80 files modified
1 files added
| | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAFbImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.2' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.3' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAFbImpl framework in production environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Wuyx" => "wuyixin_gh@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/*.framework' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','bundle/FacebookSDKStrings.bundle'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf', '~> 3.8.2' #此处添加私有库依赖 |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl', '~> 3.8.2' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf', '~> 3.8.3' #此处添加私有库依赖 |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl', '~> 3.8.3' |
| | | end |
New file |
| | |
| | | # |
| | | # Be sure to run `pod spec lint WAFbImpl.podspec' to ensure this is a |
| | | # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. |
| | | # |
| | | # To learn more about Podspec attributes see http://docs.cocoapods.org/specification.html |
| | | # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/ |
| | | # |
| | | |
| | | Pod::Spec.new do |s| |
| | | |
| | | s.name = 'WAFbImpl' |
| | | s.version = '3.8.3' |
| | | s.summary = 'WAFbImpl framework in production environment.' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | s.author = { "Wuyx" => "wuyixin_gh@gamehollywood.com" } |
| | | s.homepage = 'http://repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/summary/WAFbImpl.git' |
| | | s.source = { :git => "http://admin@repo.wingsdk.cn:8082/r/WAFbImpl.git" , :tag => s.version} |
| | | s.platform = :ios |
| | | s.ios.deployment_target = "7.0" |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/*.framework' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml','bundle/FacebookSDKStrings.bundle'] |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf', '~> 3.8.3' #此处添加私有库依赖 |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl', '~> 3.8.3' |
| | | end |
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| | |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT FBSDKAppEventName FBSDKAppEventNameSchedule; |
| | | |
| | | /** The subsequent subscriptions after the start of a paid subscription for a product or service you offer. */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT FBSDKAppEventName FBSDKAppEventNameSubscriptionHeartbeat; |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT FBSDKAppEventName FBSDKAppEventNameSubscriptionHeartbeat __attribute((deprecated("This attribute is no longer used."))); |
| | | |
| | | /** The start of a free trial of a product or service you offer (example: trial subscription). */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT FBSDKAppEventName FBSDKAppEventNameStartTrial; |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! The version of the App Link protocol that this library supports */ |
| | | /** The version of the App Link protocol that this library supports */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKAppLinkVersion |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkVersion); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Contains App Link metadata relevant for navigation on this device |
| | | derived from the HTML at a given URL. |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Creates a FBSDKAppLink with the given list of FBSDKAppLinkTargets and target URL. |
| | | |
| | | Generally, this will only be used by implementers of the FBSDKAppLinkResolving protocol, |
| | |
| | | webURL:(nullable NSURL *)webURL |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(sourceURL:targets:webURL:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! The URL from which this FBSDKAppLink was derived */ |
| | | /** The URL from which this FBSDKAppLink was derived */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL *sourceURL; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The ordered list of targets applicable to this platform that will be used |
| | | for navigation. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<FBSDKAppLinkTarget *> *targets; |
| | | |
| | | /*! The fallback web URL to use if no targets are installed on this device. */ |
| | | /** The fallback web URL to use if no targets are installed on this device. */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSURL *webURL; |
| | | |
| | | @end |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The result of calling navigate on a FBSDKAppLinkNavigation |
| | | */ |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType) { |
| | | /*! Indicates that the navigation failed and no app was opened */ |
| | | /** Indicates that the navigation failed and no app was opened */ |
| | | FBSDKAppLinkNavigationTypeFailure, |
| | | /*! Indicates that the navigation succeeded by opening the URL in the browser */ |
| | | /** Indicates that the navigation succeeded by opening the URL in the browser */ |
| | | FBSDKAppLinkNavigationTypeBrowser, |
| | | /*! Indicates that the navigation succeeded by opening the URL in an app on the device */ |
| | | /** Indicates that the navigation succeeded by opening the URL in an app on the device */ |
| | | FBSDKAppLinkNavigationTypeApp |
| | | } NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkNavigation.Type); |
| | | |
| | |
| | | typedef void (^FBSDKAppLinkNavigationBlock)(FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType navType, NSError * _Nullable error) |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkNavigationBlock); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Represents a pending request to navigate to an App Link. Most developers will |
| | | simply use navigateToURLInBackground: to open a URL, but developers can build |
| | | custom requests with additional navigation and app data attached to them by |
| | |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The default resolver to be used for App Link resolution. If the developer has not set one explicitly, |
| | | a basic, built-in FBSDKWebViewAppLinkResolver will be used. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (class, nonatomic, strong) id<FBSDKAppLinkResolving> defaultResolver |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(default); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The extras for the AppLinkNavigation. This will generally contain application-specific |
| | | data that should be passed along with the request, such as advertiser or affiliate IDs or |
| | | other such metadata relevant on this device. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *extras; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The al_applink_data for the AppLinkNavigation. This will generally contain data common to |
| | | navigation attempts such as back-links, user agents, and other information that may be used |
| | | in routing and handling an App Link request. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *appLinkData; |
| | | |
| | | /*! The AppLink to navigate to */ |
| | | /** The AppLink to navigate to */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) FBSDKAppLink *appLink; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Return navigation type for current instance. |
| | | No-side-effect version of navigate: |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, readonly) FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType navigationType; |
| | | |
| | | /*! Creates an AppLinkNavigation with the given link, extras, and App Link data */ |
| | | /** Creates an AppLinkNavigation with the given link, extras, and App Link data */ |
| | | + (instancetype)navigationWithAppLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)appLink |
| | | extras:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)extras |
| | | appLinkData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)appLinkData |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Creates an NSDictionary with the correct format for iOS callback URLs, |
| | | to be used as 'appLinkData' argument in the call to navigationWithAppLink:extras:appLinkData: |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | url:(NSString *)url |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(callbackAppLinkData(forApp:url:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! Performs the navigation */ |
| | | /** Performs the navigation */ |
| | | - (FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType)navigate:(NSError **)error |
| | | __attribute__((swift_error(nonnull_error))); |
| | | |
| | | /*! Returns a FBSDKAppLink for the given URL */ |
| | | /** Returns a FBSDKAppLink for the given URL */ |
| | | + (void)resolveAppLink:(NSURL *)destination handler:(FBSDKAppLinkBlock)handler; |
| | | |
| | | /*! Returns a FBSDKAppLink for the given URL using the given App Link resolution strategy */ |
| | | /** Returns a FBSDKAppLink for the given URL using the given App Link resolution strategy */ |
| | | + (void)resolveAppLink:(NSURL *)destination |
| | | resolver:(id<FBSDKAppLinkResolving>)resolver |
| | | handler:(FBSDKAppLinkBlock)handler; |
| | | |
| | | /*! Navigates to a FBSDKAppLink and returns whether it opened in-app or in-browser */ |
| | | /** Navigates to a FBSDKAppLink and returns whether it opened in-app or in-browser */ |
| | | + (FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType)navigateToAppLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)link error:(NSError **)error |
| | | __attribute__((swift_error(nonnull_error))); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Returns a FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType based on a FBSDKAppLink. |
| | | It's essentially a no-side-effect version of navigateToAppLink:error:, |
| | | allowing apps to determine flow based on the link type (e.g. open an |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | + (FBSDKAppLinkNavigationType)navigationTypeForLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)link; |
| | | |
| | | /*! Navigates to a URL (an asynchronous action) and returns a FBSDKNavigationType */ |
| | | /** Navigates to a URL (an asynchronous action) and returns a FBSDKNavigationType */ |
| | | + (void)navigateToURL:(NSURL *)destination handler:(FBSDKAppLinkNavigationBlock)handler; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Navigates to a URL (an asynchronous action) using the given App Link resolution |
| | | strategy and returns a FBSDKNavigationType |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkBlock); |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Implement this protocol to provide an alternate strategy for resolving |
| | | App Links that may include pre-fetching, caching, or querying for App Link |
| | | data from an index provided by a service provider. |
| | |
| | | @class FBSDKAppLink; |
| | | @class FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Protocol that a class can implement in order to be notified when the user has navigated back |
| | | to the referer of an App Link. |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | |
| | | @optional |
| | | |
| | | /*! Called when the user has tapped to navigate, but before the navigation has been performed. */ |
| | | /** Called when the user has tapped to navigate, but before the navigation has been performed. */ |
| | | - (void)returnToRefererController:(FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController *)controller |
| | | willNavigateToAppLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)appLink |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(return(to:willNavigateTo:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! Called after the navigation has been attempted, with an indication of whether the referer |
| | | /** Called after the navigation has been attempted, with an indication of whether the referer |
| | | app link was successfully opened. */ |
| | | - (void)returnToRefererController:(FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController *)controller |
| | | didNavigateToAppLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)url |
| | |
| | | |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | A controller class that implements default behavior for a FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView, including |
| | | the ability to display the view above the navigation bar for navigation-based apps. |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkReturnToRefererController) |
| | | @interface FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController : NSObject <FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererViewDelegate> |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The delegate that will be notified when the user navigates back to the referer. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererControllerDelegate> delegate; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView this controller is controlling. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong) FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView *view; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Initializes a controller suitable for controlling a FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView that is to be displayed |
| | | contained within another UIView (i.e., not displayed above the navigation bar). |
| | | */ |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Initializes a controller suitable for controlling a FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView that is to be displayed |
| | | displayed above the navigation bar. |
| | | |
| | |
| | | - (instancetype)initForDisplayAboveNavController:(UINavigationController *)navController |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(navController:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Removes the view entirely from the navigation controller it is currently displayed in. |
| | | */ |
| | | - (void)removeFromNavController; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Shows the FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView with the specified referer information. If nil or missing data, |
| | | the view will not be displayed. */ |
| | | - (void)showViewForRefererAppLink:(FBSDKAppLink *)refererAppLink |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(showView(forReferer:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Shows the FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView with referer information extracted from the specified URL. |
| | | If nil or missing referer App Link data, the view will not be displayed. */ |
| | | - (void)showViewForRefererURL:(NSURL *)url |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(showView(forReferer:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Closes the view, possibly animating it. |
| | | */ |
| | | - (void)closeViewAnimated:(BOOL)animated; |
| | |
| | | @class FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView; |
| | | @class FBSDKURL; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Protocol that a class can implement in order to be notified when the user has navigated back |
| | | to the referer of an App Link. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkReturnToRefererViewDelegate) |
| | | @protocol FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererViewDelegate <NSObject> |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Called when the user has tapped inside the close button. |
| | | */ |
| | | - (void)returnToRefererViewDidTapInsideCloseButton:(FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView *)view |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(returnToRefererViewDidTapInsideCloseButton(_:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Called when the user has tapped inside the App Link portion of the view. |
| | | */ |
| | | - (void)returnToRefererViewDidTapInsideLink:(FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView *)view |
| | |
| | | |
| | | @end |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Provides a UIView that displays a button allowing users to navigate back to the |
| | | application that launched the App Link currently being handled, if the App Link |
| | | contained referer data. The user can also close the view by clicking a close button |
| | |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(FBAppLinkReturnToRefererView) |
| | | @interface FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView : UIView |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The delegate that will be notified when the user navigates back to the referer. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererViewDelegate> delegate; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The color of the text label and close button. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *textColor; |
| | | |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong) FBSDKAppLink *refererAppLink; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Indicates whether to extend the size of the view to include the current status bar |
| | | size, for use in scenarios where the view might extend under the status bar on iOS 7 and |
| | | above; this property has no effect on earlier versions of iOS. |
| | |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign) FBSDKIncludeStatusBarInSize includeStatusBarInSize |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(statusBarSizeInclude); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Indicates whether the user has closed the view by clicking the close button. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isClosed) BOOL closed; |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Represents a target defined in App Link metadata, consisting of at least |
| | | a URL, and optionally an App Store ID and name. |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | |
| | | /*! Creates a FBSDKAppLinkTarget with the given app site and target URL. */ |
| | | /** Creates a FBSDKAppLinkTarget with the given app site and target URL. */ |
| | | + (instancetype)appLinkTargetWithURL:(NSURL *)url |
| | | appStoreId:(nullable NSString *)appStoreId |
| | | appName:(NSString *)appName |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(url:appStoreId:appName:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! The URL prefix for this app link target */ |
| | | /** The URL prefix for this app link target */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL *URL; |
| | | |
| | | /*! The app ID for the app store */ |
| | | /** The app ID for the app store */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *appStoreId; |
| | | |
| | | /*! The name of the app */ |
| | | /** The name of the app */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *appName; |
| | | |
| | | @end |
| | |
| | | #endif |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | FBSDKError |
| | | FBSDKCoreError |
| | | Error codes for FBSDKErrorDomain. |
| | | */ |
| | | typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(FBSDKErrorDomain, FBSDKError) |
| | | typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(FBSDKErrorDomain, FBSDKCoreError) |
| | | { |
| | | /** |
| | | Reserved. |
| | |
| | | #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKDeviceViewControllerBase.h> |
| | | #endif |
| | | |
| | | #define FBSDK_VERSION_STRING @"5.0.2" |
| | | #define FBSDK_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION @"v3.3" |
| | | #define FBSDK_VERSION_STRING @"5.6.0" |
| | | #define FBSDK_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION @"v4.0" |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! The name of the notification posted by FBSDKMeasurementEvent */ |
| | | /** The name of the notification posted by FBSDKMeasurementEvent */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSNotificationName const FBSDKMeasurementEventNotification |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(MeasurementEvent); |
| | | |
| | | #else |
| | | |
| | | /*! The name of the notification posted by FBSDKMeasurementEvent */ |
| | | /** The name of the notification posted by FBSDKMeasurementEvent */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKMeasurementEventNotification |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(MeasurementEventNotification); |
| | | |
| | | #endif |
| | | |
| | | /*! Defines keys in the userInfo object for the notification named FBSDKMeasurementEventNotificationName */ |
| | | /*! The string field for the name of the event */ |
| | | /** Defines keys in the userInfo object for the notification named FBSDKMeasurementEventNotificationName */ |
| | | /** The string field for the name of the event */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKMeasurementEventNameKey |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(MeasurementEventNameKey); |
| | | /*! The dictionary field for the arguments of the event */ |
| | | /** The dictionary field for the arguments of the event */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKMeasurementEventArgsKey |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(MeasurementEventArgsKey); |
| | | |
| | | /*! Events raised by FBSDKMeasurementEvent for Applink */ |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** Events raised by FBSDKMeasurementEvent for Applink */ |
| | | /** |
| | | The name of the event posted when [FBSDKURL URLWithURL:] is called successfully. This represents the successful parsing of an app link URL. |
| | | */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKAppLinkParseEventName |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkParseEventName); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The name of the event posted when [FBSDKURL URLWithInboundURL:] is called successfully. |
| | | This represents parsing an inbound app link URL from a different application |
| | | */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKAppLinkNavigateInEventName |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkNavigateInEventName); |
| | | |
| | | /*! The event raised when the user navigates from your app to other apps */ |
| | | /** The event raised when the user navigates from your app to other apps */ |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKAppLinkNavigateOutEventName |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(AppLinkNavigateOutEventName); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The event raised when the user navigates out from your app and back to the referrer app. |
| | | e.g when the user leaves your app after tapping the back-to-referrer navigation bar |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | @property (class, nonatomic, assign, getter=isAutoInitEnabled) BOOL autoInitEnabled; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | Controls sdk crash report |
| | | If not explicitly set, the default is true |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (class, nonatomic, assign, getter=isInstrumentEnabled) BOOL instrumentEnabled |
| | | __attribute((deprecated("This attribute is no longer used, use autoLogAppEventsEnabled instead."))); |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | Controls the auto logging of basic app events, such as activateApp and deactivateApp. |
| | | If not explicitly set, the default is true |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | |
| | | @class FBSDKAppLink; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Provides a set of utilities for working with NSURLs, such as parsing of query parameters |
| | | and handling for App Link requests. |
| | | */ |
| | |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Creates a link target from a raw URL. |
| | | On success, this posts the FBSDKAppLinkParseEventName measurement event. If you are constructing the FBSDKURL within your application delegate's |
| | | application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:, you should instead use URLWithInboundURL:sourceApplication: |
| | |
| | | + (instancetype)URLWithURL:(NSURL *)url |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(url:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Creates a link target from a raw URL received from an external application. This is typically called from the app delegate's |
| | | application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: and will post the FBSDKAppLinkNavigateInEventName measurement event. |
| | | @param url The instance of `NSURL` to create FBSDKURL from. |
| | |
| | | + (instancetype)URLWithInboundURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(inboundURL:sourceApplication:)); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Gets the target URL. If the link is an App Link, this is the target of the App Link. |
| | | Otherwise, it is the url that created the target. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL *targetURL; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | Gets the query parameters for the target, parsed into an NSDictionary. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *targetQueryParameters; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | If this link target is an App Link, this is the data found in al_applink_data. |
| | | Otherwise, it is nil. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *appLinkData; |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *appLinkData; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | If this link target is an App Link, this is the data found in extras. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *appLinkExtras; |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *appLinkExtras; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The App Link indicating how to navigate back to the referer app, if any. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) FBSDKAppLink *appLinkReferer; |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) FBSDKAppLink *appLinkReferer; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The URL that was used to create this FBSDKURL. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL *inputURL; |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | /** |
| | | The query parameters of the inputURL, parsed into an NSDictionary. |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *inputQueryParameters; |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | A reference implementation for an App Link resolver that uses a hidden UIWebView |
| | | /** |
| | | A reference implementation for an App Link resolver that uses a hidden WKWebView |
| | | to parse the HTML containing App Link metadata. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(WebViewAppLinkResolver) |
| | |
| | | /** |
| | | Gets or sets the login behavior to use |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKLoginBehavior loginBehavior; |
| | | @property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKLoginBehavior loginBehavior |
| | | DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("All login flows utilize the browser. This will be removed in the next major release"); |
| | | |
| | | /*! |
| | | @abstract The permissions to request. |
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
| | |
| | | which present specialized SafariViewControllers. Falls back to plain SFSafariViewController (iOS 9 and 10) or Safari (iOS 8). |
| | | */ |
| | | FBSDKLoginBehaviorBrowser = 0, |
| | | } NS_SWIFT_NAME(LoginBehavior); |
| | | } NS_SWIFT_NAME(LoginBehavior) |
| | | DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("All login flows utilize the browser. This will be removed in the next major release"); |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | `FBSDKLoginManager` provides methods for logging the user in and out. |
| | |
| | | /** |
| | | the login behavior |
| | | */ |
| | | @property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKLoginBehavior loginBehavior; |
| | | @property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKLoginBehavior loginBehavior |
| | | DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("All login flows utilize the browser. This will be removed in the next major release"); |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | Logs the user in or authorizes additional permissions. |
| | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKSharing.h> |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareConstants.h> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | - Any other types that are not one of the four supported types listed above |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(MessageDialog) |
| | | @interface FBSDKMessageDialog : NSObject <FBSDKSharingDialog> |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | |
| | | |
| | | #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKButton.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareConstants.h> |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKSharingButton.h> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | Tapping the receiver will invoke the FBSDKShareDialog with the attached shareContent. If the dialog cannot |
| | | be shown, the button will be disable. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(FBSendButton) |
| | | @interface FBSDKSendButton : FBSDKButton <FBSDKSharingButton> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | #define DEPRECATED_FOR_MESSENGER DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Sharing to Messenger via the SDK is unsupported. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/changelog/#20190610. Sharing should be performed by the native share sheet.") |
| | | #endif |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | FBSDKShareDialogModeBrowser, |
| | | /** |
| | | @Displays the dialog in a UIWebView within the app. |
| | | @Displays the dialog in a WKWebView within the app. |
| | | */ |
| | | FBSDKShareDialogModeWeb, |
| | | /** |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | FBSDKShareDialogModeFeedBrowser, |
| | | /** |
| | | @Displays the feed dialog in a UIWebView within the app. |
| | | @Displays the feed dialog in a WKWebView within the app. |
| | | */ |
| | | FBSDKShareDialogModeFeedWeb, |
| | | } NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareDialog.Mode); |
| | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCopying.h> |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareConstants.h> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | A base interface for Messenger share action buttons. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerActionButton) |
| | | @protocol FBSDKShareMessengerActionButton <FBSDKCopying, NSSecureCoding> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| | | |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKSharingContent.h> |
| | | #import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareConstants.h> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | @class FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateElement; |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateImageAspectRatio) { |
| | | FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateImageAspectRatioHorizontal = 0, |
| | | FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateImageAspectRatioSquare |
| | |
| | | See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/generic |
| | | for more details. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerGenericTemplateContent) |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateContent : NSObject <FBSDKSharingContent> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/generic for more details. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerGenericTemplateElement) |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateElement : NSObject <FBSDKCopying, NSSecureCoding> |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateMediaType) { |
| | | FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateMediaTypeImage = 0, |
| | | FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateMediaTypeVideo |
| | |
| | | https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/media for details. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerMediaTemplateContent) |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateContent : NSObject <FBSDKSharingContent> |
| | | |
| | | - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; |
| | |
| | | See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/open-graph |
| | | for details. Passing <FBSDKSharingContent> property pageID is required for this type of share. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerOpenGraphMusicTemplateContent) |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareMessengerOpenGraphMusicTemplateContent : NSObject <FBSDKSharingContent> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | /** |
| | | A model for a Messenger share URL action button. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareMessengerURLActionButton) |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareMessengerURLActionButton : NSObject <FBSDKShareMessengerActionButton> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | A model for Open Graph content to be shared. |
| | | */ |
| | | NS_SWIFT_NAME(ShareOpenGraphContent) |
| | | DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Open Graph no longer available; use FBSDKShareLinkContent instead.") |
| | | @interface FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent : NSObject <FBSDKSharingContent> |
| | | |
| | | /** |