From f082c62bb40cad3ee93abd5432777ac0905eb374 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lipengwei <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 11:16:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 3.8.3

 frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h |  219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h
index 79ffb3f..6dc8057 100644
--- a/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h
+++ b/frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKGraphRequestConnection.h
@@ -18,53 +18,64 @@
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKMacros.h>
+ The key in the result dictionary for requests to old versions of the Graph API
+ whose response is not a JSON object.
+ When a request returns a non-JSON response (such as a "true" literal), that response
+ will be wrapped into a dictionary using this const as the key. This only applies for very few Graph API
+ prior to v2.1.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKNonJSONResponseProperty
 @class FBSDKGraphRequest;
 @class FBSDKGraphRequestConnection;
- @typedef FBSDKGraphRequestHandler
+ FBSDKGraphRequestBlock
- @abstract
- A block that is passed to addRequest to register for a callback with the results of that
+  A block that is passed to addRequest to register for a callback with the results of that
  request once the connection completes.
- @discussion
  Pass a block of this type when calling addRequest.  This will be called once
  the request completes.  The call occurs on the UI thread.
- @param connection      The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` that sent the request.
+ @param connection The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` that sent the request.
- @param result          The result of the request.  This is a translation of
+ @param result The result of the request.  This is a translation of
  JSON data to `NSDictionary` and `NSArray` objects.  This
  is nil if there was an error.
- @param error           The `NSError` representing any error that occurred.
+ @param error The `NSError` representing any error that occurred.
-typedef void (^FBSDKGraphRequestHandler)(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
-                                         id result,
-                                         NSError *error);
+typedef void (^FBSDKGraphRequestBlock)(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *_Nullable connection,
+                                       id _Nullable result,
+                                       NSError *_Nullable error)
- @abstract
- The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate` protocol defines the methods used to receive network
+  The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate` protocol defines the methods used to receive network
  activity progress information from a <FBSDKGraphRequestConnection>.
 @protocol FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate <NSObject>
- @abstract
- Tells the delegate the request connection will begin loading
+  Tells the delegate the request connection will begin loading
- @discussion
  If the <FBSDKGraphRequestConnection> is created using one of the convenience factory methods prefixed with
  start, the object returned from the convenience method has already begun loading and this method
  will not be called when the delegate is set.
@@ -73,16 +84,16 @@
 - (void)requestConnectionWillBeginLoading:(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *)connection;
- @abstract
- Tells the delegate the request connection finished loading
+  Tells the delegate the request connection finished loading
- @discussion
- If the request connection completes without a network error occuring then this method is called.
+ If the request connection completes without a network error occurring then this method is called.
  Invocation of this method does not indicate success of every <FBSDKGraphRequest> made, only that the
- request connection has no further activity. Use the error argument passed to the FBSDKGraphRequestHandler
+ request connection has no further activity. Use the error argument passed to the FBSDKGraphRequestBlock
  block to determine success or failure of each <FBSDKGraphRequest>.
  This method is invoked after the completion handler for each <FBSDKGraphRequest>.
@@ -91,16 +102,16 @@
 - (void)requestConnectionDidFinishLoading:(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *)connection;
- @abstract
- Tells the delegate the request connection failed with an error
+  Tells the delegate the request connection failed with an error
- @discussion
  If the request connection fails with a network error then this method is called. The `error`
  argument specifies why the network connection failed. The `NSError` object passed to the
- FBSDKGraphRequestHandler block may contain additional information.
+ FBSDKGraphRequestBlock block may contain additional information.
  @param connection    The request connection that successfully completed a network request
  @param error         The `NSError` representing the network error that occurred, if any. May be nil
@@ -110,16 +121,16 @@
 - (void)requestConnection:(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *)connection
          didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;
- @abstract
- Tells the delegate how much data has been sent and is planned to send to the remote host
+  Tells the delegate how much data has been sent and is planned to send to the remote host
- @discussion
  The byte count arguments refer to the aggregated <FBSDKGraphRequest> objects, not a particular <FBSDKGraphRequest>.
- Like `NSURLConnection`, the values may change in unexpected ways if data needs to be resent.
+ Like `NSURLSession`, the values may change in unexpected ways if data needs to be resent.
  @param connection                The request connection transmitting data to a remote host
  @param bytesWritten              The number of bytes sent in the last transmission
@@ -133,138 +144,132 @@
- @class FBSDKGraphRequestConnection
- @abstract
- The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` represents a single connection to Facebook to service a request.
+  The `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` represents a single connection to Facebook to service a request.
- @discussion
  The request settings are encapsulated in a reusable <FBSDKGraphRequest> object. The
  `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` object encapsulates the concerns of a single communication
  e.g. starting a connection, canceling a connection, or batching requests.
 @interface FBSDKGraphRequestConnection : NSObject
- @abstract
- The delegate object that receives updates.
+ The default timeout on all FBSDKGraphRequestConnection instances. Defaults to 60 seconds.
-@property (nonatomic, assign) id<FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate> delegate;
+@property (class, nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval defaultConnectionTimeout;
- @abstract Gets or sets the timeout interval to wait for a response before giving up.
+  The delegate object that receives updates.
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval timeout;
+@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate> delegate;
- @abstract
- The raw response that was returned from the server.  (readonly)
+  Gets or sets the timeout interval to wait for a response before giving up.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval timeout;
- @discussion
+  The raw response that was returned from the server.  (readonly)
  This property can be used to inspect HTTP headers that were returned from
  the server.
  The property is nil until the request completes.  If there was a response
- then this property will be non-nil during the FBSDKGraphRequestHandler callback.
+ then this property will be non-nil during the FBSDKGraphRequestBlock callback.
-@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSHTTPURLResponse *URLResponse;
+@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse;
+ Determines the operation queue that is used to call methods on the connection's delegate.
+ By default, a connection is scheduled on the current thread in the default mode when it is created.
+ You cannot reschedule a connection after it has started.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, retain) NSOperationQueue *delegateQueue;
  @methodgroup Class methods
- @method
- @abstract
- This method sets the default timeout on all FBSDKGraphRequestConnection instances. Defaults to 60 seconds.
- @param defaultConnectionTimeout     The timeout interval.
- */
-+ (void)setDefaultConnectionTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)defaultConnectionTimeout;
  @methodgroup Adding requests
- @abstract
- This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
+  This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
  @param request       A request to be included in the round-trip when start is called.
  @param handler       A handler to call back when the round-trip completes or times out.
- @discussion
  The completion handler is retained until the block is called upon the
  completion or cancellation of the connection.
 - (void)addRequest:(FBSDKGraphRequest *)request
- completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestHandler)handler;
+ completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestBlock)handler;
- @abstract
- This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
+  This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
  @param request         A request to be included in the round-trip when start is called.
  @param handler         A handler to call back when the round-trip completes or times out.
  The handler will be invoked on the main thread.
- @param name            An optional name for this request.  This can be used to feed
+ @param name            A name for this request.  This can be used to feed
  the results of one request to the input of another <FBSDKGraphRequest> in the same
  `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` as described in
  [Graph API Batch Requests]( ).
- @discussion
  The completion handler is retained until the block is called upon the
  completion or cancellation of the connection. This request can be named
  to allow for using the request's response in a subsequent request.
 - (void)addRequest:(FBSDKGraphRequest *)request
- completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestHandler)handler
-    batchEntryName:(NSString *)name;
+    batchEntryName:(NSString *)name
+ completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestBlock)handler;
- @abstract
- This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
+  This method adds an <FBSDKGraphRequest> object to this connection.
  @param request         A request to be included in the round-trip when start is called.
  @param handler         A handler to call back when the round-trip completes or times out.
- @param batchParameters The optional dictionary of parameters to include for this request
+ @param batchParameters The dictionary of parameters to include for this request
  as described in [Graph API Batch Requests]( ).
  Examples include "depends_on", "name", or "omit_response_on_success".
- @discussion
  The completion handler is retained until the block is called upon the
  completion or cancellation of the connection. This request can be named
  to allow for using the request's response in a subsequent request.
 - (void)addRequest:(FBSDKGraphRequest *)request
- completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestHandler)handler
-   batchParameters:(NSDictionary *)batchParameters;
+   batchParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)batchParameters
+ completionHandler:(FBSDKGraphRequestBlock)handler;
  @methodgroup Instance methods
- @abstract
- Signals that a connection should be logically terminated as the
+  Signals that a connection should be logically terminated as the
  application is no longer interested in a response.
- @discussion
  Synchronously calls any handlers indicating the request was cancelled. Cancel
  does not guarantee that the request-related processing will cease. It
  does promise that  all handlers will complete before the cancel returns. A call to
@@ -273,53 +278,33 @@
 - (void)cancel;
- @abstract
- This method starts a connection with the server and is capable of handling all of the
+  This method starts a connection with the server and is capable of handling all of the
  requests that were added to the connection.
- @discussion By default, a connection is scheduled on the current thread in the default mode when it is created.
+ By default, a connection is scheduled on the current thread in the default mode when it is created.
  See `setDelegateQueue:` for other options.
  This method cannot be called twice for an `FBSDKGraphRequestConnection` instance.
 - (void)start;
- @abstract Determines the operation queue that is used to call methods on the connection's delegate.
- @param queue The operation queue to use when calling delegate methods.
- @discussion By default, a connection is scheduled on the current thread in the default mode when it is created.
- You cannot reschedule a connection after it has started.
- This is very similar to `[NSURLConnection setDelegateQueue:]`.
- */
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue;
- @abstract
- Overrides the default version for a batch request
+  Overrides the default version for a batch request
- @discussion
  The SDK automatically prepends a version part, such as "v2.0" to API paths in order to simplify API versioning
  for applications. If you want to override the version part while using batch requests on the connection, call
  this method to set the version for the batch request.
  @param version   This is a string in the form @"v2.0" which will be used for the version part of an API path
-- (void)overrideVersionPartWith:(NSString *)version;
+- (void)overrideGraphAPIVersion:(NSString *)version;
- @abstract The key in the result dictionary for requests to old versions of the Graph API
- whose response is not a JSON object.
- @discussion When a request returns a non-JSON response (such as a "true" literal), that response
- will be wrapped into a dictionary using this const as the key. This only applies for very few Graph API
- prior to v2.1.
- */
-FBSDK_EXTERN NSString *const FBSDKNonJSONResponseProperty;

Gitblit v1.8.0