35 files deleted
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51 files modified
| | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAAiHelpImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.0' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.4' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAAfImpl framework in testing environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Hank" => "hank.zhang@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | |
| | | s.libraries = 'sqlite3' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/*.xib','res/Localization/*/*.strings'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf', '~> 3.8.0' #此处添加私有库依赖 |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl', '~> 3.8.0' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl' |
| | | end |
New file |
| | |
| | | # |
| | | # Be sure to run `pod spec lint WAAiHelpImpl.podspec' to ensure this is a |
| | | # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. |
| | | # |
| | | # To learn more about Podspec attributes see http://docs.cocoapods.org/specification.html |
| | | # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/ |
| | | # |
| | | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAAiHelpImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.4' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAAfImpl framework in testing environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Hank" => "hank.zhang@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | | s.homepage = 'http://repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/summary/WAAiHelpImpl.git' |
| | | s.source = { :git => "http://admin@repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/r/WAAiHelpImpl.git" , :tag => s.version} |
| | | s.platform = :ios |
| | | s.ios.deployment_target = "7.0" |
| | | s.frameworks = "WebKit" |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/*.framework' |
| | | s.libraries = 'sqlite3' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/ElvaChatServiceSDK.bundle','res/*.xib','res/Localization/*/*.strings'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl' |
| | | end |
| | |
| | | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| | | <config> |
| | | <version val="AIHELP3.8.0"/> |
| | | <version val="AIHELP3.8.4"/> |
| | | <comps> |
| | | <!-- 公共模块 --> |
| | | <comp module="CORE" plaf="AIHELP" mandatory="YES" value="WAAIhelpCore" desc="公共模块"/> |
old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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| | |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | @interface ECServiceSdk:NSObject |
| | | |
| | | + (void) registerUnityOnInitializedCallback:(NSString *) gameObject; |
| | | + (void) registerUnityOnMessageArrivedCallback:(NSString *) gameObject; |
| | | /* |
| | | * notify the application when some state changes in Elva. |
| | | * eventCode: |
| | | * 2: Elva UI Visible Changed |
| | | * state (0) : will show elva ui |
| | | * state (1) : all elva ui are closed |
| | | */ |
| | | typedef void (*ElvaEventCallBack)(const int eventCode, const int state); |
| | | typedef BOOL (*ElvaPingCallBack)(const NSString * log); |
| | | typedef void (*ElvaAllowUploadLogMessageCallback)(void); |
| | | |
| | | @class UIViewController; |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(int,ElvaTokenPlatform) { |
| | | ElvaTokenPlatformAPNS = 1,//APNS |
| | | ElvaTokenPlatformFirebase = 2,//firebase-FCM |
| | | ElvaTokenPlatformJpush = 3,//极光推送 |
| | | ElvaTokenPlatformGeTui = 4,//个推 |
| | | }; |
| | | @interface ECServiceSdk:NSObject |
| | | #pragma mark - ------init------ |
| | | + (void) init:(NSString*) appSecret Domain:(NSString*) domain AppId:(NSString*) appId; |
| | | #pragma mark - ------showElva------ |
| | | + (void) showElva:(NSString*) playerName PlayerUid:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId PlayerParseId:(NSString*) playerParseId PlayershowConversationFlag:(NSString*) playershowConversationFlag; |
| | | + (void) showElva:(NSString*) playerName PlayerUid:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId PlayerParseId:(NSString*) playerParseId PlayershowConversationFlag:(NSString*) playershowConversationFlag Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | + (void) showSingleFAQ:(NSString*) faqId; |
| | | + (void) showSingleFAQ:(NSString*) faqId Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | + (void) showFAQSection:(NSString*) sectionPublishId; |
| | | + (void) showFAQSection:(NSString*) sectionPublishId Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | + (void) showFAQs; |
| | | + (void) showFAQs:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | + (void) setName:(NSString*) game_name; |
| | | + (void) registerDeviceToken:(NSString*) deviceToken isVIP:(Boolean) isVip; |
| | | + (void) setUserId:(NSString*) playerUid;//自助服务,在showFAQ之前调用 |
| | | + (void) setServerId:(NSString*) serverId;//自助服务,在showFAQ之前调用 |
| | | + (void) setUserName:(NSString*) playerName;//在需要的接口之前调用,建议游戏刚进入就默认调用 |
| | | #pragma mark - ------showConversation------ |
| | | + (void) showConversation:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId;//请优先实现setUserName接口 |
| | | + (void) showConversation:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | + (void) setSDKLanguage:(NSString*) sdkLanguage; |
| | | + (void) setChangeDirection; |
| | | + (void) setUseDevice; |
| | | + (void) setEvaluateStar:(int) star; |
| | | + (void) setNoMenu; |
| | | + (void) setSendCloseNotification:(BOOL) isSend; |
| | | + (void) setAccelerateDomain:(NSString *)domain; |
| | | + (void) setOpenLog:(BOOL)isOpen; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) showVIPChat:(NSString*) appidWeb VIPTags:(NSString *) vipTags; |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ------showElvaOP------ |
| | | + (void) showElvaOP:(NSString*) playerName PlayerUid:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId PlayerParseId:(NSString*) playerParseId PlayershowConversationFlag:(NSString*) playershowConversationFlag Config:(NSMutableDictionary *)config; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) showElvaOP:(NSString*) playerName PlayerUid:(NSString*) playerUid ServerId:(NSString*) serverId PlayerParseId:(NSString*) playerParseId PlayershowConversationFlag:(NSString*) playershowConversationFlag Config:(NSMutableDictionary *)config defaultTabIndex:(int)defaultTabIndex; |
| | | #pragma mark - ------showFAQ------ |
| | | + (void) showFAQs; |
| | | + (void) showFAQs:(NSDictionary*)config; |
| | | + (void) showFAQs:(NSString*)playerName playerUid:(NSString*)playerUid; |
| | | + (void) showFAQs:(NSString*)playerName playerUid:(NSString*)playerUid config:(NSDictionary*)config; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) showFAQSection:(NSString*) sectionPublishId; |
| | | + (void) showFAQSection:(NSString*) sectionPublishId Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) showSingleFAQ:(NSString*) faqId; |
| | | + (void) showSingleFAQ:(NSString*) faqId Config:(NSMutableDictionary*) config; |
| | | |
| | | #pragma mark - ------other------ |
| | | + (void) showVIPChat:(NSString*) appidWeb VIPTags:(NSString *) vipTags; |
| | | + (void) showQACommunity:(NSString *)playerUid PlayName:(NSString *)playerName; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) showURL:(NSString *) url; |
| | | + (void) showStoreReview; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) handlePushNotification:(NSDictionary *) table DataFromInApp:(BOOL) dataFromInApp; |
| | | + (void) setRootViewController:(UIViewController*)rootViewController; |
| | | + (void) setUserId:(NSString*) playerUid;//自助服务,在showFAQ之前调用 |
| | | + (void) setUserName:(NSString*) playerName;//在需要的接口之前调用,建议游戏刚进入就默认调用 |
| | | + (void) setName:(NSString*) game_name; |
| | | + (void) setOpenLog:(BOOL)isOpen; |
| | | + (void) setServerId:(NSString*) serverId;//自助服务,在showFAQ之前调用 |
| | | + (void) setAccelerateDomain:(NSString *)domain; |
| | | + (void) setSDKLanguage:(NSString*) sdkLanguage; |
| | | + (void) setUseDevice; |
| | | + (void) setSendCloseNotification:(BOOL) isSend;//关闭某一项是否发送通知 |
| | | + (void) setEvaluateStar:(int) star;//设置默认评价星星个数 |
| | | |
| | | + (void) setChangeDirection; |
| | | + (void) setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask:(NSUInteger)interfaceOrientationMask;//参数参考UIInterfaceOrientationMask |
| | | + (void) setNoMenu; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) setVIP:(NSString *)userName userId:(NSString *)userId config:(NSDictionary*)config; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) registerUnityOnInitializedCallback:(NSString *) gameObject; |
| | | + (void) registerUnityOnMessageArrivedCallback:(NSString *) gameObject; |
| | | + (void) registerUnityOnSendMessageSuccessCallback:(NSString *) gameObject; |
| | | + (void) registerDeviceToken:(NSString*) deviceToken isVIP:(Boolean) isVip; |
| | | + (void) handlePushNotification:(NSDictionary *) table DataFromInApp:(BOOL) dataFromInApp; |
| | | + (int) getNotificationMessageCount; |
| | | + (void) showURL:(NSString *) url; |
| | | |
| | | + (void) setUnreadMessageFetchUid:(NSString*) playerUid; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | + (NSString*)sdkVersionInfo; |
| | | + (BOOL) isInSDKPageView; |
| | | + (void) setSDKEdgeInsetsWithTop:(float)top bottom:(float)bottom enable:(BOOL)enable; |
| | | + (void) setSDKEdgeColorWithRed:(float)red green:(float)green blue:(float)blue alpha:(float)alpha;//0~1 |
| | | |
| | | + (void) setEventListener:(ElvaEventCallBack)callback; |
| | | + (void) setPushToken:(NSString*)pushToken pushPlatform:(ElvaTokenPlatform)pushPlatform;//platform参考1:APNS 2:firebase 3:极光推送 4:个推 |
| | | + (void)setNetCheckInfoWithIp:(NSString*)ip callback:(ElvaPingCallBack)callback; |
| | | + (void)setAllowUploadLogMessageCallback:(ElvaAllowUploadLogMessageCallback)callback; |
| | | + (void)setUploadLogFileAtPath:(NSString*)path; |
| | | @end |
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
| | |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import "ECServiceSdk.h" |
| | | //! Project version number for ElvaChatServiceSDK. |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT double ElvaChatServiceSDKVersionNumber; |
| | | |
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| | |
| | | // |
| | | // MQTTClient.h |
| | | // MQTTClient |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by Christoph Krey on 13.01.14. |
| | | // Copyright © 2013-2016 Christoph Krey. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | Include this file to use MQTTClient classes in your application |
| | | |
| | | @author Christoph Krey krey.christoph@gmail.com |
| | | @see http://mqtt.org |
| | | */ |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTSession.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTSessionLegacy.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTSessionSynchron.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTMessage.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTTransport.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTCFSocketTransport.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTCoreDataPersistence.h> |
| | | #import <MQTTClient/MQTTSSLSecurityPolicyTransport.h> |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // MQTTLog.h |
| | | // MQTTClient |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by Christoph Krey on 10.02.16. |
| | | // Copyright © 2016 Christoph Krey. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #ifndef MQTTLog_h |
| | | |
| | | #define MQTTLog_h |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | #ifdef LUMBERJACK |
| | | #define LOG_LEVEL_DEF ddLogLevel |
| | | #import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h> |
| | | #ifndef myLogLevel |
| | | #ifdef DEBUG |
| | | static const DDLogLevel ddLogLevel = DDLogLevelWarning; |
| | | #else |
| | | static const DDLogLevel ddLogLevel = DDLogLevelWarning; |
| | | #endif |
| | | #else |
| | | static const DDLogLevel ddLogLevel = myLogLevel; |
| | | #endif |
| | | #else |
| | | #ifdef DEBUG |
| | | #define DDLogVerbose |
| | | #define DDLogWarn |
| | | #define DDLogInfo |
| | | #define DDLogError |
| | | // #define DDLogVerbose NSLog |
| | | // #define DDLogWarn NSLog |
| | | // #define DDLogInfo NSLog |
| | | // #define DDLogError NSLog |
| | | #else |
| | | #define DDLogVerbose(...) |
| | | #define DDLogWarn(...) |
| | | #define DDLogInfo(...) |
| | | #define DDLogError(...) |
| | | #endif |
| | | #endif |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | #endif /* MQTTLog_h */ |
| | |
| | | //// |
| | | //// MQTTWebsocketTransport.h |
| | | //// MQTTClient |
| | | //// |
| | | //// Created by Christoph Krey on 06.12.15. |
| | | //// Copyright © 2015-2016 Christoph Krey. All rights reserved. |
| | | //// |
| | | // |
| | | // MQTTWebsocketTransport.h |
| | | // MQTTClient |
| | | //#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | //#import "MQTTTransport.h" |
| | | //#import <SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.h> |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by Christoph Krey on 06.12.15. |
| | | // Copyright © 2015-2016 Christoph Krey. All rights reserved. |
| | | ///** MQTTCFSocketTransport |
| | | // * implements an MQTTTransport on top of Websockets (SocketRocket) |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@interface MQTTWebsocketTransport : MQTTTransport <MQTTTransport, SRWebSocketDelegate> |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | #import "MQTTTransport.h" |
| | | #import <SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.h> |
| | | |
| | | /** MQTTCFSocketTransport |
| | | * implements an MQTTTransport on top of Websockets (SocketRocket) |
| | | */ |
| | | @interface MQTTWebsocketTransport : MQTTTransport <MQTTTransport, SRWebSocketDelegate> |
| | | |
| | | /** host an NSString containing the hostName or IP address of the host to connect to |
| | | * defaults to @"localhost" |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *host; |
| | | |
| | | /** port an unsigned 16 bit integer containing the IP port number to connect to |
| | | * defaults to 80 |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic) UInt16 port; |
| | | |
| | | /** tls a boolean indicating whether the transport should be using security |
| | | * defaults to NO |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic) BOOL tls; |
| | | |
| | | /** path an NSString indicating the path component of the websocket URL request |
| | | * defaults to @"/html" |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *path; |
| | | |
| | | /** allowUntrustedCertificates a boolean indicating whether self signed or expired certificates should be accepted |
| | | * defaults to NO |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic) BOOL allowUntrustedCertificates; |
| | | |
| | | /** pinnedCertificates an NSArray containing certificates to validate server certificates against |
| | | * defaults to nil |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *pinnedCertificates; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | @end |
| | | ///** host an NSString containing the hostName or IP address of the host to connect to |
| | | // * defaults to @"localhost" |
| | | //*/ |
| | | //@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *host; |
| | | // |
| | | ///** port an unsigned 16 bit integer containing the IP port number to connect to |
| | | // * defaults to 80 |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@property (nonatomic) UInt16 port; |
| | | // |
| | | ///** tls a boolean indicating whether the transport should be using security |
| | | // * defaults to NO |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@property (nonatomic) BOOL tls; |
| | | // |
| | | ///** path an NSString indicating the path component of the websocket URL request |
| | | // * defaults to @"/html" |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *path; |
| | | // |
| | | ///** allowUntrustedCertificates a boolean indicating whether self signed or expired certificates should be accepted |
| | | // * defaults to NO |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@property (nonatomic) BOOL allowUntrustedCertificates; |
| | | // |
| | | ///** pinnedCertificates an NSArray containing certificates to validate server certificates against |
| | | // * defaults to nil |
| | | // */ |
| | | //@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *pinnedCertificates; |
| | | // |
| | | // |
| | | //@end |
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new mode 100644
Binary files differ
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
Binary files differ
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
| | |
| | | |
| | | // In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <WAAIhelpImpl/PublicHeader.h> |
| | | |
| | | //time:2019/01/15 12:30 ver:3.8.0 |
| | | //time:2020/05/20 12:30 ver:3.8.4 |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "فشل"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "الرموز الخاصة بك غير كافية"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "هل تريد المزيد من المساعدة؟"; |
| | | "your question"="كتابة رسالة نصية"; |
| | | "Cancel"="إلغاء"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="حجم الملف يتجاوز الحد ، يرجى تحميل الملف أصغر من %d ميغابايت"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="ما إذا كانت ظروف الشبكة سترسل لنا ، والتي سوف تساعدنا على تحسين جودة اتصال الشبكة الخاصة بك"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="بعد التحقق ، الشبكة متاحة"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Fehlgeschlagen"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Tokens reichen nicht aus"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Benötigen weitere Hilfe?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Ihre Frage"; |
| | | "Cancel"="stornieren"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="Tut mir Leid, Keine Ergebnisse gefunden."; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Die Dateigröße überschreitet das Limit. Bitte laden Sie die Datei mit einer Größe von weniger als %d MB hoch"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Willst du uns den Status der Netzwerkverbindung senden damit wir die Qualität der Verbindung verbessern können?"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Nach der Überprüfung ist das Netzwerk verfügbar"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Αποτυχής ανταμοιβή"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Το υπόλοιπό σας δεν επαρκεί"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Εισάγετε ερώτηση"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Το μέγεθος του αρχείου υπερβαίνει το όριο, μεταφορτώστε το αρχείο μικρότερο από %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Είτε θέλετε να μας στείλετε τις συνθήκες δικτύου, οι οποίες θα μας βοηθήσουν να βελτιώσουμε την ποιότητα της σύνδεσής σας στο δίκτυο"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Μετά τον έλεγχο, το δίκτυο είναι διαθέσιμο"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Failed"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Your tokens is insufficient"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Need more help?"; |
| | | "your question"="your question"; |
| | | "Cancel"="Cancel"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="Oops, no relevant results were found"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "Please tell us more details"="Please tell us more details"; |
| | | "Network Error, Please check your network"="Network Error, Please check your network"; |
| | | "Retry"="Retry"; |
| | | "Loading......"="Loading......"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="The file size exceeds the limit, please upload the file smaller than %dM"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="After checking, the network is available"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Ha fallado"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Sus puntos son insuficientes"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Necesitas más ayuda?"; |
| | | "your question"="Tu pregunta"; |
| | | "Cancel"="Cancelar"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="Lo sentimos mucho que no se puede encontrar ningún dato."; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="El tamaño del archivo excede el límite, cargue el archivo de menos de %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Envíenos los diagnósticos de red por favor. Nos ayudará a mejorar la calidad de la conexión."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Después de verificar, la red está disponible"; |
| | |
| | | //法斯语fa,fa-IR |
| | | //波斯语fa,fa-IR |
| | | "content_too_long"="نباید از %ld حروف بیشتر باشد."; |
| | | "ContactCustomerService" = "با ما تماس بگیرید"; |
| | | "self_service_interface" = "پشتیبانی"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "ناموفق"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "امتیاز شما کافی نیست ."; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "نیاز به کمک بیشتری دارید؟"; |
| | | "your question"="سوال شما؟"; |
| | | "Cancel"="لغو"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="اندازه پرونده فراتر از حد است ، لطفا پرونده را کوچکتر از %dM بارگذاری کنید"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="این که آیا شرایط شبکه را برای ما ارسال کنیم ، که به ما در بهبود کیفیت اتصال شبکه شما کمک خواهد کرد"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="پس از بررسی ، شبکه موجود است"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Echec"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Jeton insuffisant"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Besoin d'aide?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Votre question"; |
| | | "Cancel"="Annuler"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="La taille du fichier dépasse la limite, veuillez télécharger le fichier de moins de %d Mo"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Nous envoyer le diagnostique réseau? Cela nous aidera à améliorer la qualité de la connexion."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Après vérification, le réseau est disponible"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Gagal"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Saldo token Anda tidak mencukupi"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "butuh lebih bantuan?"; |
| | | "your question"="masukkan pertanyaan"; |
| | | "Cancel"="membatalkan"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Ukuran file melebihi batas, harap unggah file lebih kecil dari %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Kirimkan diagnostik jaringan kepada kami? Ini akan membantu kami untuk memperbaiki kualitas jaringan."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Setelah memeriksa, jaringan tersedia"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Premiazione fallita"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Bilancio insufficiente"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Serve ancora aiuto?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Inserire problema"; |
| | | "Cancel"="Annulla"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="La dimensione del file supera il limite, carica il file più piccolo di %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Mandare il rapporto della condizione di rete? Ci aiuterà a migliorare le qualità della connessione."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Dopo il controllo, la rete è disponibile"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | //日语ja |
| | | "content_too_long"="%ld文字を超えてはならない!"; |
| | | "content_too_long"="%ld文字を超えています。"; |
| | | "ContactCustomerService" = "お問い合わせ"; |
| | | "self_service_interface" = "セルフサービス"; |
| | | "offLine"= "ネットのアクセスがエラー発生しました、もう一度やり直してください!"; |
| | | "offLine"= "接続が切れました。もう一度試してください。"; |
| | | "CustomerService"="HELP"; |
| | | "elva__mark_helpful_toast"="役に立ったと評価されました"; |
| | | "elva__mark_unhelpful_toast"="役に立たなかったと評価されました"; |
| | | "elva__mark_helpful_toast"="ご評価ありがとうございました。"; |
| | | "elva__mark_unhelpful_toast"="ご評価ありがとうございました。"; |
| | | "elva__mark_yes_no_question"="お役に立ちましたか?"; |
| | | "elva__mark_no"="いいえ"; |
| | | "elva__mark_yes"="はい"; |
| | | "RewardBalance"="ポイント残高"; |
| | | "GoTo" = "に行く"; |
| | | "RewardBalance"="ポイント残高:"; |
| | | "GoTo" = "へ"; |
| | | "Forum" = "QAフォーム"; |
| | | "RewardSuccess" = "奨励成功"; |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "奨励失敗"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "残高が足りません"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "他の質問もある?"; |
| | | "RewardSuccess" = "成功した"; |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "失敗した"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "残高不足"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "他のお問い合わせ内容がございますか?"; |
| | | "your question"="お問い合わせ内容をご入力ください。"; |
| | | "Cancel"="取り消し"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="申し訳ございません、結果が見つかりませんでした。"; |
| | | "Success"="成功"; |
| | | "Failed"="失敗"; |
| | | "Please tell us more details"="原因を具体的に書いてください。"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="ファイルサイズが制限を超えています。%dMB未満のファイルをアップロードしてください"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="ネットワークの接続情報を送信していただけませんか。安定したインターネット接続を維持することに役立ちます。"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="確認後、ネットワークは利用可能です"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "실패"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "토큰이 부족합니다."; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "도움이 더 필요하십니까?"; |
| | | "your question"="귀하의 질문"; |
| | | "Cancel"="취소"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="해당 검색 결과가 없습니다."; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="파일 크기가 한도를 초과합니다. %dMB보다 작은 파일을 업로드하십시오."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="네트워크 연결 정보를 보내시겠습니까? 안정적인 인터넷 연결을 유지하는데 도움이 됩니다."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="확인 후 네트워크를 사용할 수 있습니다"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Porażka."; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Niewystarczająca ilość punktów."; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Bisogno Di Più Aiuto?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Wprowadź pytanie"; |
| | | "Cancel"="Anuluj"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Rozmiar pliku przekracza limit, prześlij plik mniejszy niż %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Czy wysłać nam warunki sieciowe, które pomogą nam poprawić jakość twojego połączenia sieciowego"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Po sprawdzeniu sieć jest dostępna"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Recompense não com sucesso"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Saldos insuficientes"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Precisa mais ajuda?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Entra a pergunta"; |
| | | "Cancel"="cancelar"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="O tamanho do arquivo excede o limite, faça o upload do arquivo com menos de %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Mandare il rapporto della condizione di rete? Ci aiuterà a migliorare le qualità della connessione."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Após a verificação, a rede está disponível"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Неудачно"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Недостаточно баллов"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Нужна помощь?"; |
| | | "your question"="Ваш вопрос"; |
| | | "Cancel"="отменить"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="Извините, по вашему запросу ничего не найдено."; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Размер файла превышает лимит, загрузите файл размером менее %d МБ"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Отправьте нам данные диагностики сети, чтобы мы могли улучшить качество соединения."; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="После проверки сеть доступна"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Misslyckades"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Du har inte tillräckligt med poäng"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Behöver mer hjälp?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Ange fråga"; |
| | | "Cancel"="annullera"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Filstorleken överskrider gränsen, ladda upp filen mindre än %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Huruvida vi ska skicka nätverksvillkor, vilket hjälper oss att förbättra kvaliteten på din nätverksanslutning"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Efter kontroll är nätverket tillgängligt"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "ให้รางวัลล้มเหลว"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "จำนวนคงเหลือไม่พอ"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "ต้องการความช่วยเหลือ?"; |
| | | "your question"="คำถามของคุณ"; |
| | | "Cancel"="ยกเลิก"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="ขนาดไฟล์เกินขีด จำกัด โปรดอัปโหลดไฟล์ที่มีขนาดเล็กกว่า %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="จะส่งสถานการณ์อินเตอร์เน็ตมาให้เรา นี่จะช่วยเราแก้ไขคุณภาพอินเตอร์เน็ตของคุณได้มาก"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="หลังจากตรวจสอบเครือข่ายจะพร้อมใช้งาน"; |
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Başarısız!"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Bakiyeniz yetersiz!"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "Ihtiyacınız yardıma?"; |
| | | "your question"="Sorunuzu girin!"; |
| | | "Cancel"="iptal etmek"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Dosya boyutu sınırı aşıyor, lütfen dosyayı %d MB'tan küçük yükleyin"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="ağ koşullarının bize gönderilip gönderilmeyeceği Ağ bağlantınızın kalitesini artırmamıza yardımcı olacak"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Kontrol ettikten sonra ağ kullanılabilir"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "Thưởng thất bại"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "Không còn đủ"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "cần thêm giúp?"; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | "your question"="Lỗi nhập"; |
| | | "Cancel"="hủy bỏ"; |
| | | "Success"="Success"; |
| | | "Failed"="Failed"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="Unsupported files. Currently, only 'mp4, 3gp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif' available when uploading."; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="Kích thước tệp vượt quá giới hạn, vui lòng tải lên tệp nhỏ hơn %d MB"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="Transmission timed out, file uploading failed."; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="Có gửi cho chúng tôi các điều kiện mạng hay không, điều này sẽ giúp chúng tôi cải thiện chất lượng kết nối mạng của bạn"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="Sau khi kiểm tra, mạng có sẵn"; |
| | |
| | | "content_too_long"="不能超过%ld个字!"; |
| | | "ContactCustomerService" = "联系客服"; |
| | | "self_service_interface" = "自助服务"; |
| | | "offLine"= "您的链接已经断开,请重新进入!"; |
| | | "offLine"= "您的网络连接已经断开,请检查网络!"; |
| | | "CustomerService"="HELP"; |
| | | "elva__mark_helpful_toast"="你发现这有帮助"; |
| | | "elva__mark_unhelpful_toast"="你发现这无帮助"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "打赏失败"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "余额不足"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "需要更多帮助?"; |
| | | "your question"="输入问题"; |
| | | "Cancel"="取消"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="抱歉,未找到相关结果"; |
| | | "Success"="成功"; |
| | | "Failed"="失败"; |
| | | "Please tell us more details"="请告知我们具体原因"; |
| | | "Network Error, Please check your network"="网络请求失败,请检查您的网络"; |
| | | "Retry"="重试"; |
| | | "Loading......"="正在全力加载"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="文件格式不支持,目前只能上传 mp4, 3gp, mov, png, jpg, jpeg, gif 格式的文件"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="文件大小超过限制,请上传小于%dM的文件"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="网络传输超时,文件上传失败"; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="是否将网络状况发送给我们,这将帮助我们改善与您的网络连接质量"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="经检测,网络是正常的"; |
| | |
| | | "content_too_long"="不能超過%ld個字!"; |
| | | "ContactCustomerService" = "聯系客服"; |
| | | "self_service_interface" = "自助服務"; |
| | | "offLine"= "您的連結已經斷開,請重新進入!"; |
| | | "offLine"= "您的網絡連接已經斷開,請檢查網絡!"; |
| | | "CustomerService"="HELP"; |
| | | "elva__mark_helpful_toast"="妳發現這有幫助"; |
| | | "elva__mark_unhelpful_toast"="妳發現這無幫助"; |
| | |
| | | "RewardFailure" = "打賞失敗"; |
| | | "TokenInsufficient" = "餘額不足"; |
| | | "NeedMoreHelp" = "需要更多幫助?"; |
| | | "your question"="輸入問題"; |
| | | "Cancel"="取消"; |
| | | "Oops, no relevant results were found"="抱歉,未找到相關結果"; |
| | | "Success"="成功"; |
| | | "Failed"="失敗"; |
| | | "Please tell us more details"="請告知我們具體原因"; |
| | | "Network Error, Please check your network"="網絡請求失敗,請檢查您的網絡"; |
| | | "Retry"="重試"; |
| | | "Loading......"="正在全力加載"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_format"="文件格式不支持,目前只能上傳 mp4, 3gp, mov, png, jpg, jpeg, gif 格式的文件"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_size"="文件大小超過限制,請上傳小於%dM的文件"; |
| | | "media_upload_err_net"="網絡傳輸超時,文件上傳失敗"; |
| | | "Send us the network diagnostics? It'll help us improve connection quality."="是否將網絡狀況發送給我們,這將幫助我們改善與您的網絡連接質量"; |
| | | "After checking, the network is available"="經檢測,網絡是正常的"; |