/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #if !TARGET_OS_TV #import @class FBSDKLocation; @class FBSDKProfile; @class FBSDKUserAgeRange; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** Notification indicating that the `currentProfile` has changed. the userInfo dictionary of the notification will contain keys `FBSDKProfileChangeOldKey` and `FBSDKProfileChangeNewKey`. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSNotificationName const FBSDKProfileDidChangeNotification NS_SWIFT_NAME(ProfileDidChange); /* key in notification's userInfo object for getting the old profile. If there was no old profile, the key will not be present. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKProfileChangeOldKey NS_SWIFT_NAME(ProfileChangeOldKey); /* key in notification's userInfo object for getting the new profile. If there is no new profile, the key will not be present. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FBSDKProfileChangeNewKey NS_SWIFT_NAME(ProfileChangeNewKey); /** Describes the callback for loadCurrentProfileWithCompletion. @param profile the FBSDKProfile @param error the error during the request, if any */ typedef void (^ FBSDKProfileBlock)(FBSDKProfile *_Nullable profile, NSError *_Nullable error) NS_SWIFT_NAME(ProfileBlock); /** Represents the unique identifier for an end user */ typedef NSString FBSDKUserIdentifier NS_SWIFT_NAME(UserIdentifier); /** Represents an immutable Facebook profile This class provides a global "currentProfile" instance to more easily add social context to your application. When the profile changes, a notification is posted so that you can update relevant parts of your UI and is persisted to NSUserDefaults. Typically, you will want to call `enableUpdatesOnAccessTokenChange:YES` so that it automatically observes changes to the `[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]`. You can use this class to build your own `FBSDKProfilePictureView` or in place of typical requests to "/me". */ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Profile) @interface FBSDKProfile : NSObject - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; /** initializes a new instance. @param userID the user ID @param firstName the user's first name @param middleName the user's middle name @param lastName the user's last name @param name the user's complete name @param linkURL the link for this profile @param refreshDate the optional date this profile was fetched. Defaults to [NSDate date]. */ - (instancetype)initWithUserID:(FBSDKUserIdentifier *)userID firstName:(nullable NSString *)firstName middleName:(nullable NSString *)middleName lastName:(nullable NSString *)lastName name:(nullable NSString *)name linkURL:(nullable NSURL *)linkURL refreshDate:(nullable NSDate *)refreshDate; /** @param userID the user ID @param firstName the user's first name @param middleName the user's middle name @param lastName the user's last name @param name the user's complete name @param linkURL the link for this profile @param refreshDate the optional date this profile was fetched. Defaults to [NSDate date]. @param imageURL an optional URL to use for fetching a user's profile image @param email the user's email @param friendIDs a list of identifiers for the user's friends @param birthday the user's birthday @param ageRange the user's age range @param hometown the user's hometown @param location the user's location @param gender the user's gender @param isLimited indicates if the information provided is incomplete in some way. When true, `loadCurrentProfileWithCompletion:` will assume the profile is incomplete and disregard any cached profile. Defaults to false. */ - (instancetype)initWithUserID:(FBSDKUserIdentifier *)userID firstName:(nullable NSString *)firstName middleName:(nullable NSString *)middleName lastName:(nullable NSString *)lastName name:(nullable NSString *)name linkURL:(nullable NSURL *)linkURL refreshDate:(nullable NSDate *)refreshDate imageURL:(nullable NSURL *)imageURL email:(nullable NSString *)email friendIDs:(nullable NSArray *)friendIDs birthday:(nullable NSDate *)birthday ageRange:(nullable FBSDKUserAgeRange *)ageRange hometown:(nullable FBSDKLocation *)hometown location:(nullable FBSDKLocation *)location gender:(nullable NSString *)gender isLimited:(BOOL)isLimited; /** initializes a new instance. @param userID the user ID @param firstName the user's first name @param middleName the user's middle name @param lastName the user's last name @param name the user's complete name @param linkURL the link for this profile @param refreshDate the optional date this profile was fetched. Defaults to [NSDate date]. @param imageURL an optional URL to use for fetching a user's profile image @param email the user's email @param friendIDs a list of identifiers for the user's friends @param birthday the user's birthday @param ageRange the user's age range @param hometown the user's hometown @param location the user's location @param gender the user's gender */ - (instancetype)initWithUserID:(FBSDKUserIdentifier *)userID firstName:(nullable NSString *)firstName middleName:(nullable NSString *)middleName lastName:(nullable NSString *)lastName name:(nullable NSString *)name linkURL:(nullable NSURL *)linkURL refreshDate:(nullable NSDate *)refreshDate imageURL:(nullable NSURL *)imageURL email:(nullable NSString *)email friendIDs:(nullable NSArray *)friendIDs birthday:(nullable NSDate *)birthday ageRange:(nullable FBSDKUserAgeRange *)ageRange hometown:(nullable FBSDKLocation *)hometown location:(nullable FBSDKLocation *)location gender:(nullable NSString *)gender NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** The current profile instance and posts the appropriate notification if the profile parameter is different than the receiver. This persists the profile to NSUserDefaults. */ /// The current profile @property (class, nullable, nonatomic, strong) FBSDKProfile *currentProfile NS_SWIFT_NAME(current); /** The user id */ @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) FBSDKUserIdentifier *userID; /** The user's first name */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *firstName; /** The user's middle name */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *middleName; /** The user's last name */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *lastName; /** The user's complete name */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *name; /** A URL to the user's profile. IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_link' permission Consider using `FBSDKAppLinkResolver` to resolve this to an app link to link directly to the user's profile in the Facebook app. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *linkURL; /** The last time the profile data was fetched. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *refreshDate; /** A URL to use for fetching a user's profile image. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *imageURL; /** The user's email. IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'email' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *email; /** A list of identifiers of the user's friends. IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_friends' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray *friendIDs; /** The user's birthday. IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_birthday' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDate *birthday; /** The user's age range IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_age_range' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) FBSDKUserAgeRange *ageRange; /** The user's hometown IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_hometown' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) FBSDKLocation *hometown; /** The user's location IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_location' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) FBSDKLocation *location; /** The user's gender IMPORTANT: This field will only be populated if your user has granted your application the 'user_gender' permission. */ @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *gender; /** Indicates if `currentProfile` will automatically observe `FBSDKAccessTokenDidChangeNotification` notifications @param enable YES is observing If observing, this class will issue a graph request for public profile data when the current token's userID differs from the current profile. You can observe `FBSDKProfileDidChangeNotification` for when the profile is updated. Note that if `[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]` is unset, the `currentProfile` instance remains. It's also possible for `currentProfile` to return nil until the data is fetched. */ // UNCRUSTIFY_FORMAT_OFF + (void)enableUpdatesOnAccessTokenChange:(BOOL)enable NS_SWIFT_NAME(enableUpdatesOnAccessTokenChange(_:)); // UNCRUSTIFY_FORMAT_ON /** Loads the current profile and passes it to the completion block. @param completion The block to be executed once the profile is loaded If the profile is already loaded, this method will call the completion block synchronously, otherwise it will begin a graph request to update `currentProfile` and then call the completion block when finished. */ + (void)loadCurrentProfileWithCompletion:(nullable FBSDKProfileBlock)completion; /** A convenience method for returning a complete `NSURL` for retrieving the user's profile image. @param mode The picture mode @param size The height and width. This will be rounded to integer precision. */ // UNCRUSTIFY_FORMAT_OFF - (nullable NSURL *)imageURLForPictureMode:(FBSDKProfilePictureMode)mode size:(CGSize)size NS_SWIFT_NAME(imageURL(forMode:size:)); // UNCRUSTIFY_FORMAT_ON /** Returns YES if the profile is equivalent to the receiver. @param profile the profile to compare to. */ - (BOOL)isEqualToProfile:(FBSDKProfile *)profile; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #endif