// // TWTRSession.h // // Copyright (c) 2015 Twitter. All rights reserved. // #import #import #import @class TWTRSession; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** * Completion block called when user login succeeds or fails. * * @param session Contains the OAuth tokens and minimal information associated with the logged in user or nil. * @param error Error that will be non nil if the authentication request failed. */ typedef void (^TWTRLogInCompletion)(TWTRSession *_Nullable session, NSError *_Nullable error); /** * TWTRSession represents a user's session authenticated with the Twitter API. */ @interface TWTRSession : NSObject /** * The authorization token. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *authToken; /** * The authorization token secret. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *authTokenSecret; /** * The username associated with the access token. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *userName; /** * The user ID associated with the access token. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *userID; /** * Returns an `TWTRSession` object initialized by copying the values from the dictionary or nil if the dictionary is missing. * * @param sessionDictionary (required) The dictionary received after successfull authentication from Twitter OAuth. */ - (instancetype)initWithSessionDictionary:(NSDictionary *)sessionDictionary; /** * Returns a `TWTRSession` object initialized by copying the values * from the dictionary returned from a Mobile SSO redirect URL. * * @param authDictionary (required) The dictionary received after successful * authentication from Twitter Mobile SSO. */ - (instancetype)initWithSSOResponse:(NSDictionary *)authDictionary; /** * Returns an `TWTRSession` object initialized by copying the given tokens and user info. * * @param authToken (required) The authorization token for the session * @param authTokenSecret (required) The authorization token secret for the session * @param userName (required) The username for the user associated with the session. * @param userID (required) The unique ID for the user associated with the session. * * @return A `TWTRSession` object initialized with the provided parameters. */ - (instancetype)initWithAuthToken:(NSString *)authToken authTokenSecret:(NSString *)authTokenSecret userName:(NSString *)userName userID:(NSString *)userID NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** * Unavailable. Use -initWithSessionDictionary: instead. */ - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END