From 777854b9a4c65a884a7ac65e6dd710c0f7f05b10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hank <>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 16:29:21 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [Update] WAFbImpl (3.6.2)

 frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKTooltipView.h |   99 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKTooltipView.h b/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKTooltipView.h
index aff1067..604c840 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKTooltipView.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKTooltipView.h
@@ -18,122 +18,117 @@
 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- @typedef FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirection enum
+ FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirection enum
- @abstract
- Passed on construction to determine arrow orientation.
+  Passed on construction to determine arrow orientation.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirection)
-  /*! View is located above given point, arrow is pointing down. */
+  /** View is located above given point, arrow is pointing down. */
   FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirectionDown = 0,
-  /*! View is located below given point, arrow is pointing up. */
+  /** View is located below given point, arrow is pointing up. */
   FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirectionUp = 1,
- @typedef FBSDKTooltipColorStyle enum
+ FBSDKTooltipColorStyle enum
- @abstract
- Passed on construction to determine color styling.
+  Passed on construction to determine color styling.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKTooltipColorStyle)
-  /*! Light blue background, white text, faded blue close button. */
+  /** Light blue background, white text, faded blue close button. */
   FBSDKTooltipColorStyleFriendlyBlue = 0,
-  /*! Dark gray background, white text, light gray close button. */
+  /** Dark gray background, white text, light gray close button. */
   FBSDKTooltipColorStyleNeutralGray = 1,
- @class FBSDKTooltipView
- @abstract
- Tooltip bubble with text in it used to display tips for UI elements,
+  Tooltip bubble with text in it used to display tips for UI elements,
  with a pointed arrow (to refer to the UI element).
- @discussion
  The tooltip fades in and will automatically fade out. See `displayDuration`.
 @interface FBSDKTooltipView : UIView
- @abstract Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds the tooltip should be displayed.
- @discussion Set this to zero to make the display permanent until explicitly dismissed.
+  Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds the tooltip should be displayed.
+ Set this to zero to make the display permanent until explicitly dismissed.
  Defaults to six seconds.
 @property (nonatomic, assign) CFTimeInterval displayDuration;
- @abstract Gets or sets the color style after initialization.
- @discussion Defaults to value passed to -initWithTagline:message:colorStyle:.
+  Gets or sets the color style after initialization.
+ Defaults to value passed to -initWithTagline:message:colorStyle:.
 @property (nonatomic, assign) FBSDKTooltipColorStyle colorStyle;
- @abstract Gets or sets the message.
+  Gets or sets the message.
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *message;
- @abstract Gets or sets the optional phrase that comprises the first part of the label (and is highlighted differently).
+  Gets or sets the optional phrase that comprises the first part of the label (and is highlighted differently).
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *tagline;
- @abstract
- Designated initializer.
+  Designated initializer.
- @param tagline First part of the label, that will be highlighted with different color. Can be nil.
+ - Parameter tagline: First part of the label, that will be highlighted with different color. Can be nil.
- @param message Main message to display.
+ - Parameter message: Main message to display.
- @param colorStyle Color style to use for tooltip.
+ - Parameter colorStyle: Color style to use for tooltip.
- @discussion
  If you need to show a tooltip for login, consider using the `FBSDKLoginTooltipView` view.
- @see FBSDKLoginTooltipView
+- See:FBSDKLoginTooltipView
 - (instancetype)initWithTagline:(NSString *)tagline message:(NSString *)message colorStyle:(FBSDKTooltipColorStyle)colorStyle;
- @abstract
- Show tooltip at the top or at the bottom of given view.
+  Show tooltip at the top or at the bottom of given view.
  Tooltip will be added to anchorView.window.rootViewController.view
- @param anchorView view to show at, must be already added to window view hierarchy, in order to decide
+ - Parameter anchorView: view to show at, must be already added to window view hierarchy, in order to decide
  where tooltip will be shown. (If there's not enough space at the top of the anchorView in window bounds -
  tooltip will be shown at the bottom of it)
- @discussion
  Use this method to present the tooltip with automatic positioning or
  use -presentInView:withArrowPosition:direction: for manual positioning
  If anchorView is nil or has no window - this method does nothing.
 - (void)presentFromView:(UIView *)anchorView;
- @abstract
- Adds tooltip to given view, with given position and arrow direction.
+  Adds tooltip to given view, with given position and arrow direction.
- @param view View to be used as superview.
+ - Parameter view: View to be used as superview.
- @param arrowPosition Point in view's cordinates, where arrow will be pointing
+ - Parameter arrowPosition: Point in view's cordinates, where arrow will be pointing
- @param arrowDirection whenever arrow should be pointing up (message bubble is below the arrow) or
+ - Parameter arrowDirection: whenever arrow should be pointing up (message bubble is below the arrow) or
  down (message bubble is above the arrow).
 - (void)presentInView:(UIView *)view withArrowPosition:(CGPoint)arrowPosition direction:(FBSDKTooltipViewArrowDirection)arrowDirection;
- @abstract
- Remove tooltip manually.
+  Remove tooltip manually.
- @discussion
  Calling this method isn't necessary - tooltip will dismiss itself automatically after the `displayDuration`.
 - (void)dismiss;

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