From e0ec4235cc7b8d05ec1aaa414ec2d2cac798d74e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lpw
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2023 09:18:20 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 3.15.0

 frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppEvents.h |  465 ++++-----------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppEvents.h b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppEvents.h
index fcd2846..1a3372c 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppEvents.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppEvents.h
@@ -14,28 +14,31 @@
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventName.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventParameterName.h>
-#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventUserDataType.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventsConfiguring.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehavior.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKAppEventUserDataType.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKApplicationActivating.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKApplicationLifecycleObserving.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKApplicationStateSetting.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKEventLogging.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKGraphRequest.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKProductAvailability.h>
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKProductCondition.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKSourceApplicationTracking.h>
+#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKUserIDProviding.h>
 @class FBSDKAccessToken;
-/**  optional plist key ("FacebookLoggingOverrideAppID") for setting `loggingOverrideAppID` */
+/// Optional plist key ("FacebookLoggingOverrideAppID") for setting `loggingOverrideAppID`
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKAppEventsOverrideAppIDBundleKey
-  Client-side event logging for specialized application analytics available through Facebook App Insights
+ Client-side event logging for specialized application analytics available through Facebook App Insights
  and for use with Facebook Ads conversion tracking and optimization.
  The `FBSDKAppEvents` static class has a few related roles:
@@ -76,53 +79,25 @@
  + Event names and parameter names (the keys in the NSDictionary) must be between 2 and 40 characters, and
  must consist of alphanumeric characters, _, -, or spaces.
  + The length of each parameter value can be no more than on the order of 100 characters.
-@interface FBSDKAppEvents : NSObject
+@interface FBSDKAppEvents : NSObject <
+  FBSDKEventLogging,
+  FBSDKAppEventsConfiguring,
+  FBSDKApplicationActivating,
+  FBSDKApplicationLifecycleObserving,
+  FBSDKApplicationStateSetting,
+  FBSDKSourceApplicationTracking,
+  FBSDKUserIDProviding
 - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
 + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- The shared instance of AppEvents.
- */
+/// The shared instance of AppEvents.
 @property (class, nonatomic, readonly, strong) FBSDKAppEvents *shared;
- * Control over event batching/flushing
- */
-/// The current event flushing behavior specifying when events are sent back to Facebook servers.
-@property (class, nonatomic) FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehavior flushBehavior
-  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.flushBehavior` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.flushBehavior` instead");
- Set the 'override' App ID for App Event logging.
- In some cases, apps want to use one Facebook App ID for login and social presence and another
- for App Event logging.  (An example is if multiple apps from the same company share an app ID for login, but
- want distinct logging.)  By default, this value is `nil`, and defers to the `FBSDKAppEventsOverrideAppIDBundleKey`
- plist value.  If that's not set, it defaults to `Settings.shared.appID`.
- This should be set before any other calls are made to `AppEvents`.  Thus, you should set it in your application
- delegate's `application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)` method.
- */
-@property (class, nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *loggingOverrideAppID
-  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.loggingOverrideAppID` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.loggingOverrideAppID` instead");
- The custom user ID to associate with all app events.
- The userID is persisted until it is cleared by passing `nil`.
- */
-@property (class, nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *userID
-  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.userID` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.userID` instead");
-/// Returns generated anonymous id that persisted with current install of the app
-@property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSString *anonymousID
-  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.anonymousID` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.anonymousID` instead");
+/// Control over event batching/flushing
 /// The current event flushing behavior specifying when events are sent back to Facebook servers.
 @property (nonatomic) FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehavior flushBehavior;
@@ -160,29 +135,7 @@
  @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name length
  are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.
-+ (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logEvent(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:)` instead");
- Log an event with just an event name.
- @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name length
- are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.
- */
 - (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName;
- Log an event with an event name and a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name.
- @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name length
- are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Common event names are provided in `AppEvents.Name` constants.
- @param valueToSum  Amount to be aggregated into all events of this event name, and App Insights will report
- the cumulative and average value of this amount.
- */
-+ (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-      valueToSum:(double)valueToSum
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:)` instead");
  Log an event with an event name and a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name.
@@ -208,44 +161,8 @@
  parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
  are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
-+ (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-      parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logEvent(_:parameters:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:parameters:)` instead");
- Log an event with an event name and a set of key/value pairs in the parameters dictionary.
- Parameter limitations are described above.
- @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name construction
- are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Common event names are provided in `AppEvents.Name` constants.
- @param parameters  Arbitrary parameter dictionary of characteristics. The keys to this dictionary must
- be `NSString`s, and the values are expected to be `NSString` or `NSNumber`.  Limitations on the number of
- parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
- are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
- */
 - (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
       parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters;
- Log an event with an event name, a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name,
- and a set of key/value pairs in the parameters dictionary.
- @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name construction
- are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Common event names are provided in `AppEvents.Name` constants.
- @param valueToSum  Amount to be aggregated into all events of this event name, and App Insights will report
- the cumulative and average value of this amount.
- @param parameters  Arbitrary parameter dictionary of characteristics. The keys to this dictionary must
- be `NSString`s, and the values are expected to be `NSString` or `NSNumber`.  Limitations on the number of
- parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
- are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
- */
-+ (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-      valueToSum:(double)valueToSum
-      parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:)` instead");
  Log an event with an event name, a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name,
@@ -265,30 +182,6 @@
 - (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
       parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters;
- Log an event with an event name, a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name,
- and a set of key/value pairs in the parameters dictionary.
- @param eventName   The name of the event to record.  Limitations on number of events and name construction
- are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Common event names are provided in `AppEvents.Name` constants.
- @param valueToSum  Amount to be aggregated into all events of this eventName, and App Insights will report
- the cumulative and average value of this amount.  Note that this is an `NSNumber`, and a value of `nil` denotes
- that this event doesn't have a value associated with it for summation.
- @param parameters  Arbitrary parameter dictionary of characteristics. The keys to this dictionary must
- be `NSString`s, and the values are expected to be `NSString` or `NSNumber`.  Limitations on the number of
- parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
- are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
- @param accessToken  The optional access token to log the event as.
- */
-+ (void)logEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-      valueToSum:(nullable NSNumber *)valueToSum
-      parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
-     accessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:accessToken:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:accessToken:)` instead");
  Log an event with an event name, a numeric value to be aggregated with other events of this name,
@@ -329,22 +222,6 @@
  This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
  to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
-+ (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount
-           currency:(NSString *)currency
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:)` instead");
- Log a purchase of the specified amount, in the specified currency.
- @param purchaseAmount    Purchase amount to be logged, as expressed in the specified currency.  This value
- will be rounded to the thousandths place (e.g., 12.34567 becomes 12.346).
- @param currency          Currency string (e.g., "USD", "EUR", "GBP"); see ISO-4217 for
- specific values.  One reference for these is <>.
- This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
- to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
- */
 - (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount currency:(NSString *)currency
@@ -368,33 +245,10 @@
  This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
  to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
-+ (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount
-           currency:(NSString *)currency
-         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:parameters:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:parameters:)` instead");
- Log a purchase of the specified amount, in the specified currency, also providing a set of
- additional characteristics describing the purchase.
- @param purchaseAmount  Purchase amount to be logged, as expressed in the specified currency.This value
- will be rounded to the thousandths place (e.g., 12.34567 becomes 12.346).
- @param currency          Currency string (e.g., "USD", "EUR", "GBP"); see ISO-4217 for
- specific values.  One reference for these is <>.
- @param parameters      Arbitrary parameter dictionary of characteristics. The keys to this dictionary must
- be `NSString`s, and the values are expected to be `NSString` or `NSNumber`.  Limitations on the number of
- parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
- are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
- This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
- to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
- */
 - (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount
            currency:(NSString *)currency
-         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
+         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
@@ -418,36 +272,10 @@
  This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
  to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
-+ (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount
-           currency:(NSString *)currency
-         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
-        accessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:parameters:accessToken:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:parameters:accessToken:)` instead");
- Log a purchase of the specified amount, in the specified currency, also providing a set of
- additional characteristics describing the purchase.
- @param purchaseAmount  Purchase amount to be logged, as expressed in the specified currency.This value
- will be rounded to the thousandths place (e.g., 12.34567 becomes 12.346).
- @param currency          Currency string (e.g., "USD", "EUR", "GBP"); see ISO-4217 for
- specific values.  One reference for these is <>.
- @param parameters      Arbitrary parameter dictionary of characteristics. The keys to this dictionary must
- be `NSString`s, and the values are expected to be `NSString` or `NSNumber`.  Limitations on the number of
- parameters and name construction are given in the `AppEvents` documentation.  Commonly used parameter names
- are provided in `AppEvents.ParameterName` constants.
- @param accessToken  The optional access token to log the event as.
- This event immediately triggers a flush of the `AppEvents` event queue, unless the `flushBehavior` is set
- to `FBSDKAppEventsFlushBehaviorExplicitOnly`.
- */
 - (void)logPurchase:(double)purchaseAmount
            currency:(NSString *)currency
-         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
+         parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
         accessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken
@@ -455,14 +283,6 @@
  * Push Notifications Logging
- Log an app event that tracks that the application was open via Push Notification.
- @param payload Notification payload received via `UIApplicationDelegate`.
- */
-+ (void)logPushNotificationOpen:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)payload
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logPushNotificationOpen(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logPushNotificationOpen(payload:)` instead");
  Log an app event that tracks that the application was open via Push Notification.
@@ -480,61 +300,10 @@
  @param payload Notification payload received via `UIApplicationDelegate`.
  @param action  Name of the action that was taken.
-+ (void)logPushNotificationOpen:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)payload action:(NSString *)action
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logPushNotificationOpen(_:action:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logPushNotificationOpen(payload:action:)` instead");
- Log an app event that tracks that a custom action was taken from a push notification.
- @param payload Notification payload received via `UIApplicationDelegate`.
- @param action  Name of the action that was taken.
- */
 - (void)logPushNotificationOpen:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)payload action:(NSString *)action
- Uploads product catalog product item as an app event
- @param itemID            Unique ID for the item. Can be a variant for a product.
-                          Max size is 100.
- @param availability      If item is in stock. Accepted values are:
-                          in stock - Item ships immediately
-                          out of stock - No plan to restock
-                          preorder - Available in future
-                          available for order - Ships in 1-2 weeks
-                          discontinued - Discontinued
- @param condition         Product condition: new, refurbished or used.
- @param description       Short text describing product. Max size is 5000.
- @param imageLink         Link to item image used in ad.
- @param link              Link to merchant's site where someone can buy the item.
- @param title             Title of item.
- @param priceAmount       Amount of purchase, in the currency specified by the 'currency'
-                          parameter. This value will be rounded to the thousandths place
-                          (e.g., 12.34567 becomes 12.346).
- @param currency          Currency string (e.g., "USD", "EUR", "GBP"); see ISO-4217 for
-                          specific values.  One reference for these is <>.
- @param gtin              Global Trade Item Number including UPC, EAN, JAN and ISBN
- @param mpn               Unique manufacture ID for product
- @param brand             Name of the brand
-                          Note: Either gtin, mpn or brand is required.
- @param parameters        Optional fields for deep link specification.
- */
-+ (void)logProductItem:(NSString *)itemID
-          availability:(FBSDKProductAvailability)availability
-             condition:(FBSDKProductCondition)condition
-           description:(NSString *)description
-             imageLink:(NSString *)imageLink
-                  link:(NSString *)link
-                 title:(NSString *)title
-           priceAmount:(double)priceAmount
-              currency:(NSString *)currency
-                  gtin:(nullable NSString *)gtin
-                   mpn:(nullable NSString *)mpn
-                 brand:(nullable NSString *)brand
-            parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.logProductItem(_:availability:condition:description:imageLink:link:title:priceAmount:currency:gtin:mpn:brand:parameters:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.logProductItem(id:availability:condition:description:imageLink:link:title:priceAmount:currency:gtin:mpn:brand:parameters:)` instead");
  Uploads product catalog product item as an app event
@@ -581,8 +350,7 @@
-  Notifies the events system that the app has launched and, when appropriate, logs an "activated app" event.
+ Notifies the events system that the app has launched and, when appropriate, logs an "activated app" event.
  This function is called automatically from FBSDKApplicationDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive, unless
  one overrides 'FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled' key to false in the project info plist file.
  In case 'FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled' is set to false, then it should typically be placed in the
@@ -590,8 +358,6 @@
  This method also takes care of logging the event indicating the first time this app has been launched, which, among other things, is used to
  track user acquisition and app install ads conversions.
  `activateApp` will not log an event on every app launch, since launches happen every time the app is backgrounded and then foregrounded.
  "activated app" events will be logged when the app has not been active for more than 60 seconds.  This method also causes a "deactivated app"
@@ -613,31 +379,7 @@
  @param deviceToken Device token data.
-+ (void)setPushNotificationsDeviceToken:(nullable NSData *)deviceToken
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:)` instead");
- Sets and sends device token to register the current application for push notifications.
- Sets and sends a device token from the `Data` representation that you get from
- `UIApplicationDelegate.application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:)`.
- @param deviceToken Device token data.
- */
 - (void)setPushNotificationsDeviceToken:(nullable NSData *)deviceToken;
- Sets and sends device token string to register the current application for push notifications.
- Sets and sends a device token string
- @param deviceTokenString Device token string.
- */
-+ (void)setPushNotificationsDeviceTokenString:(nullable NSString *)deviceTokenString
-DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:)` instead");
  Sets and sends device token string to register the current application for push notifications.
@@ -650,13 +392,6 @@
 - (void)setPushNotificationsDeviceTokenString:(nullable NSString *)deviceTokenString
- Explicitly kick off flushing of events to Facebook.  This is an asynchronous method, but it does initiate an immediate
- kick off.  Server failures will be reported through the NotificationCenter with notification ID `FBSDKAppEventsLoggingResultNotification`.
- */
-+ (void)flush
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.flush()` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.flush()` instead");
  Explicitly kick off flushing of events to Facebook.  This is an asynchronous method, but it does initiate an immediate
@@ -685,79 +420,16 @@
  @param accessToken The access token to use to establish the user's identity for users logged into Facebook through this app.
  If `nil`, then `AccessToken.current` is used.
-+ (nullable FBSDKGraphRequest *)requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyIDWithAccessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyID(with:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyID(accessToken:)` instead");
- Creates a request representing the Graph API call to retrieve a Custom Audience "third party ID" for the app's Facebook user.
- Callers will send this ID back to their own servers, collect up a set to create a Facebook Custom Audience with,
- and then use the resultant Custom Audience to target ads.
- The JSON in the request's response will include a "custom_audience_third_party_id" key/value pair with the value being the ID retrieved.
- This ID is an encrypted encoding of the Facebook user's ID and the invoking Facebook app ID.
- Multiple calls with the same user will return different IDs, thus these IDs cannot be used to correlate behavior
- across devices or applications, and are only meaningful when sent back to Facebook for creating Custom Audiences.
- The ID retrieved represents the Facebook user identified in the following way: if the specified access token is valid,
- the ID will represent the user associated with that token; otherwise the ID will represent the user logged into the
- native Facebook app on the device.  If there is no native Facebook app, no one is logged into it, or the user has opted out
- at the iOS level from ad tracking, then a `nil` ID will be returned.
- This method returns `nil` if either the user has opted-out (via iOS) from Ad Tracking, the app itself has limited event usage
- via the `Settings.shared.isEventDataUsageLimited` flag, or a specific Facebook user cannot be identified.
- @param accessToken The access token to use to establish the user's identity for users logged into Facebook through this app.
- If `nil`, then `AccessToken.current` is used.
- */
 - (nullable FBSDKGraphRequest *)requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyIDWithAccessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken
- Clears the custom user ID to associate with all app events.
- */
-+ (void)clearUserID
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.clearUserID` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release, please set `AppEvents.shared.userID` to `nil` instead");
+ Sets custom user data to associate with all app events. All user data are hashed
+ and used to match Facebook user from this instance of an application.
-  Sets custom user data to associate with all app events. All user data are hashed
-  and used to match Facebook user from this instance of an application.
-  The user data will be persisted between application instances.
- @param email user's email
- @param firstName user's first name
- @param lastName user's last name
- @param phone user's phone
- @param dateOfBirth user's date of birth
- @param gender user's gender
- @param city user's city
- @param state user's state
- @param zip user's zip
- @param country user's country
- */
-+ (void)setUserEmail:(nullable NSString *)email
-           firstName:(nullable NSString *)firstName
-            lastName:(nullable NSString *)lastName
-               phone:(nullable NSString *)phone
-         dateOfBirth:(nullable NSString *)dateOfBirth
-              gender:(nullable NSString *)gender
-                city:(nullable NSString *)city
-               state:(nullable NSString *)state
-                 zip:(nullable NSString *)zip
-             country:(nullable NSString *)country
-DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Class methods for setting user information are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use the instance method versions instead.");
-  Sets custom user data to associate with all app events. All user data are hashed
-  and used to match Facebook user from this instance of an application.
-  The user data will be persisted between application instances.
+ The user data will be persisted between application instances.
  @param email user's email
  @param firstName user's first name
@@ -785,40 +457,11 @@
-  Returns the set user data else nil
-+ (nullable NSString *)getUserData
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Class methods for getting user information are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use the instance method versions instead.");
-  Returns the set user data else nil
+/// Returns the set user data else nil
 - (nullable NSString *)getUserData;
-  Clears the current user data
-+ (void)clearUserData
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Class methods for setting user information are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use the instance method versions instead.");
-  Clears the current user data
+/// Clears the current user data
 - (void)clearUserData;
- Sets custom user data to associate with all app events. All user data are hashed
- and used to match Facebook user from this instance of an application.
- The user data will be persisted between application instances.
- @param data  data
- @param type  data type, e.g. FBSDKAppEventEmail, FBSDKAppEventPhone
- */
-+ (void)setUserData:(nullable NSString *)data
-            forType:(FBSDKAppEventUserDataType)type
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Class methods for setting user information are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use the instance method versions instead.");
  Sets custom user data to associate with all app events. All user data are hashed
@@ -832,30 +475,10 @@
 - (void)setUserData:(nullable NSString *)data
- Clears the current user data of certain type
- */
-+ (void)clearUserDataForType:(FBSDKAppEventUserDataType)type
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Class methods for setting user information are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use the instance method versions instead.");
- Clears the current user data of certain type
- */
+/// Clears the current user data of certain type
 - (void)clearUserDataForType:(FBSDKAppEventUserDataType)type;
- Intended to be used as part of a hybrid webapp.
- If you call this method, the FB SDK will inject a new JavaScript object into your webview.
- If the FB Pixel is used within the webview, and references the app ID of this app,
- then it will detect the presence of this injected JavaScript object
- and pass Pixel events back to the FB SDK for logging using the AppEvents framework.
- @param webView The webview to augment with the additional JavaScript behavior
- */
-+ (void)augmentHybridWKWebView:(WKWebView *)webView
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.augmentHybridWKWebView(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.augmentHybridWebView(_:)` instead");
  Intended to be used as part of a hybrid webapp.
  If you call this method, the FB SDK will inject a new JavaScript object into your webview.
@@ -875,29 +498,11 @@
  Set whether Unity is already initialized.
- @param isUnityInit   Whether Unity is initialized.
- */
-+ (void)setIsUnityInit:(BOOL)isUnityInit
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.setIsUnityInit(_:)` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.setIsUnityInitialized(_:)` instead");
- Set whether Unity is already initialized.
  @param isUnityInitialized   Whether Unity is initialized.
 - (void)setIsUnityInitialized:(BOOL)isUnityInitialized;
- Send event bindings to Unity
- */
-+ (void)sendEventBindingsToUnity
-    DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("`AppEvents.sendEventBindingsToUnity()` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; please use `AppEvents.shared.sendEventBindingsToUnity()` instead");
- Send event bindings to Unity
- */
+/// Send event bindings to Unity
 - (void)sendEventBindingsToUnity;
@@ -912,7 +517,7 @@
  @warning INTERNAL - DO NOT USE
 - (void)logInternalEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-              parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
+              parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
@@ -922,9 +527,11 @@
  @warning INTERNAL - DO NOT USE
 - (void)logInternalEvent:(FBSDKAppEventName)eventName
-              parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters
+              parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<FBSDKAppEventParameterName, id> *)parameters
-             accessToken:(FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken;
+             accessToken:(nullable FBSDKAccessToken *)accessToken;
+- (void)flushForReason:(FBSDKAppEventsFlushReason)flushReason;

Gitblit v1.8.0