From ec5b6e760e3efa65f568bf79798d224559472c90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hank <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:07:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [Update] WAFbImpl (3.6.9)

 frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKConstants.h |  163 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKConstants.h b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKConstants.h
index 5f53161..98cfd73 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKConstants.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKConstants.h
@@ -20,102 +20,113 @@
 #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKMacros.h>
- @abstract The error domain for all errors from FBSDKCoreKit.
- @discussion Error codes from the SDK in the range 0-99 are reserved for this domain.
+  The error domain for all errors from FBSDKCoreKit.
+ Error codes from the SDK in the range 0-99 are reserved for this domain.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorDomain;
- @typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FBSDKErrorCode)
- @abstract Error codes for FBSDKErrorDomain.
+ NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FBSDKErrorCode)
+  Error codes for FBSDKErrorDomain.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FBSDKErrorCode)
-  /*!
-   @abstract Reserved.
+  /**
+    Reserved.
   FBSDKReservedErrorCode = 0,
-  /*!
-   @abstract The error code for errors from invalid encryption on incoming encryption URLs.
+  /**
+    The error code for errors from invalid encryption on incoming encryption URLs.
-  /*!
-   @abstract The error code for errors from invalid arguments to SDK methods.
+  /**
+    The error code for errors from invalid arguments to SDK methods.
-  /*!
-   @abstract The error code for unknown errors.
+  /**
+    The error code for unknown errors.
-  /*!
-   @abstract A request failed due to a network error. Use NSUnderlyingErrorKey to retrieve
+  /**
+    A request failed due to a network error. Use NSUnderlyingErrorKey to retrieve
    the error object from the NSURLConnection for more information.
-  /*!
-   @abstract The error code for errors encounted during an App Events flush.
+  /**
+    The error code for errors encountered during an App Events flush.
-  /*!
-   @abstract An endpoint that returns a binary response was used with FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.
-   @discussion Endpoints that return image/jpg, etc. should be accessed using NSURLRequest
+  /**
+    An endpoint that returns a binary response was used with FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.
+ Endpoints that return image/jpg, etc. should be accessed using NSURLRequest
-  /*!
-   @abstract The operation failed because the server returned an unexpected response.
-   @discussion You can get this error if you are not using the most recent SDK, or you are accessing a version of the
+  /**
+    The operation failed because the server returned an unexpected response.
+ You can get this error if you are not using the most recent SDK, or you are accessing a version of the
    Graph API incompatible with the current SDK.
-  /*!
-   @abstract The Graph API returned an error.
-   @discussion See below for useful userInfo keys (beginning with FBSDKGraphRequestError*)
+  /**
+    The Graph API returned an error.
+ See below for useful userInfo keys (beginning with FBSDKGraphRequestError*)
-  /*!
-   @abstract The specified dialog configuration is not available.
-   @discussion This error may signify that the configuration for the dialogs has not yet been downloaded from the server
+  /**
+    The specified dialog configuration is not available.
+ This error may signify that the configuration for the dialogs has not yet been downloaded from the server
    or that the dialog is unavailable.  Subsequent attempts to use the dialog may succeed as the configuration is loaded.
-  /*!
-   @abstract Indicates an operation failed because a required access token was not found.
+  /**
+    Indicates an operation failed because a required access token was not found.
-  /*!
-   @abstract Indicates an app switch (typically for a dialog) failed because the destination app is out of date.
+  /**
+    Indicates an app switch (typically for a dialog) failed because the destination app is out of date.
-  /*!
-   @abstract Indicates an app switch to the browser (typically for a dialog) failed.
+  /**
+    Indicates an app switch to the browser (typically for a dialog) failed.
-  FBSDKBrowswerUnavailableErrorCode,
+  FBSDKBrowserUnavailableErrorCode,
+  /**
+- Warning:use FBSDKBrowserUnavailableErrorCode instead
+   */
+  FBSDKBrowswerUnavailableErrorCode __attribute__ ((deprecated("use FBSDKBrowserUnavailableErrorCode instead"))) = FBSDKBrowserUnavailableErrorCode,
- @typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategory)
- @abstract Describes the category of Facebook error. See `FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryKey`.
+ NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategory)
+  Describes the category of Facebook error. See `FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryKey`.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategory)
-  /*! The default error category that is not known to be recoverable. Check `FBSDKLocalizedErrorDescriptionKey` for a user facing message. */
+  /** The default error category that is not known to be recoverable. Check `FBSDKLocalizedErrorDescriptionKey` for a user facing message. */
   FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryOther = 0,
-  /*! Indicates the error is temporary (such as server throttling). While a recoveryAttempter will be provided with the error instance, the attempt is guaranteed to succeed so you can simply retry the operation if you do not want to present an alert.  */
+  /** Indicates the error is temporary (such as server throttling). While a recoveryAttempter will be provided with the error instance, the attempt is guaranteed to succeed so you can simply retry the operation if you do not want to present an alert.  */
   FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryTransient = 1,
-  /*! Indicates the error can be recovered (such as requiring a login). A recoveryAttempter will be provided with the error instance that can take UI action. */
+  /** Indicates the error can be recovered (such as requiring a login). A recoveryAttempter will be provided with the error instance that can take UI action. */
   FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryRecoverable = 2
@@ -123,36 +134,38 @@
  @methodgroup error userInfo keys
- @abstract The userInfo key for the invalid collection for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
- @discussion If the invalid argument is a collection, the collection can be found with this key and the individual
+  The userInfo key for the invalid collection for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
+ If the invalid argument is a collection, the collection can be found with this key and the individual
  invalid item can be found with FBSDKErrorArgumentValueKey.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorArgumentCollectionKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the invalid argument name for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
+  The userInfo key for the invalid argument name for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorArgumentNameKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the invalid argument value for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
+ The userInfo key for the invalid argument value for errors with FBSDKInvalidArgumentErrorCode.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorArgumentValueKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the message for developers in NSErrors that originate from the SDK.
- @discussion The developer message will not be localized and is not intended to be presented within the app.
+  The userInfo key for the message for developers in NSErrors that originate from the SDK.
+ The developer message will not be localized and is not intended to be presented within the app.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorDeveloperMessageKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key describing a localized description that can be presented to the user.
+  The userInfo key describing a localized description that can be presented to the user.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key describing a localized title that can be presented to the user, used with `FBSDKLocalizedErrorDescriptionKey`.
+  The userInfo key describing a localized title that can be presented to the user, used with `FBSDKLocalizedErrorDescriptionKey`.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKErrorLocalizedTitleKey;
@@ -160,45 +173,47 @@
  @methodgroup FBSDKGraphRequest error userInfo keys
- @abstract The userInfo key describing the error category, for error recovery purposes.
- @discussion See `FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor` and `[FBSDKGraphRequest disableErrorRecovery]`.
+  The userInfo key describing the error category, for error recovery purposes.
+ See `FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor` and `[FBSDKGraphRequest disableErrorRecovery]`.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKGraphRequestErrorCategoryKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the Graph API error code.
+  The userInfo key for the Graph API error code.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKGraphRequestErrorGraphErrorCode;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the Graph API error subcode.
+  The userInfo key for the Graph API error subcode.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKGraphRequestErrorGraphErrorSubcode;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the HTTP status code.
+  The userInfo key for the HTTP status code.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKGraphRequestErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey;
- @abstract The userInfo key for the raw JSON response.
+  The userInfo key for the raw JSON response.
 FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKGraphRequestErrorParsedJSONResponseKey;
- @abstract a formal protocol very similar to the informal protocol NSErrorRecoveryAttempting
+  a formal protocol very similar to the informal protocol NSErrorRecoveryAttempting
 @protocol FBSDKErrorRecoveryAttempting<NSObject>
- @abstract attempt the recovery
- @param error the error
- @param recoveryOptionIndex the selected option index
- @param delegate the delegate
- @param didRecoverSelector the callback selector, see discussion.
- @param contextInfo context info to pass back to callback selector, see discussion.
- @discussion
+  attempt the recovery
+ - Parameter error: the error
+ - Parameter recoveryOptionIndex: the selected option index
+ - Parameter delegate: the delegate
+ - Parameter didRecoverSelector: the callback selector, see discussion.
+ - Parameter contextInfo: context info to pass back to callback selector, see discussion.
  Given that an error alert has been presented document-modally to the user, and the user has chosen one of the error's recovery options, attempt recovery from the error, and send the selected message to the specified delegate. The option index is an index into the error's array of localized recovery options. The method selected by didRecoverSelector must have the same signature as:
  - (void)didPresentErrorWithRecovery:(BOOL)didRecover contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;

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