New file |
| | |
| | | # |
| | | # Be sure to run `pod spec lint WAWechatImpl_CN.podspec' to ensure this is a |
| | | # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. |
| | | # |
| | | # To learn more about Podspec attributes see |
| | | # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see |
| | | # |
| | | |
| | | do |s| |
| | | |
| | | = 'WAWechatImpl_CN' |
| | | s.version = '1.1.0' |
| | | s.summary = 'WASDK ' |
| | | s.license = 'MIT' |
| | | = { "Hank" => "" } |
| | | s.homepage = '' |
| | | s.source = { :git => "" , :tag => s.version} |
| | | s.platform = :ios |
| | | s.ios.deployment_target = "7.0" |
| | | s.vendored_frameworks = 'frameworks/WAWechatImpl.framework' |
| | | s.resources = ['config/*.xml'] |
| | | s.frameworks = 'SystemConfiguration','Security','CoreTelephony','CFNetwork' |
| | | s.libraries = 'sqlite3','z','c++' |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkIntf_CN', '~> 1.1.0' # |
| | | s.dependency 'WASdkImpl_CN', '~> 1.1.0' |
| | | s.requires_arc = true |
| | | end |
New file |
| | |
| | | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| | | <config> |
| | | <version val="WECHAT1.1.0"/> |
| | | <comps> |
| | | <!-- 公共模块 --> |
| | | <comp module="CORE" plaf="WECHAT" mandatory="YES" value="WAWechatCore" desc="公共模块"/> |
| | | <!-- 用户模块 --> |
| | | <comp module="USR" plaf="WECHAT" mandatory="YES" value="WAWechatUser" desc="微信用户账户"/> |
| | | </comps> |
| | | <ops> |
| | | <op type="copy" category="res" isFile="NO" from="frameworks" to="wasdk/ap/frameworks" /> |
| | | <op type="ref" category="res" isFile="NO" from="System/Library/Frameworks/StoreKit.framework"/> |
| | | </ops> |
| | | </config> |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // WAWechatCore.h |
| | | // WAWechatImplUI |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by hank on 2016/11/23. |
| | | // Copyright © 2016年 hank. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <WASdkIntf/WASdkIntf.h> |
| | | |
| | | @class WACoreProxy; |
| | | @class WAWechatCore; |
| | | |
| | | #define WechatLog(fmt,...) {\ |
| | | if([WACoreProxy isDebugMode]){\ |
| | | NSLog((@"WASDK LOG [(version %@) %s ]:" fmt), [WAWechatCore getVersion],__FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__);\ |
| | | [WACoreProxy addLogWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:(@"(version %@) %s ]:" fmt),[WAWechatCore getVersion],__FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__]];\ |
| | | }\ |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @interface WAWechatCore : WACore |
| | | |
| | | +(NSString*)getVersion; |
| | | |
| | | @end |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // WAWechatImpl.h |
| | | // WAWechatImpl |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by hank on 2016/11/23. |
| | | // Copyright © 2016年 hank. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> |
| | | |
| | | //! Project version number for WAWechatImpl. |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT double WAWechatImplVersionNumber; |
| | | |
| | | //! Project version string for WAWechatImpl. |
| | | FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char WAWechatImplVersionString[]; |
| | | |
| | | // In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <WAWechatImpl/PublicHeader.h> |
| | | |
| | | |
New file |
| | |
| | | // |
| | | // WAWechatUser.h |
| | | // WAWechatImplUI |
| | | // |
| | | // Created by hank on 2016/11/23. |
| | | // Copyright © 2016年 hank. All rights reserved. |
| | | // |
| | | |
| | | #import <WASdkIntf/WASdkIntf.h> |
| | | #import <WACommon/WACommon.h> |
| | | |
| | | @interface WAWechatUser : WAIUser |
| | | |
| | | @end |
New file |
| | |
| | | framework module WAWechatImpl { |
| | | umbrella header "WAWechatImpl.h" |
| | | |
| | | export * |
| | | module * { export * } |
| | | } |
New file |
| | |
| | | 重要! |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.7.4 |
| | | 1. 更新支持iOS启用 ATS(App Transport Security) |
| | | 2. 需要在工程中链接CFNetwork.framework |
| | | 3. 在工程配置中的”Other Linker Flags”中加入”-Objc -all_load” |
| | | 4. 此版本使用Xcode8编译 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.7.3 |
| | | 1. 增强稳定性,适配iOS10 |
| | | 2. 修复小于32K的jpg格式缩略图设置失败的问题 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.7.2 |
| | | 1. 修复因CTTeleponyNetworkInfo引起的崩溃问题 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.7.1 |
| | | 1. 支持兼容ipv6(提升稳定性) |
| | | 2. xCode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014) 编译 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.7 |
| | | 1. 支持兼容ipv6 |
| | | 2. 修复若干问题增强稳定性 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.6.3 |
| | | 1. xCode7.2 构建的sdk包。 |
| | | 2. 请使用xCode7.2进行编译。 |
| | | 3. 需要在Build Phases中Link Security.framework |
| | | 4. 修复若干小问题。 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.6.2 |
| | | 1、xCode7.1 构建的sdk包 |
| | | 2、请使用xCode7.1进行编译 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.6.1 |
| | | 1、修复armv7s下,bitcode可能编译不过 |
| | | 2、解决warning |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.6 |
| | | 1、iOS 9系统策略更新,限制了http协议的访问,此外应用需要在“Info.plist”中将要使用的URL Schemes列为白名单,才可正常检查其他应用是否安装。 |
| | | 受此影响,当你的应用在iOS 9中需要使用微信SDK的相关能力(分享、收藏、支付、登录等)时,需要在“Info.plist”里增加如下代码: |
| | | <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> |
| | | <array> |
| | | <string>weixin</string> |
| | | </array> |
| | | <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> |
| | | <dict> |
| | | <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> |
| | | <true/> |
| | | </dict> |
| | | 2、开发者需要在工程中链接上 CoreTelephony.framework |
| | | 3、解决bitcode编译不过问题 |
| | | |
| | | SDK1.5 |
| | | 1、废弃safeSendReq:接口,使用sendReq:即可。 |
| | | 2、新增+(BOOL) sendAuthReq:(SendAuthReq*) req viewController : (UIViewController*) viewController delegate:(id<WXApiDelegate>) delegate; |
| | | 支持未安装微信情况下Auth,具体见WXApi.h接口描述 |
| | | 3、微信开放平台新增了微信模块用户统计功能,便于开发者统计微信功能模块的用户使用和活跃情况。开发者需要在工程中链接上:SystemConfiguration.framework,libz.dylib,libsqlite3.0.dylib。 |