From f082c62bb40cad3ee93abd5432777ac0905eb374 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lipengwei <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 11:16:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 3.8.3

 frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppLinkResolver.h |   74 ++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppLinkResolver.h b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppLinkResolver.h
index 8e65e5b..85127fd 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppLinkResolver.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKAppLinkResolver.h
@@ -18,65 +18,49 @@
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@class BFTask;
+#import "FBSDKAppLinkResolving.h"
-// Check if Bolts.framework is available for import
-#if __has_include(<Bolts/BFAppLinkResolving.h>)
-// Import it if it's available
-# import <Bolts/BFAppLinkResolving.h>
-// Otherwise - redeclare BFAppLinkResolving protocol to resolve the problem of missing symbols
-// Please note: Bolts.framework is still required for AppLink resolving to work,
-// but this allows FBSDKCoreKit to weakly link Bolts.framework as well as this enables clang modulemaps to work.
- Implement this protocol to provide an alternate strategy for resolving
- App Links that may include pre-fetching, caching, or querying for App Link
- data from an index provided by a service provider.
+ Describes the callback for appLinkFromURLInBackground.
+ @param appLinks the FBSDKAppLinks representing the deferred App Links
+ @param error the error during the request, if any
-@protocol BFAppLinkResolving <NSObject>
+typedef void (^FBSDKAppLinksBlock)(NSDictionary<NSURL *, FBSDKAppLink *> * appLinks,
+                                                 NSError * _Nullable error)
- Asynchronously resolves App Link data for a given URL.
- @param url The URL to resolve into an App Link.
- @returns A BFTask that will return a BFAppLink for the given URL.
- */
-- (BFTask *)appLinkFromURLInBackground:(NSURL *)url;
- @class FBSDKAppLinkResolver
- @abstract
- Provides an implementation of the BFAppLinkResolving protocol that uses the Facebook App Link
+ Provides an implementation of the FBSDKAppLinkResolving protocol that uses the Facebook App Link
  Index API to resolve App Links given a URL. It also provides an additional helper method that can resolve
  multiple App Links in a single call.
- @discussion
- Usage of this type requires a client token. See `[FBSDKSettings setClientToken:]` and linking
- Bolts.framework
+ Usage of this type requires a client token. See `[FBSDKSettings setClientToken:]`
-@interface FBSDKAppLinkResolver : NSObject<BFAppLinkResolving>
- @abstract Asynchronously resolves App Link data for multiple URLs.
+@interface FBSDKAppLinkResolver : NSObject<FBSDKAppLinkResolving>
- @param urls An array of NSURLs to resolve into App Links.
- @returns A BFTask that will return dictionary mapping input NSURLs to their
-  corresponding BFAppLink.
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- @discussion
- You should set the client token before making this call. See `[FBSDKSettings setClientToken:]`
+ Asynchronously resolves App Link data for a given array of URLs.
+ @param urls The URLs to resolve into an App Link.
+ @param handler The completion block that will return an App Link for the given URL.
-- (BFTask *)appLinksFromURLsInBackground:(NSArray *)urls;
+- (void)appLinksFromURLs:(NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls handler:(FBSDKAppLinksBlock)handler
+NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS("Not available in app extension");
- @abstract Allocates and initializes a new instance of FBSDKAppLinkResolver.
+  Allocates and initializes a new instance of FBSDKAppLinkResolver.
-+ (instancetype)resolver;
++ (instancetype)resolver

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