'autorisation d\'accéder au stockage."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Bitte aktivieren Sie Einstellungen> Berechtigungen> Speicher, um die Funktion zum Hochladen von Bildern zu verwenden."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="die Einstellungen"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Das aktuelle Kundenbeschwerde-Ticket wurde geschlossen."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Die Netzwerkprüfung wird durchgeführt"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="siehe Einzelheiten"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Gestern"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Sonntag"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Montag"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Dienstag"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Mittwoch"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Donnerstag"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Freitag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Samstag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Datenerfassung fehlgeschlagen"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="senden"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="καθορίσει"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Ματαίωση"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Εισαγάγετε το μήνυμά σας"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Ωχ, δεν βρέθηκαν σχετικά δεδομένα."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Περιγράψτε το πρόβλημά σας"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Λήψη των απαντήσεών σας…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Προτάσεις"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Μου άρεσε"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Δεν μου άρεσε"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Παρακαλώ αξιολογήστε την υπηρεσία μας."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Ευχαριστούμε που μας αξιολογήσατε."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Σας αρέσει αυτή η εφαρμογή, βαθμολογήστε την;"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Για να βαθμολογήσετε"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Οποιαδήποτε άλλα σχόλια (προαιρετικά)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Εισαγάγετε τα σχόλιά σας"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Σας ευχαριστούμε για τα σχόλιά σας."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Δεν βρέθηκαν συχνές ερωτήσεις."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Ωχ! Κάτι πήγε στραβά"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Κακή σύνδεση δικτύου"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Επιβεβαιώστε για να μας στείλετε συνθήκες δικτύου, οι οποίες θα μας βοηθήσουν να βελτιώσουμε την ποιότητα της σύνδεσης δικτύου σας."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Μετά τον έλεγχο, το δίκτυό σας είναι εντάξει"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Ελέγξτε τη σύνδεση δικτύου σας."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Το μέγεθος του αρχείου υπερβαίνει το όριο, μεταφορτώστε το αρχείο μικρότερο από %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Μη υποστηριζόμενα αρχεία. Προς το παρόν, μόνο τα mp4, png, jpg, jpeg είναι διαθέσιμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Ο έλεγχος δικτύου βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη. Εάν βγείτε τώρα, ο έλεγχος θα διακοπεί."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Η μεταφόρτωση εικόνας απαιτεί άδεια πρόσβασης στον αποθηκευτικό χώρο."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Ενεργοποιήστε τις Ρυθμίσεις> Δικαιώματα> Χώρος αποθήκευσης για να χρησιμοποιήσετε τη λειτουργία μεταφόρτωσης εικόνας."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Ρυθμίσεις"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Ο έλεγχος δικτύου βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Το τρέχον εισιτήριο παραπόνων πελατών έκλεισε."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="δείτε λεπτομέρειες"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Εχθές"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Κυριακή"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Δευτέρα"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Τρίτη"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Τετάρτη"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Πέμπτη"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Παρασκευή"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Σάββατο"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Η απόκτηση δεδομένων απέτυχε"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="στείλετε"; |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="Confirm"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Cancel"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="View Details"; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Enter your message"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oops, no relevant data were found."; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Describe your problem"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Getting your answers…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Please input your feedback"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Thank you for the feedback."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Suggestions"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="No FAQs found."; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only mp4, png, jpg, jpeg available when uploading."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="The file size exceeds the limit, please upload the file smaller than %dM"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oops! Something went wrong"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Poor network connection"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Please check your network connection."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Please confirm to send us network conditions, which will help us improve the quality of your network connection."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="After checking, your network is fine"; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Please rate our service"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Thanks for rating us."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Would you like to review the App?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Rate"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Any other feedback (optional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Liked it"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Disliked it"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Network checking is in progress. If you exit now, the checking will be interrupted."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Please enable Settings > Permissions > Storage to use upload image function."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Upload image requires permission of accessing storage."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Settings"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Network check is in progress"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="The current customer complaint ticket has been closed."; |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Yesterday"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Sunday"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Monday"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Tuesday"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Wednesday"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Thursday"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Friday"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Saturday"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Data acquisition failed"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="Send"; |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="determinar"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="cancelar"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Ingrese su mensaje"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Vaya, no se encontraron datos relevantes."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Describe tu problema"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Obteniendo sus respuestas ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Sugerencias"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Sugerencias"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="No me gustó"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Por favor califique nuestro servicio."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Por favor califique nuestro servicio."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Por favor califique nuestro servicio."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Puntuación"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Cualquier otro comentario (opcional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Por favor ingrese sus comentarios"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Gracias por los comentarios."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="No se encontraron preguntas frecuentes."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="¡Uy! Algo salió mal"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Mala conexión de red"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Confirme que nos envíe las condiciones de red, lo que nos ayudará a mejorar la calidad de su conexión de red."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Después de verificar, su red está bien"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Después de verificar, su red está bien"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="El tamaño del archivo excede el límite, cargue el archivo más pequeño que %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Archivos no compatibles Actualmente, solo mp4, png, jpg, jpeg están disponibles al cargar."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="La comprobación de la red está en curso. Si sale ahora, la comprobación se interrumpirá."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Habilite Configuración> Permisos> Almacenamiento para usar la función de carga de imágenes."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="La imagen para cargar requiere permiso para acceder al almacenamiento."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Configuraciones"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="La verificación de la red está en curso"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Se ha cerrado el ticket de queja actual del cliente."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="Ver detalles"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Ayer"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="domingo"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="lunes"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="martes"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="miércoles"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="jueves"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="viernes"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="sábado"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Falló la adquisición de datos"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="enviar"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="تعیین کردن"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="لغو کردن"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="پیام خود را وارد کنید"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="پیام خود را وارد کنید"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="مشکل خود را شرح دهید"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="دریافت پاسخهای شما …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="پیشنهادات"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="دوست داشت"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="آن را دوست نداشت"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="لطفا خدمات ما را ارزیابی کنید"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="با تشکر از شما برای رتبه بندی ما."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="با تشکر از شما برای رتبه بندی ما."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="برای امتیاز دادن"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="هر گونه بازخورد دیگر (اختیاری)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="لطفا نظرات خود را وارد کنید"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="از بازخورد شما سپاسگذاریم."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="سوالات متداول یافت نشد."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="اوه! مشکلی پیش آمد"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="اتصال شبکه ضعیف"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="لطفاً تأیید کنید که شرایط شبکه را برای ما ارسال کنید ، این به ما در بهبود کیفیت اتصال شبکه شما کمک می کند."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="بعد از بررسی ، شبکه شما خوب است"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="لطفاً اتصال شبکه خود را بررسی کنید."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="اندازه پرونده از حد مجاز بیشتر است ، لطفا پرونده را کوچکتر از %dM بارگذاری کنید."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="پرونده های پشتیبانی نشده در حال حاضر ، فقط بارگیری mp4 ، png ، jpg ، jpeg در دسترس است."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="بررسی شبکه در حال انجام است و اگر اکنون خارج شوید ، بررسی قطع می شود."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="طفاً برای استفاده از عملکرد تصویر بارگذاری ، تنظیمات> مجوزها> ذخیره سازی را فعال کنید."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="آپلود تصویر به مجوز دسترسی به فضای ذخیره نیاز دارد."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="تنظیمات"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="بلیط فعلی شکایت مشتری بسته شده است."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="بررسی شبکه در حال انجام است"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="جزییات را ببینید"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="دیروز"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="یکشنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="دوشنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="سهشنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="چهار شنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="پنج شنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="جمعه"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="شنبه"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="جمع آوری اطلاعات ناموفق بود"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="ارسال"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="Vahvistaa"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Peruuta"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="Tarkemmat tiedot"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Kirjoita viesti"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="ei vielä sisältöä"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Kuvaile ongelmasi"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Haetaan vastauksiasi …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Anna palautteesi"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Kiitos palautteestasi."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Ehdotuksia"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Piti siitä"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Inhoaa sitä"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Arvioi palvelumme"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Kiitos luokittelustamme."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Haluatko tarkistaa sovelluksen?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Hinta"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Muu palaute (valinnainen)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Ei usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oho! Jotain meni pieleen"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Huono verkkoyhteys"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Vahvista lähettämällä meille verkkoehdot, mikä auttaa meitä parantamaan verkkoyhteytesi laatua."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Tarkistuksen jälkeen verkko on kunnossa"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Tiedoston koko ylittää rajan. Lataa tiedosto, joka on pienempi kuin%dM"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Lähetys aikakatkaistiin, tiedoston lataaminen epäonnistui."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Tiedostot, joita ei tueta. Tällä hetkellä vain mp4, png, jpg, jpegavailable saatavilla ladattaessa."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Verkon tarkistus on käynnissä. Jos poistut nyt, tarkistus keskeytetään."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Kuvan lataaminen edellyttää lupa käyttää tallennustilaa."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Ota käyttöön Asetukset> Käyttöoikeudet> Tallennustila käyttääksesi kuvan lataustoimintoa."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="asetukset"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Verkon tarkistus on käynnissä"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Nykyinen asiakasvalituslippu on suljettu."; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Eilen"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="sunnuntai"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="maanantai"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="tiistai"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="keskiviikko"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="torstai"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="perjantai"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Lauantai"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Tietojen hankinta epäonnistui"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="lähettää"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="déterminer"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Annuler"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="entrez votre message"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oups, aucune donnée pertinente n\'a été trouvée."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Décrivez votre problème"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Obtenir vos réponses…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Suggestions"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Aimé"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Je n\'ai pas aimé"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Veuillez évaluer notre service."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Merci de nous avoir notés."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Vous aimez cette application, l\'évaluez?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Évaluer"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Tout autre commentaire (facultatif)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Veuillez saisir vos commentaires"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Merci pour votre retour."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Aucune FAQ trouvée."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oups! Quelque chose a mal tourné"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Mauvaise connexion réseau"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Veuillez confirmer pour nous envoyer les conditions de réseau, ce qui nous aidera à améliorer la qualité de votre connexion réseau."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Après vérification, votre réseau fonctionne bien"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Veuillez vérifier votre connexion réseau."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="La taille du fichier dépasse la limite, veuillez télécharger le fichier inférieur à %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Fichiers non pris en charge. Actuellement, seuls mp4, png, jpg, jpeg sont disponibles lors du téléchargement."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="La vérification du réseau est en cours. Si vous quittez maintenant, la vérification sera interrompue."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Le téléchargement de l\'image nécessite l\'autorisation d\'accéder au stockage."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Veuillez activer Paramètres> Autorisations> Stockage pour utiliser la fonction de téléchargement d\'image."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Paramètres"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="La vérification du réseau est en cours"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Le ticket de réclamation client actuel a été fermé."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="voir les détails"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Hier"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="dimanche"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Lundi"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Mardi"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Mercredi"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Jeudi"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Vendredi"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="samedi"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Échec de l'acquisition des données"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="envoyer"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="לְאַשֵׁר"; |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="לְבַטֵל"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="הצג פרטים"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="הזן את ההודעה שלך"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="אופס, לא נמצאו נתונים רלוונטיים."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="תאר את הבעיה שלך"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="מקבל את התשובות שלך …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="הצעות"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="אהבתי את זה"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="לא אהב את זה"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="אנא דרג את השירות שלנו"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="תודה שדרגת אותנו."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="האם ברצונך לבדוק את האפליקציה?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="ציון"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="כל משוב אחר (אופציונלי)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="אנא הזן את המשוב שלך"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="תודה לך על המשוב."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="לא נמצאו שאלות נפוצות."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="אופס! משהו השתבש"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="חיבור רשת לקוי"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="אנא אשר לשלוח לנו תנאי רשת, שיעזרו לנו לשפר את איכות חיבור הרשת שלך."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="לאחר הבדיקה, הרשת שלך בסדר"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="אנא בדוק את חיבור הרשת שלך."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="גודל הקובץ חורג מהמגבלה, אנא העלה את הקובץ קטן מ-%dM"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="תם הזמן הקצוב להעברה, העלאת הקבצים נכשלה."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="קבצים שאינם נתמכים. נכון לעכשיו, רק mp4, png, jpg, jpeg avail זמין בעת ההעלאה."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="בדיקת רשת מתבצעת. אם תצא עכשיו, הבדיקה תיפסק."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="העלאת תמונה מחייבת הרשאת גישה לאחסון."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="אנא הפעל הגדרות> הרשאות> אחסון לשימוש בפונקציית העלאת תמונה."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="הגדרות"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="בדיקת הרשת בעיצומה"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="כרטיס התלונה הנוכחי של הלקוח נסגר."; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="אתמול"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="יוֹם שֵׁנִי"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="יוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="יום רביעי"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="יוֹם חֲמִישִׁי"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="יוֹם שִׁישִׁי"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="יום שבת"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="רכישת הנתונים נכשלה"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="לִשְׁלוֹחַ"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="निर्धारित"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="रद्द करना"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="अपना संदेश दर्ज करें"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="ओह, कोई प्रासंगिक डेटा नहीं मिला।"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="अपनी समस्या बताएं"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="आपके उत्तर मिल रहे हैं ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="सुझाव"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="अच्छा लगा"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="इसे नापसंद किया"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="कृपया हमारी सेवा का मूल्यांकन करें।"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="हमें रेटिंग के लिए धन्यवाद।"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="इस ऐप की तरह, इसे रेट करें?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="मूल्यांकन करना"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="कोई अन्य प्रतिक्रिया (वैकल्पिक)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="कृपया अपनी प्रतिक्रिया दें"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="धन्यवाद प्रतिक्रिया देना के लिए।"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="कोई एफएक्यू नहीं मिला।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="ऊप्स! कुछ गलत हो गया"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="खराब नेटवर्क कनेक्शन"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="कृपया हमें नेटवर्क की स्थिति भेजने की पुष्टि करें, जो हमें आपके नेटवर्क कनेक्शन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने में मदद करेगा।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="जाँच करने के बाद, आपका नेटवर्क ठीक है"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="कृपया अपना नेटवर्क कनेक्शन जांचें।"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="फ़ाइल का आकार सीमा से अधिक है, कृपया फ़ाइल को %dM से छोटा अपलोड करें।"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="असमर्थित फ़ाइलें। अपलोड करते समय वर्तमान में केवल mp4, png, jpg, jpeg उपलब्ध है।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="नेटवर्क जाँच जारी है। यदि आप अभी बाहर निकलते हैं, तो जाँच बाधित हो जाएगी।"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="अपलोड छवि को भंडारण तक पहुंचने की अनुमति की आवश्यकता है।"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="कृपया अपलोड छवि फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने के लिए सेटिंग्स> अनुमतियां> संग्रहण सक्षम करें।"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="समायोजन"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="वर्तमान ग्राहक शिकायत टिकट को बंद कर दिया गया है।"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="नेटवर्क की जांच जारी है"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="विवरण देखें"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="बिता कल"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="रविवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="सोमवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="मंगलवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="बुधवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="गुरूवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="शुक्रवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="शनिवार"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="डाटा अधिग्रहण विफल"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="भेजना"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="IGEN"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="megszünteti"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Írja be az üzenetét"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Hoppá, releváns adatokat nem találtak."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Írja le a problémáját"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Megkapja a válaszokat ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Javaslatok"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Tetszett"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Tetszett"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Kérjük, értékelje szolgáltatásunkat."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Köszönjük, hogy értékelte minket."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Mint ez az alkalmazás, értékelje?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="pontszám"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Egyéb visszajelzés (választható)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Kérjük, adja meg visszajelzését"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Köszönöm a visszajelzést."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nem található GYIK."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Hoppá! Valami elromlott"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Rossz hálózati kapcsolat"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Kérjük, erősítse meg, hogy elküldi nekünk a hálózati feltételeket, amelyek segítenek javítani a hálózati kapcsolat minőségét."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Az ellenőrzés után a hálózat rendben van"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Kérjük, ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="A fájlméret meghaladja a korlátot, kérjük, töltse fel a (z) %dM -nél kisebb fájlt."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Nem támogatott fájlok. Jelenleg csak mp4, png, jpg, jpeg érhető el feltöltéskor."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="A hálózat ellenőrzése folyamatban van. Ha most kilép, az ellenőrzést megszakítják."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="A kép feltöltéséhez engedély szükséges a tárhely eléréséhez."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Kérjük, engedélyezze a Beállítások> Engedélyek> Tárolás lehetőséget a képfeltöltési funkció használatához."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Beállítások"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="A hálózat ellenőrzése folyamatban van"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="A jelenlegi ügyfélpanaszjegyet lezárták."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="lásd a részleteket"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Tegnap"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="vasárnap"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="hétfő"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="kedd"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="szerda"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="csütörtök"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="péntek"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="szombat"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Az adatgyűjtés sikertelen"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="Küld"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="határozza meg"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="membatalkan"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Masukkan pesan Anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Ups, tidak ada data relevan ditemukan."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Jelaskan masalah Anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Mendapatkan jawaban Anda ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Saran"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Menyukai ini"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Tidak suka itu"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Silakan nilai layanan kami."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Terima kasih telah memberi peringkat pada kami."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Apakah Anda ingin meninjau Aplikasi?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Puan"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Umpan balik lain (opsional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Silakan masukan masukan Anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Terima kasih atas masukannya."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Tidak ada FAQ yang ditemukan."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Ups! Ada yang salah"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Koneksi jaringan buruk"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Harap konfirmasi untuk mengirimkan kepada kami kondisi jaringan, yang akan membantu kami meningkatkan kualitas koneksi jaringan Anda."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Harap konfirmasi untuk mengirimkan kepada kami kondisi jaringan, yang akan membantu kami meningkatkan kualitas koneksi jaringan Anda."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Silakan periksa koneksi jaringan Anda."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Ukuran file melebihi batas, harap unggah file lebih kecil dari %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="File tidak didukung. Saat ini, hanya mp4, png, jpg, jpeg tersedia saat mengunggah."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Pemeriksaan jaringan sedang berlangsung. Jika Anda keluar sekarang, pemeriksaan akan terhenti."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Harap aktifkan Pengaturan> Izin> Penyimpanan untuk menggunakan fungsi unggah gambar."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Unggah gambar membutuhkan izin untuk mengakses penyimpanan."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Pengaturan"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Tiket keluhan pelanggan saat ini telah ditutup."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Pemeriksaan jaringan sedang berlangsung"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="lihat detailnya"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Kemarin"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Minggu"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Senin"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Selasa"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Rabu"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Kamis"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Jumat"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Sabtu"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Akuisisi data gagal"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="mengirim"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="determinare"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Annulla"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Inserisci il tuo messaggio"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Spiacenti, non sono stati trovati dati rilevanti."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Descrivi il tuo problema"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Ricevi le tue risposte ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="suggerimenti"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Mi è piaciuto"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Non mi è piaciuto"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Si prega di valutare il nostro servizio."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Grazie per averci valutato."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Ti piace questa app, votala?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Valutare"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Qualsiasi altro feedback (facoltativo)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Inserisci il tuo feedback"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Grazie per il feedback."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nessuna FAQ trovata."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oops! Qualcosa è andato storto"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Connessione di rete scadente"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Conferma di inviarci le condizioni di rete, che ci aiuteranno a migliorare la qualità della tua connessione di rete."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Dopo aver verificato, la tua rete va bene"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Verifica la connessione di rete."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="La dimensione del file supera il limite, carica il file più piccolo di %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="File non supportati. Attualmente, durante il caricamento sono disponibili solo mp4, png, jpg, jpeg."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Il controllo della rete è in corso. Se esci adesso, il controllo verrà interrotto."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Il caricamento dell\'immagine richiede l\'autorizzazione per accedere allo spazio di archiviazione."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Abilita Impostazioni> Autorizzazioni> Memoria per utilizzare la funzione di caricamento dell\'immagine."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="impostazioni"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Il controllo della rete è in corso"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="L\'attuale ticket di reclamo del cliente è stato chiuso."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="vedi i dettagli"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Ieri"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Domenica"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Lunedi"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="martedì"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="mercoledì"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="giovedi"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Venerdì"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Sabato"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Acquisizione dati non riuscita"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="Inviare"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="確認"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="キャンセル"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="メッセージを入力してください"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="おっと、関連データは見つかりませんでした。"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="あなたの問題を説明してください"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="答えを得ています…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="提案"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="好きでした"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="嫌い"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="サービスを評価してください。"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="評価いただきありがとうございます。"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="アプリを確認しますか?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="割合"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="その他のフィードバック(オプション)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="フィードバックを入力してください"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="フィードバックありがとうございます。"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="FAQは見つかりませんでした。"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="おっとっと! 問題が発生しました"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="ネットワーク接続が悪い"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="ネットワーク接続の品質を向上させるのに役立つネットワーク条件を送信することを確認してください。"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="チェック後、ネットワークは正常です"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="ネットワーク接続を確認してください。"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ファイルサイズが制限を超えています。%dM より小さいファイルをアップロードしてください。"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="サポートされていないファイル。 現在、アップロード時に使用できるのはmp4、png、jpg、jpegのみです。"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"=" ネットワークチェックが進行中です。ここで終了すると、チェックが中断されます。"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="画像のアップロード機能を使用するには、[設定]> [権限]> [ストレージ]を有効にしてください。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="画像をアップロードするには、ストレージへのアクセス許可が必要です。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="設定"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="現在の顧客苦情チケットはクローズされました。"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="ネットワークチェックが進行中です"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="詳細を見る"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="月曜"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="火曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="水曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="木曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="金曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="土曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="日曜日"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="昨日"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="データ取得に失敗しました"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="发信"; |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="កំណត់"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="បោះបង់"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="បញ្ចូលសាររបស់អ្នក"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="បញ្ចូលសាររបស់អ្នក"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="ទទួលបានចម្លើយរបស់អ្នក…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="ពិពណ៌នាអំពីបញ្ហារបស់អ្នក"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="ការផ្តល់យោបល់"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="ចូលចិត្តវា"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="មិនចូលចិត្តវា"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="សូមវាយតម្លៃសេវាកម្មរបស់យើង។"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="សូមអរគុណសម្រាប់ការវាយតម្លៃពួកយើង។"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="ចូលចិត្តកម្មវិធីនេះវាយតម្លៃវាទេ?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="ពិន្ទុ"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="មតិប្រតិកម្មផ្សេងទៀត (ស្រេចចិត្ត)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="សូមបញ្ចូលមតិរបស់អ្នក"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="សូមអរគុណសម្រាប់ការឆ្លើយតប។"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="រកមិនឃើញសំណួរគេសួរញឹកញាប់"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="អូ! មាន"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="ការតភ្ជាប់បណ្តាញខ្សោយ"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="សូមបញ្ជាក់ថានឹងផ្ញើលក្ខខណ្ឌបណ្តាញមកយើងដែលនឹងជួយយើងបង្កើនគុណភាពនៃការភ្ជាប់បណ្តាញរបស់អ្នក។"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="បន្ទាប់ពីពិនិត្យមើលបណ្តាញរបស់អ្នកគឺល្អ"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="សូមពិនិត្យការភ្ជាប់បណ្តាញរបស់អ្នក។"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ទំហំឯកសារលើសពីដែនកំណត់សូមផ្ទុកឯកសារតូចជាង %dM ។"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="ឯកសារដែលមិនបានគាំទ្រ។ បច្ចុប្បន្នមានតែ mp4, png, jpg, jpeg ដែលអាចប្រើបាននៅពេលផ្ទុកឡើង។"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="ការត្រួតពិនិត្យបណ្តាញកំពុងដំណើរការប្រសិនបើអ្នកចាកចេញឥឡូវនេះការត្រួតពិនិត្យនឹងត្រូវបានរំខាន។"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="សូមបើកការកំណត់> សិទ្ធិអនុញ្ញាត> ឧបករណ៍ផ្ទុកដើម្បីប្រើមុខងារផ្ទុករូបភាពឡើង។"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="ផ្ទុកឡើងរូបភាពទាមទារការអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យចូលទៅកាន់កន្លែងផ្ទុក។"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="ការកំណត់"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="ការត្រួតពិនិត្យបណ្តាញកំពុងដំណើរការ"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="សំបុត្របណ្តឹងរបស់អតិថិជនបច្ចុប្បន្នត្រូវបានបិទ។"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="មើលព័ត៌មានលម្អិត"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="ម្សិលមិញ"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="ថ្ងៃអាទិត្"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="ថ្ងៃអង្គារ"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="ថ្ងៃពុធ"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="ថ្ងៃសុក្"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="ការទទួលយកទិន្នន័យបានបរាជ័យ"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="ផ្ញើ"; |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="확인"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="취소"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="메시지를 입력하십시오"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="죄송합니다. 관련 데이터가 없습니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="문제 설명"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="답을 얻는 중…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="제안"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="좋아"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="싫어"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="우리의 서비스를 평가하십시오."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="우리를 평가 해 주셔서 감사합니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="이 앱처럼 평가 하시겠습니까?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="평가하기"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="다른 의견 (선택 사항)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="의견을 입력하십시오"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="의견 주셔서 감사합니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="FAQ가 없습니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="죄송합니다! 문제가 발생했습니다"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="네트워크 연결 불량"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="네트워크 상태를 보내 주시면 네트워크 연결 품질을 개선하는 데 도움이됩니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="확인 후 네트워크가 정상입니다"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="네트워크 연결을 확인하십시오."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="파일 크기가 한도를 초과했습니다. %dM 보다 작은 파일을 업로드하십시오."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="지원되지 않는 파일. 현재 업로드시 mp4, png, jpg, jpeg 만 사용할 수 있습니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="네트워크 확인이 진행 중입니다. 지금 종료하면 확인이 중단됩니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="이미지를 업로드하려면 저장소 액세스 권한이 필요합니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="이미지 업로드 기능을 사용하려면 설정> 권한> 저장소를 활성화하세요."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="설정"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="현재 고객 불만 티켓이 마감되었습니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="네트워크 확인이 진행 중입니다."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="자세히보다"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="어제"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="일요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="월요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="화요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="수요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="목요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="금요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="토요일"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="데이터 수집 실패"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="보내다"; |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="menentukan"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="membatalkan"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Masukkan mesej anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Op, tidak ada data yang berkaitan."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Huraikan masalah anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Mendapatkan jawapan anda …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Cadangan"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Menyukainya"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Tidak suka"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Sila nilaikan perkhidmatan kami."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Terima kasih kerana memberi penilaian kepada kami."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Suka aplikasi ini, nilaikan?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Untuk menilai"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Sebarang maklum balas lain (pilihan)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Sila masukkan maklum balas anda"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Terima kasih atas maklum balas."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Soalan Lazim tidak dijumpai."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Alamak! Ada yang tidak kena"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Sambungan rangkaian lemah"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Sila sahkan untuk menghantar kami keadaan rangkaian, yang akan membantu kami meningkatkan kualiti sambungan rangkaian anda."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Setelah memeriksa, rangkaian anda baik-baik saja"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Sila periksa sambungan rangkaian anda."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Ukuran fail melebihi had, muat naik fail lebih kecil daripada %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Fail yang tidak disokong. Pada masa ini, hanya mp4, png, jpg, jpeg yang tersedia semasa memuat naik."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Pemeriksaan rangkaian sedang berlangsung. Jika anda keluar sekarang, pemeriksaan akan terganggu."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Sila aktifkan Tetapan> Kebenaran> Penyimpanan untuk menggunakan fungsi memuat naik gambar."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Muat naik gambar memerlukan kebenaran mengakses storan."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Tetapan"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Pemeriksaan rangkaian sedang dijalankan"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Tiket aduan pelanggan semasa telah ditutup."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="lihat butiran"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Semalam"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Ahad"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Isnin"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Selasa"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Hari Rabu"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Khamis"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Jumaat"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Sabtu"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Pemerolehan data gagal"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="hantar"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="ဆုံးဖြတ်ရန်"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="ပယ်ဖျက်"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="သင့်စာကိုရေးထည့်ပါ"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="အိုးမသက်ဆိုင်သောအချက်အလက်များကိုရှာမတွေ့ပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="သင်၏ပြproblemနာကိုဖော်ပြပါ"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="သင့်အဖြေများကိုရယူပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="အကြံပြုချက်များ"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="ကြိုက်တယ်"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="ဒါကိုမကြိုက်ဘူး"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ဝန်ဆောင်မှုကို"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="ကျွန်တော်တို့ကိုအဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ချက်အတွက်ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="ဒီ app လိုပဲ၊"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="အဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ရန်"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="အခြားတုံ့ပြန်ချက်များ (optional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ သင့်ထင်မြင်ချက်ကိုဖြည့်သွင်းပါ"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="တုံ့ပြန်ချက်အတွက်ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="မကြာခဏမေးလေ့ရှိသောမေးခွန်းများမရှိပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="အိုး! တစ်ခုခုမှားယွင်းသွားတယ်"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="ညံ့ဖျင်းသောကွန်ယက်ချိတ်ဆက်မှု"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ သင်၏ network connection အရည်အသွေးတိုးတက်စေရန်အထောက်အကူဖြစ်စေမည့် network အခြေအနေများအားပေးပို့ရန်အတည်ပြုပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="စစ်ဆေးပြီးသည်နှင့်သင်၏ကွန်ယက်အဆင်ပြေသည်"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ သင်၏ကွန်ရက်ချိတ်ဆက်မှုကိုစစ်ဆေးပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ဖိုင်အရွယ်အစားသည်ကန့်သတ်ချက်ထက်ကျော်လွန်ပြီးဖိုင် %dM မ်ထက်နည်းသောဖိုင်ကိုပို့ပါ။"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="မထောက်ပံ့သောဖိုင်များ။ လောလောဆယ်တင်ပို့စဉ် mp4, png, jpg, jpeg သာရရှိနိုင်သည်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="ကွန်ယက်ကိုစစ်ဆေးနေသည်။ သင်ယခုထွက်သွားပါကစစ်ဆေးမှုကိုရပ်တန့်သွားလိမ့်မည်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="တင်ထားသောပုံသည်သိုလှောင်မှုကိုရယူရန်ခွင့်ပြုချက်လိုအပ်သည်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ Setting> Permissions> Storage ကို upload image function ကိုသုံးနိုင်ပါတယ်။"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="ချိန်ညှိချက်များ"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="ကွန်ယက်ကိုစစ်ဆေးနေသည်"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="လက်ရှိဖောက်သည်တိုင်ကြားချက်လက်မှတ်ကိုပိတ်လိုက်ပါပြီ"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="အသေးစိတ်ကြည့်ရှုပါ"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="မနေ့က"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="တနင်္ဂနွေနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="တနင်္လာနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="အင်္ဂါနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="ကြာသပတေးနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="သောကြာနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="စနေနေ့"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="ဒေတာရယူမှုမအောင်မြင်ပါ"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="ပို့ပါ"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="fastslå"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Avbryt"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Skriv inn meldingen"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Beklager, ingen relevante data ble funnet."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Beskriv problemet ditt"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Få svarene dine ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="forslag"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Likte det"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Mislikte det"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Vennligst ranger vår tjeneste."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Takk for at du vurderer oss."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Liker du denne appen, vurderer du den?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="poengsum"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Andre tilbakemeldinger (valgfritt)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Skriv inn tilbakemeldingen"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Takk for tilbakemeldingen."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Ingen vanlige spørsmål funnet."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oops! Noe gikk galt"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Dårlig nettverkstilkobling"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Bekreft å sende oss nettverksforhold, noe som vil hjelpe oss å forbedre kvaliteten på nettverkstilkoblingen din."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Etter å ha sjekket er nettverket ditt bra"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Kontroller nettverkstilkoblingen din."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Filstørrelsen overskrider grensen. Last opp filen mindre enn %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Ikke-støttede filer. Foreløpig er bare mp4, png, jpg, jpeg tilgjengelig når du laster opp."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Nettverkskontroll pågår. Hvis du avslutter nå, vil kontrollen bli avbrutt."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Aktiver Innstillinger> Tillatelser> Lagring for å bruke opplastingsbildefunksjonen."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Last opp bilde krever tillatelse til å få tilgang til lagring."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Innstillinger"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Den nåværende kundeklagebilletten er stengt."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Nettverkskontroll pågår"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="se detaljer"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="I går"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="søndag"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="mandag"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="tirsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="onsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Torsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="fredag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="lørdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Datainnsamling mislyktes"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="sende"; |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="bepalen"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Annuleer"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Voer inhoud in"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oeps, er zijn geen relevante gegevens gevonden."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Beschrijf uw probleem"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Uw antwoorden krijgen ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Suggesties"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Vond het leuk"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Ik vond het niet leuk"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Beoordeel onze service."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Bedankt voor het beoordelen van ons."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Vind je deze app leuk?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Evaluatie"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Alle andere feedback (optioneel)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Voer uw feedback in"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Bedankt voor de feedback."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Geen veelgestelde vragen gevonden."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oeps! Er is iets fout gegaan"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Slechte netwerkverbinding"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Bevestig dat u ons netwerkvoorwaarden stuurt, die ons zullen helpen de kwaliteit van uw netwerkverbinding te verbeteren."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Na controle is uw netwerk in orde"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Controleer uw netwerkverbinding."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="De bestandsgrootte overschrijdt de limiet, upload het bestand kleiner dan %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Niet-ondersteunde bestanden. Momenteel zijn alleen mp4, png, jpg, jpeg beschikbaar bij het uploaden."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="De netwerkcontrole wordt uitgevoerd. Als u nu afsluit, wordt de controle onderbroken."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Schakel Instellingen> Machtigingen> Opslag in om de functie voor het uploaden van afbeeldingen te gebruiken."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Upload afbeelding vereist toestemming voor toegang tot opslag."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Instellingen"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Netwerkcontrole wordt uitgevoerd"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Het huidige klantklachtenticket is gesloten."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="zie de details"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Gisteren"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="zondag"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="maandag"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="dinsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="woensdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="donderdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="vrijdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="zaterdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Gegevensverzameling mislukt"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="versturen"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="określać"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Anuluj"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Wpisz swoją wiadomość"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Ups, nie znaleziono odpowiednich danych."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Opisz swój problem"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Uzyskiwanie odpowiedzi…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Propozycje"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Lubiłem to"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Nie podobało mi się to"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Oceń naszą usługę."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Dziękujemy za ocenę nas."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Podoba Ci się ta aplikacja?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Ocenić"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Wszelkie inne opinie (opcjonalnie)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Podaj swoją opinię"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Dziękuję za zwrotną informację."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nie znaleziono najczęściej zadawanych pytań."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Ups! Coś poszło nie tak"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Słabe połączenie sieciowe"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Potwierdź, aby przesłać nam warunki sieciowe, które pomogą nam poprawić jakość twojego połączenia sieciowego."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Potwierdź, aby przesłać nam warunki sieciowe, które pomogą nam poprawić jakość twojego połączenia sieciowego."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Rozmiar pliku przekracza limit, prześlij plik mniejszy niż %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Nieobsługiwane pliki. Obecnie tylko mp4, png, jpg, jpeg są dostępne podczas przesyłania."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Trwa sprawdzanie sieci. Jeśli teraz zakończysz, sprawdzanie zostanie przerwane."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Włącz Ustawienia> Uprawnienia> Pamięć, aby użyć funkcji przesyłania obrazu."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Prześlij obraz wymaga pozwolenia na dostęp do pamięci."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Ustawienia"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Trwa sprawdzanie sieci"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Bieżące zgłoszenie reklamacyjne klienta zostało zamknięte."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="patrz szczegóły"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Wczoraj"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="niedziela"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="poniedziałek"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="wtorek"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="środa"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="czwartek"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="piątek"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="sobota"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Akwizycja danych nie powiodła się"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="wysłać"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="determinar"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="cancelar"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Digite sua mensagem"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Ops, nenhum dado relevante foi encontrado."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Descreva seu problema"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Obtendo suas respostas …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Sugestões"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Gostei"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Não gostei"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Por favor, classifique o nosso serviço."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Obrigado por nos avaliar."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Como este aplicativo, avalie?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Para avaliar"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Qualquer outro feedback (opcional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Por favor insira seu feedback"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Obrigado pelo feedback."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nenhuma FAQ encontrada."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Opa! Algo deu errado"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Conexão de rede ruim"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Confirme para nos enviar as condições da rede, o que nos ajudará a melhorar a qualidade da sua conexão de rede."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Após a verificação, sua rede está bem"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Por favor, verifique sua conexão de rede."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="O tamanho do arquivo exceder o limite, faça o upload do arquivo menor que %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Arquivos não suportados. Atualmente, apenas mp4, png, jpg, jpeg estão disponíveis ao fazer o upload."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="A verificação de rede está em andamento. Se você sair agora, a verificação será interrompida."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Carregar imagem requer permissão de acesso ao armazenamento."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Ative Configurações> Permissões> Armazenamento para usar a função de upload de imagem."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Configurações"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="O tíquete de reclamação do cliente atual foi fechado."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Verificação de rede em andamento"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="Veja detalhes"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Ontem"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Domigo"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Segunda-feira"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="terça"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Quarta feira"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Quinta feira"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Sexta-feira"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="sábado"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Aquisição de dados falhou"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="mandar"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="a determina"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Anulare"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Introduceți-vă mesajul"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Nu am găsit date relevante."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Descrieți problema dvs."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Obținerea răspunsurilor tale …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="sugestii"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Mi-a placut"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Nu i-a plăcut"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Vă rugăm să evaluați serviciul nostru."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Vă mulțumim că ne-ați evaluat."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Vă place această aplicație, evaluați-o?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="A evalua"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Orice alt feedback (opțional)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Vă rugăm să introduceți feedback"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Vă mulțumim pentru feedback."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Nu au fost găsite întrebări frecvente."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Hopa! Ceva n-a mers bine"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Conexiune de rețea slabă"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Vă rugăm să confirmați să ne trimiteți condițiile de rețea, ceea ce ne va ajuta să îmbunătățim calitatea conexiunii dvs. de rețea."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="După verificare, rețeaua dvs. este în regulă"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Verificați conexiunea la rețea."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Mărimea fișierului depășește limita, vă rugăm să încărcați fișierul mai mic decât %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Fișiere neacceptate. În prezent, numai la încărcare, mp4, png, jpg, jpeg sunt disponibile."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Verificarea rețelei este în curs. Dacă ieșiți acum, verificarea va fi întreruptă."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Vă rugăm să activați Setări> Permisiuni> Stocare pentru a utiliza funcția de încărcare a imaginii."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Încărcarea imaginii necesită permisiunea accesării stocării."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Setări"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Verificarea rețelei este în curs"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Biletul actual de reclamație a clienților a fost închis."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="Vezi detalii"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Ieri"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="duminică"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="luni"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="marţi"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="miercuri"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="joi"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="vineri"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="sâmbătă"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Achiziționarea datelor nu a reușit"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="trimite"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="определить"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="Отмена"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Введите сообщение"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="К сожалению, соответствующие данные не найдены."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Опишите свою проблему"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Получение ваших ответов…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Предложения"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Неподдерживаемые файлы. В настоящее время при загрузке доступны только mp4, png, jpg, jpeg."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Размер файла превышает лимит, пожалуйста, загрузите файл меньше, чем %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Пожалуйста, проверьте ваше сетевое соединение."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="После проверки ваша сеть в порядке"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Пожалуйста, подтвердите, чтобы отправить нам условия сети, которые помогут нам улучшить качество вашего сетевого подключения."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Плохое сетевое соединение"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="К сожалению! Что-то пошло не так"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Часто задаваемые вопросы не найдены."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Спасибо за ваш отзыв!"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Предложения"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Пожалуйста, оцените наш сервис."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Спасибо за оценку нас."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Любите это приложение и оцените его?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Гол"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Любой другой отзыв (необязательно)"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Понравилось"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Не понравилось"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Идет тестирование сети, если вы выйдете сейчас, тестирование будет прервано"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Истекло время передачи по сети, не удалось загрузить файл"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Для загрузки изображения требуется разрешение на доступ к хранилищу."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Пожалуйста, включите Настройки> Разрешения> Хранилище, чтобы использовать функцию загрузки изображения."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Настройки"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Текущая жалоба клиентов закрыта."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Идет проверка сети"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="смотрите подробности"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Вчерашний день"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Воскресенье"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="понедельник"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="вторник"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Среда"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Четверг"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Пятница"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="суббота"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Не удалось получить данные"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="Отправить"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="bestämma"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="annullera"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Ange ditt meddelande"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oj, inga relevanta data hittades."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Beskriv ditt problem"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Får dina svar ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Förslag"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Gillade det"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Gillade det inte"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Vänligen betygsätt vår tjänst."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Tack för att du betygsatt oss."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Gilla den här appen, betygsätta den?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Att betygsätta"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Annan feedback (valfritt)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Ange din feedback"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Tack för feedbacken."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Inga vanliga frågor hittades."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="hoppsan! Något gick fel"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Dålig nätverksanslutning"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Bekräfta att skicka oss nätverksvillkor, vilket hjälper oss att förbättra kvaliteten på din nätverksanslutning."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Efter att ha kontrollerat är ditt nätverk bra"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Kontrollera din nätverksanslutning."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Filstorleken överskrider gränsen, ladda upp filen mindre än %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Ostödda filer. För närvarande är det bara mp4, png, jpg, jpeg tillgängliga vid uppladdning."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Nätverkskontroll pågår. Om du lämnar nu avbryts kontrollen."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Aktivera Inställningar> Behörigheter> Lagring för att använda uppladdningsfunktionen."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Uppladdningsbild kräver tillåtelse för åtkomst till lagring."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="inställningar"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Den nuvarande kundanmälningsbiljetten har stängts."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Nätverkskontroll pågår"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="se detaljer"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="I går"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Söndag"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Måndag"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Tisdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Onsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Torsdag"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="fredag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Lördag"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Datainsamling misslyckades"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="skicka"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="ஆம்"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="ரத்துசெய்"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="உங்கள் செய்தியை உள்ளிடவும்"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="அச்சச்சோ, தொடர்புடைய தரவு எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="உங்கள் சிக்கலை விவரிக்கவும்"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="உங்கள் பதில்களைப் பெறுதல்…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="பரிந்துரைகள்"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="பிடித்திருந்தது"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="பிடிக்கவில்லை"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="எங்கள் சேவையை மதிப்பிடுங்கள்."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="எங்களை மதிப்பிட்டதற்கு நன்றி."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="இந்த பயன்பாட்டைப் போல, அதை மதிப்பிடவா?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="மதிப்பிடுவதற்கு"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="வேறு ஏதேனும் கருத்து (விரும்பினால்)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="உங்கள் கருத்தை உள்ளிடவும்"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="கருத்துக்கு நன்றி."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="அடிக்கடி கேட்கப்படும் கேள்விகள் எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="அச்சச்சோ! ஏதோ தவறு நடைபெற்றிருக்கிறது"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="மோசமான பிணைய இணைப்பு"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="நெட்வொர்க் நிலைமைகளை எங்களுக்கு அனுப்ப உறுதிப்படுத்தவும், இது உங்கள் பிணைய இணைப்பின் தரத்தை மேம்படுத்த எங்களுக்கு உதவும்."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="சரிபார்த்த பிறகு, உங்கள் பிணையம் நன்றாக உள்ளது"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="உங்கள் பிணைய இணைப்பைச் சரிபார்க்கவும்."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="கோப்பு அளவு வரம்பை மீறுகிறது, தயவுசெய்து கோப்பை %dM ஐ விட சிறியதாக பதிவேற்றவும்."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="ஆதரிக்கப்படாத கோப்புகள். தற்போது, பதிவேற்றும்போது mp4, png, jpg, jpeg மட்டுமே கிடைக்கிறது."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="பிணைய சோதனை செயலில் உள்ளது. நீங்கள் இப்போது வெளியேறினால், சோதனை தடைபடும்."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="பதிவேற்ற பட செயல்பாட்டைப் பயன்படுத்த அமைப்புகள்> அனுமதிகள்> சேமிப்பிடத்தை இயக்கவும்."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="பதிவேற்ற படத்திற்கு சேமிப்பகத்தை அணுக அனுமதி தேவை."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="அமைப்புகள்"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="பிணைய சோதனை செயலில் உள்ளது"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="தற்போதைய வாடிக்கையாளர் புகார் டிக்கெட் மூடப்பட்டுள்ளது."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="விவரங்களைக் காண்க"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="நேற்று"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="திங்கட்கிழமை"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="செவ்வாய்"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="புதன்கிழமை"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="வியாழக்கிழமை"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="வெள்ளி"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="சனிக்கிழமை"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="தரவு கையகப்படுத்தல் தோல்வியடைந்தது"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="அனுப்பு"; |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="YES"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="రద్దు చేయండి"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="మీ సందేశాన్ని నమోదు చేయండి"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="అయ్యో, సంబంధిత డేటా కనుగొనబడలేదు."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="మీ సమస్యను వివరించండి"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="మీ సమాధానాలను పొందడం…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="సలహాలు"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="ఇష్టపడ్డారు"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="నచ్చలేదు"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="దయచేసి మా సేవను రేట్ చేయండి."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="మాకు రేటింగ్ ఇచ్చినందుకు ధన్యవాదాలు."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="ఈ అనువర్తనం వలె, దీన్ని రేట్ చేయాలా?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="వెల కట్టు"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="దయచేసి మీ అభిప్రాయాన్ని ఇన్పుట్ చేయండి"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="ఏదైనా ఇతర అభిప్రాయం (ఐచ్ఛికం)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="అభిప్రాయానికి ధన్యవాదాలు."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="తరచుగా అడిగే ప్రశ్నలు కనుగొనబడలేదు."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="అయ్యో! ఎక్కడో తేడ జరిగింది"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="పేలవమైన నెట్వర్క్ కనెక్షన్"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="దయచేసి నెట్వర్క్ పరిస్థితులను మాకు పంపమని నిర్ధారించండి, ఇది మీ నెట్వర్క్ కనెక్షన్ నాణ్యతను మెరుగుపరచడంలో మాకు సహాయపడుతుంది."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="తనిఖీ చేసిన తర్వాత, మీ నెట్వర్క్ బాగానే ఉంది"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="దయచేసి మీ నెట్వర్క్ కనెక్షన్ను తనిఖీ చేయండి."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ఫైల్ పరిమాణం పరిమితిని మించిపోయింది, దయచేసి ఫైల్ను %dM కన్నా చిన్నదిగా అప్లోడ్ చేయండి."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="మద్దతు లేని ఫైల్లు. ప్రస్తుతం, అప్లోడ్ చేసేటప్పుడు mp4, png, jpg, jpeg మాత్రమే అందుబాటులో ఉన్నాయి."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="నెట్వర్క్ తనిఖీ పురోగతిలో ఉంది. మీరు ఇప్పుడు నిష్క్రమించినట్లయితే, తనిఖీకి అంతరాయం కలుగుతుంది."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="అప్లోడ్ చిత్రానికి నిల్వను యాక్సెస్ చేయడానికి అనుమతి అవసరం."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="అప్లోడ్ ఇమేజ్ ఫంక్షన్ను ఉపయోగించడానికి దయచేసి సెట్టింగ్లు> అనుమతులు> నిల్వను ప్రారంభించండి."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="సెట్టింగులు"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="ప్రస్తుత కస్టమర్ ఫిర్యాదు టికెట్ మూసివేయబడింది."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="నెట్వర్క్ చెక్ ప్రోగ్రెస్లో ఉంది"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="వివరములు చూడు"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="నిన్న"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="ఆదివారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="సోమవారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="మంగళవారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="బుధవారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="గురువారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="శుక్రవారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="శనివారం"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="డేటా సేకరణ విఫలమైంది"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="పంపండి"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="ใช่"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="ยกเลิก"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="ป้อนข้อความของคุณ"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="โอ๊ะโอไม่พบข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้อง"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="อธิบายปัญหาของคุณ"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="รับคำตอบของคุณ ..."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="ข้อเสนอแนะ"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="ชอบมัน"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="ไม่ชอบมัน"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="กรุณาให้คะแนนบริการของเรา"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="ขอขอบคุณที่ให้คะแนนเรา"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="ชอบแอปนี้ให้คะแนนไหม"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="ให้คะแนน"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="ข้อเสนอแนะอื่น ๆ (ไม่จำเป็น)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="โปรดป้อนความคิดเห็นของคุณ"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="ขอบคุณสำหรับความคิดเห็น"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="ไม่พบคำถามที่พบบ่อย"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="อ๊ะ! บางอย่างผิดพลาด"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="การเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายไม่ดี"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="โปรดยืนยันเพื่อส่งเงื่อนไขเครือข่ายให้เราซึ่งจะช่วยให้เราปรับปรุงคุณภาพการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายของคุณ"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="หลังจากตรวจสอบแล้วเครือข่ายของคุณก็ใช้ได้"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="โปรดตรวจสอบการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายของคุณ"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="ขนาดไฟล์เกินขีด จำกัด โปรดอัปโหลดไฟล์ที่มีขนาดเล็กกว่า %dM"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="ไฟล์ที่ไม่รองรับ ปัจจุบันมีเฉพาะ mp4, png, jpg, jpeg เท่านั้นที่สามารถอัปโหลดได้"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="กำลังดำเนินการตรวจสอบเครือข่ายหากคุณออกตอนนี้การตรวจสอบจะหยุดชะงัก"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="โปรดเปิดใช้งานการตั้งค่า> สิทธิ์> ที่เก็บข้อมูลเพื่อใช้ฟังก์ชั่นอัพโหลดรูปภาพ"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="การอัปโหลดรูปภาพต้องได้รับอนุญาตในการเข้าถึงที่เก็บข้อมูล"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="การตั้งค่า"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="ตั๋วการร้องเรียนของลูกค้าปัจจุบันถูกปิดแล้ว"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="กำลังดำเนินการตรวจสอบเครือข่าย"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="ดูรายละเอียด"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="เมื่อวานนี้"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="วันอาทิตย์"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="วันจันทร์"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="วันอังคาร"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="วันพุธ"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="วันพฤหัสบดี"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="วันศุกร์"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="วันเสาร์"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="การรับข้อมูลล้มเหลว"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="ส่ง"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="matukoy"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="kanselahin"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Ipasok ang iyong mensahe"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Oops, walang nakitang data na may kaugnayan."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Ilarawan ang iyong problema"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Pagkuha ng iyong mga sagot …"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Mga Mungkahi"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Nagustuhan ito"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Ayaw nito"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Paki-rate ang aming serbisyo."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Salamat sa pag-rate sa amin."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Tulad ng app na ito, i-rate ito?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Upang i-rate"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Anumang iba pang puna (opsyonal)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Mangyaring i-input ang iyong puna"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Salamat sa puna."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Walang nahanap na FAQ."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Oops! May nangyari na mali"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Mahina koneksyon sa network"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Mangyaring kumpirmahin na ipadala sa amin ang mga kondisyon ng network, na makakatulong sa amin na mapabuti ang kalidad ng iyong koneksyon sa network."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Matapos suriin, maayos ang iyong network"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Mangyaring suriin ang iyong koneksyon sa network."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Ang laki ng file ay lumampas sa limitasyon, mangyaring mag-upload ng file na mas maliit kaysa sa %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Hindi suportadong mga file. Sa kasalukuyan, tanging mp4, png, jpg, jpeg na magagamit kapag nag-upload."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Nagsisimula ang pagsuri sa network.Kung lumabas ka ngayon, magambala ang pagsuri."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Ang pag-upload ng imahe ay nangangailangan ng pahintulot ng pag-access sa imbakan."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Mangyaring paganahin ang Mga Setting> Pahintulot> Imbakan upang magamit ang pag-upload ng imahe ng pag-upload."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Mga setting"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Ang pagsusuri sa network ay umuunlad"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Ang kasalukuyang customer na reklamo ng tiket ay sarado."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="Tignan ang detalye"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Kahapon"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Linggo"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Lunes"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Martes"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Miyerkules"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Huwebes"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Biyernes"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Sabado"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Nabigo ang pagkuha ng data"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="magpadala"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="belirlemek"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="iptal etmek"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Mesajınızı giriniz"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Hata! Alakalı veri bulunamadı."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Sorununuzu açıklayın"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Yanıtlarınız alınıyor…"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Öneriler"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Beğendim"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Beğenmedim"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Lütfen servisimizi değerlendirin."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Bize oy verdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Bu uygulama gibi, oy?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Oylamaya"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Diğer geri bildirimler (isteğe bağlı)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Lütfen geri bildiriminizi girin"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Geri bildirim için teşekkürler."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="SSS bulunamadı."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Hata! Bir şeyler yanlış gitti"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Kötü ağ bağlantısı"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Lütfen ağ bağlantınızın kalitesini artırmamıza yardımcı olacak ağ koşullarını bize göndermeyi onaylayın."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Kontrol ettikten sonra ağınız iyi durumda"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Lütfen ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edin."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Dosya boyutu sınırı aşıyor, lütfen %dM\'den küçük dosyayı yükleyin."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Desteklenmeyen dosyalar. Şu anda, yükleme sırasında sadece mp4, png, jpg, jpeg kullanılabilir."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Ağ denetimi devam ediyor. Şimdi çıkarsanız kontrol kesintiye uğrayacaktır."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Resim yükle, depolamaya erişim izni gerektirir."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Görüntü yükleme işlevini kullanmak için lütfen Ayarlar> İzinler> Depolama\'yı etkinleştirin."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Ayarlar"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Ağ kontrolü devam ediyor"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Mevcut müşteri şikayet fişi kapatıldı."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="ayrıntılara bakınız"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Dün"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="Pazar"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Pazartesi"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Salı"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Çarşamba"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Perşembe"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Cuma"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="Cumartesi"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Veri toplama başarısız oldu"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="göndermek"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="mục đích"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="hủy bỏ"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="Nhập tin nhắn của bạn"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="Rất tiếc, không có dữ liệu liên quan được tìm thấy."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="Hãy miêu tả vấn đề của bạn"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="Nhận câu trả lời của bạn"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="Gợi ý"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="Thích nó"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="Không thích nó"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="Vui lòng đánh giá dịch vụ của chúng tôi."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="Cảm ơn đã đánh giá chúng tôi."; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="Giống như ứng dụng này, đánh giá nó?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="Để đánh giá"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="Bất kỳ phản hồi khác (tùy chọn)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="Vui lòng nhập phản hồi của bạn"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="Cảm ơn bạn đã phản hồi."; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="Không có câu hỏi thường gặp."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="Giáo sư! Đã xảy ra lỗi"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="Kết nối mạng kém"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="Vui lòng xác nhận để gửi cho chúng tôi các điều kiện mạng, điều này sẽ giúp chúng tôi cải thiện chất lượng kết nối mạng của bạn."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="Sau khi kiểm tra, mạng của bạn vẫn ổn"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="Vui lòng kiểm tra kết nối mạng của bạn."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="Kích thước tệp vượt quá giới hạn, vui lòng tải lên tệp nhỏ hơn %dM."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="Các tập tin không được hỗ trợ. Hiện tại, chỉ có mp4, png, jpg, jpeg có sẵn khi tải lên."; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="Đang kiểm tra mạng. Nếu bạn thoát ngay bây giờ, việc kiểm tra sẽ bị gián đoạn."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="Vui lòng bật Cài đặt> Quyền> Bộ nhớ để sử dụng chức năng tải ảnh lên."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="Tải lên hình ảnh yêu cầu quyền truy cập bộ nhớ."; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="Cài đặt"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="Đang kiểm tra mạng"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="Phiếu khiếu nại của khách hàng hiện tại đã được đóng lại."; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="xem chi tiết"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="Hôm qua"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="chủ nhật"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="Thứ hai"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="Thứ ba"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="Thứ tư"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="Thứ năm"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="Thứ sáu"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="ngày thứ bảy"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="Thu thập dữ liệu không thành công"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="gửi"; |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="确定"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="取消"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="查看详情"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="请输入内容"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="当前暂无内容"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="请说明您遇到的问题"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="正在获取您的答案……"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="提建议"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="非常满意"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="很不满意"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="请对我们的服务进行评价"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="感谢您为我们评价!"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="喜欢这个应用,给它打分?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="去打分"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="其他意见或建议吗(可选)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="请对我们提出宝贵建议"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="感谢您的反馈!"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="未找到常见问题解答"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="哎呀,网络好像有点问题"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="当前网络状态不佳"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="是否将网络状况发送给我们,这将帮助我们改善与您的网络连接质量"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="当前网络状态良好"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="请检查网络连接及网络管理软件相关设置"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="文件大小超过限制,请上传小于 %dM 的文件"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="网络传输超时,文件上传失败"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="文件格式不支持,目前只能上传 mp4, png, jpg, jpeg 格式的文件"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="正在进行网络检测,如果现在退出将中断检测"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="此应用需要获取读取设备存储权限,才能提供上传图片功能。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="要使用上传图片功能,请依次启用“设置”>“权限”>“存储”。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="设置"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="网络检测中"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="当前客诉单已关闭"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="昨天"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="周日"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="周一"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="周二"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="周三"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="周四"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="周五"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="周六"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="数据获取失败"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="发送"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "aihelp_op_cs"="HELP"; |
| | | "aihelp_yes"="確認"; |
| | | "aihelp_no"="取消"; |
| | | "aihelp_chat_hint"="請輸入內容"; |
| | | "aihelp_data_not_found_msg"="當前暫無內容"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_hint"="請說明您遇到的問題"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_fetching_faqs"="正在獲取您的答案……"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_suggest"="提建議"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_satisfied"="非常滿意"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_dissatisfied"="很不滿意"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_request"="請對我們的服務進行評估"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_finished"="感謝您為我們評估!"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_app_hint"="喜歡這個應用,給它打分?"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_button"="去打分"; |
| | | "aihelp_rate_additional_feedback_message"="其他意見或建議嗎(可選)"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback"="請對我們提出寶貴建議"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_feedback_thanks"="感謝您的迴響!"; |
| | | "aihelp_faq_search_empty"="未找到常見問題解答"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_error_msg"="哎呀,網絡好像有點問題"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_upload_log_title"="當前網絡狀態不佳"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_poor"="是否將網絡狀況發送給我們,這將幫助我們改善與您的網絡連接質量"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_fine"="當前網絡狀態良好"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_no_connect"="請檢查網絡連接及網路管理軟件相關設定"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_size"="文件大小超過限制,請上傳小於 %dM 的檔案"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_net"="網絡傳輸超時,文件上傳失敗"; |
| | | "aihelp_media_upload_err_format"="檔案格式不支持,現時只能上傳mp4,png,jpg,jpeg格式的檔案"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_check_in_progress"="正在進行網絡檢測,如果現在退出將中斷檢測"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_denied"="此應用需要獲取讀取設備存儲權限,才能提供上傳圖片功能。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_ignored"="要使用上傳圖片功能,請依次啟用“設定”>“許可權”>“存儲”。"; |
| | | "aihelp_permission_settings"="設定"; |
| | | "aihelp_ticket_closed"="當前的客訴單已經關閉"; |
| | | "aihelp_network_checking"="網絡檢查中"; |
| | | "aihelp_view_details"="查看詳情"; |
| | | "aihelp_monday"="週一"; |
| | | "aihelp_tuesday"="週二"; |
| | | "aihelp_wednesday"="週三"; |
| | | "aihelp_thursday"="週四"; |
| | | "aihelp_friday"="週五"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday"="週六"; |
| | | "aihelp_sunday"="週日"; |
| | | "aihelp_yesterday"="昨天"; |
| | | "aihelp_saturday_data_acquisition_failed"="數據獲取失敗"; |
| | | "aihelp_send"="發送"; |