From b19a78b27247f5f0761c35b5b3e8a41876eabb05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lpw <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 17:18:32 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] no message

 frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKLoginManager.h |  176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKLoginManager.h b/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKLoginManager.h
index 78a7b06..e6b5aaf 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKLoginManager.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKLoginManager.h
@@ -16,10 +16,50 @@
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#import "FBSDKLoginConfiguration.h"
+// This is an unfortunate hack for Swift Package Manager support.
+// SPM does not allow us to conditionally exclude Swift files for compilation by platform.
+// So to support tvOS with SPM we need to use runtime availability checks in the Swift files.
+// This means that even though the code in `LoginManager.swift` will never be run for tvOS
+// targets, it still needs to be able to compile. Hence we need to declare it here.
+// The way to fix this is to remove extensions of ObjC types in Swift.
+@class LoginManagerLoginResult;
+@class FBSDKLoginConfiguration;
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, LoginBehavior) { LoginBehaviorBrowser };
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, DefaultAudience) { DefaultAudienceFriends };
+typedef void (^LoginManagerLoginResultBlock)(LoginManagerLoginResult *_Nullable result,
+                                             NSError *_Nullable error);
+@interface LoginManager : NSObject
+@property (assign, nonatomic) LoginBehavior loginBehavior;
+@property (assign, nonatomic) DefaultAudience defaultAudience;
+- (void)logInWithPermissions:(NSArray<NSString *> *)permissions
+              fromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)fromViewController
+                         handler:(nullable LoginManagerLoginResultBlock)handler
+- (void)logInFromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)viewController
+                  configuration:(FBSDKLoginConfiguration *)configuration
+                     completion:(LoginManagerLoginResultBlock)completion
 @class FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult;
@@ -45,9 +85,7 @@
  FBSDKDefaultAudience enum
-  Passed to open to indicate which default audience to use for sessions that post data to Facebook.
+  Passed to openURL to indicate which default audience to use for sessions that post data to Facebook.
  Certain operations such as publishing a status or publishing a photo require an audience. When the user
  grants an application permission to perform a publish operation, a default audience is selected as the
@@ -65,43 +103,17 @@
 } NS_SWIFT_NAME(DefaultAudience);
- FBSDKLoginBehavior enum
-  Passed to the \c FBSDKLoginManager to indicate how Facebook Login should be attempted.
- Facebook Login authorizes the application to act on behalf of the user, using the user's
- Facebook account. Usually a Facebook Login will rely on an account maintained outside of
- the application, by the native Facebook application, the browser, or perhaps the device
- itself. This avoids the need for a user to enter their username and password directly, and
- provides the most secure and lowest friction way for a user to authorize the application to
- interact with Facebook.
- The \c FBSDKLoginBehavior enum specifies which log-in methods may be used. The SDK
-  will determine the best behavior based on the current device (such as iOS version).
- */
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKLoginBehavior)
-  /**
-    This is the default behavior, and indicates logging in via ASWebAuthenticationSession (iOS 12+) or SFAuthenticationSession (iOS 11),
-    which present specialized SafariViewControllers. Falls back to plain SFSafariViewController (iOS 9 and 10) or Safari (iOS 8).
-   */
-  FBSDKLoginBehaviorBrowser = 0,
-} NS_SWIFT_NAME(LoginBehavior)
-DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("All login flows utilize the browser. This will be removed in the next major release");
   `FBSDKLoginManager` provides methods for logging the user in and out.
- `FBSDKLoginManager` works directly with `[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]` and
-  sets the "currentAccessToken" upon successful authorizations (or sets `nil` in case of `logOut`).
+ `FBSDKLoginManager` serves to help manage sessions represented by tokens for authentication,
+ `AuthenticationToken`, and data access, `AccessToken`.
- You should check `[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]` before calling logIn* to see if there is
- a cached token available (typically in your viewDidLoad).
+ You should check if the type of token you expect is present as a singleton instance, either `AccessToken.current`
+ or `AuthenticationToken.current` before calling any of the login methods to see if there is a cached token
+ available. A standard place to do this is in `viewDidLoad`.
- If you are managing your own token instances outside of "currentAccessToken", you will need to set
- "currentAccessToken" before calling logIn* to authorize further permissions on your tokens.
+ @warning If you are managing your own token instances outside of `AccessToken.current`, you will need to set
+ `AccessToken.current` before calling any of the login methods to authorize further permissions on your tokens.
 @interface FBSDKLoginManager : NSObject
@@ -118,13 +130,8 @@
 @property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKDefaultAudience defaultAudience;
-  the login behavior
- */
-@property (assign, nonatomic) FBSDKLoginBehavior loginBehavior
-DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("All login flows utilize the browser. This will be removed in the next major release");
  Logs the user in or authorizes additional permissions.
  @param permissions the optional array of permissions. Note this is converted to NSSet and is only
  an NSArray for the convenience of literal syntax.
  @param fromViewController the view controller to present from. If nil, the topmost view controller will be
@@ -132,30 +139,73 @@
  @param handler the callback.
  Use this method when asking for read permissions. You should only ask for permissions when they
- are needed and explain the value to the user. You can inspect the result.declinedPermissions to also
- provide more information to the user if they decline permissions.
+ are needed and explain the value to the user. You can inspect the `FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock`'s
+ `result.declinedPermissions` to provide more information to the user if they decline permissions.
+ You typically should check if `AccessToken.current` already contains the permissions you need before
+ asking to reduce unnecessary login attempts. For example, you could perform that check in `viewDidLoad`.
- This method will present UI the user. You typically should check if `[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]`
- already contains the permissions you need before asking to reduce unnecessary app switching. For example,
- you could make that check at viewDidLoad.
- You can only do one login call at a time. Calling a login method before the completion handler is called
- on a previous login will return an error.
+ @warning You can only perform one login call at a time. Calling a login method before the completion handler is called
+ on a previous login attempt will result in an error.
+ @warning This method will present a UI to the user and thus should be called on the main thread.
 - (void)logInWithPermissions:(NSArray<NSString *> *)permissions
-              fromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)fromViewController
-                         handler:(nullable FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock)handler
+          fromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)fromViewController
+                     handler:(nullable FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock)handler
-  Requests user's permission to reathorize application's data access, after it has expired due to inactivity.
- @param fromViewController the view controller to present from. If nil, the topmost view controller will be
- automatically determined as best as possible.
+ Logs the user in or authorizes additional permissions.
+ @param viewController the view controller from which to present the login UI. If nil, the topmost view
+ controller will be automatically determined and used.
+ @param configuration the login configuration to use.
+ @param completion the login completion handler.
+ Use this method when asking for permissions. You should only ask for permissions when they
+ are needed and the value should be explained to the user. You can inspect the
+ `FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock`'s `result.declinedPermissions` to provide more information
+ to the user if they decline permissions.
+ To reduce unnecessary login attempts, you should typically check if `AccessToken.current`
+ already contains the permissions you need. If it does, you probably do not need to call this method.
+ @warning You can only perform one login call at a time. Calling a login method before the completion handler is called
+ on a previous login attempt will result in an error.
+ @warning This method will present a UI to the user and thus should be called on the main thread.
+ */
+- (void)logInFromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)viewController
+                  configuration:(FBSDKLoginConfiguration *)configuration
+                     completion:(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock)completion
+ Logs the user in with the given deep link url. Will only log user in if the given url contains valid login data.
+ @param url the deep link url
  @param handler the callback.
- Use this method when you need to reathorize your app's access to user data via Graph API, after such an access has expired.
- You should provide as much context to the user as possible as to why you need to reauthorize the access, the scope of
- access being reathorized, and what added value your app provides when the access is reathorized.
- You can inspect the result.declinedPermissions to also provide more information to the user if they decline permissions.
- This method will present UI the user. You typically should call this if `[FBSDKAccessToken isDataAccessExpired]` returns true.
+This method will present a UI to the user and thus should be called on the main thread.
+This method should be called with the url from the openURL method.
+ @warning This method will present a UI to the user and thus should be called on the main thread.
+ */
+- (void)logInWithURL:(NSURL *)url
+             handler:(nullable FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResultBlock)handler
+ Requests user's permission to reathorize application's data access, after it has expired due to inactivity.
+ @param fromViewController the view controller from which to present the login UI. If nil, the topmost view
+ controller will be automatically determined and used.
+ @param handler the callback.
+Use this method when you need to reathorize your app's access to user data via the Graph API.
+You should only call this after access has expired.
+You should provide as much context to the user as possible as to why you need to reauthorize the access, the
+scope of access being reathorized, and what added value your app provides when the access is reathorized.
+You can inspect the `result.declinedPermissions` to determine if you should provide more information to the
+user based on any declined permissions.
+ @warning This method will reauthorize using a `LoginConfiguration` with `FBSDKLoginTracking` set to `.enabled`.
+ @warning This method will present UI the user. You typically should call this if `AccessToken.isDataAccessExpired` is true.
 - (void)reauthorizeDataAccess:(UIViewController *)fromViewController
@@ -164,10 +214,14 @@
   Logs the user out
- This calls [FBSDKAccessToken setCurrentAccessToken:nil] and [FBSDKProfile setCurrentProfile:nil].
+ This nils out the singleton instances of `AccessToken` `AuthenticationToken` and `Profle`.
+ @note This is only a client side logout. It will not log the user out of their Facebook account.
 - (void)logOut;

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